
When you look at a syringe, what you see is the glass and steel. What you don't see is the attention to detail, the commitment to quality, and the pri...
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What makes a great syringe W h e n you look at a syringe, what you see is the glass and steel. W h a t you don't see is the attention to detail, the commitment to quality, and the pride of craftsmanship. T h o s e are the attributes of a syringe that become apparent as you use it, and come to rely on over the years. For instance, the barrel of a Hamilton 701 Syringe. We take the finest precision glass available and re-melt it around precise mandrels to assure a super-tight tolerance of fifty-millionths of an inch. T h e n we hand-mate each barrel to a plunger for an individually perfect fit. T h e result is a reliable syringe, accurate to .0042% of its volume. W h e n you've invested in an $ 18,000 instrument for precise analytical results, you can rely on our #18 Microliter® syringe that is probably more accurate than the instrument you're using. T h e r e is a difference in syringes, and with Hamilton, the difference is quality. Call toll-free, 8 0 0 - 6 4 8 - 5 9 5 0 for the dealer nearest you, or write for our current catalog to Hamilton Company, P.O. Box 10030, Reno, Nevada 89510. W h e n you want precise results, Hamilton delivers.


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