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Am erican Chem ical Society Office of the Secretary 1155 Sixteenth Street, N W Washington, DC 20036 (202) 872 - 4461

First Ed ition, 1964 Second Ed ition, 1972 Third Ed ition, 1978 Fourth Ed ition, 1988 Fifth Ed ition, 1995 Sixth Ed ition, 1997 Seventh Ed ition, 2002 Eighth Ed ition, 2012



his hand book is d esigned as a gu id e for Cou ncilors of the Am erican Chem ical Society. It is p articu larly help fu l to a new ly elected Cou ncilor w h o is learning abou t resp onsibilities and op p ortu nities for service. The ACS Constitu tion and Bylaw s are su bject to review and m od ification. The d escrip tions in this hand book reflect the controlling d ocu m ents as of Ju ne 1, 2012.

H and book for Cou ncilors




YOUR ROLE IN ACS GOVERN AN CE A. Typ es of Cou ncilors 1. Local Section Cou ncilors 2. Division Cou ncilors 3. Ex Officio Cou ncilors 4. Bylaw Cou ncilors 5. Alternate Cou ncilors B. You r Du ties and Op p ortu nities as a Cou ncilor 1. Overview 2. Practical Su ggestions for You as a N ew Cou ncilor 3. You r Du ties at the Local Section or Division Level 4. You r Du ties at the N ational Level 5. Com m ittee Mem bership : Op p ortu nities for You to Serve 6. Com m ittee Associateship : Op p ortu nities for You to Serve

4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 7 7 7 8 9 9 9 9 9 16 17 18 18 18 19 19

THE ROLE OF THE COUN CIL IN ACS GOVERN AN CE A. Overview B. Organization 1. Officers 2. Com m ittees 3. Com m ittee Ad m inistration 4. Relationship to the Board of Directors 5. Relationship to Staff C. Cou ncil Op erations 1. Cou ncil Meeting 2. Ad m ittance to Cou ncil Meetings D. The Am end m ent Process


— Synop sis of the Cou ncil — Pu blications, Directories, and Rep orts — Letter for Cou ncilors' Em p loyers — General Sched u le of ACS Com m ittee and Cou ncilor Cau cu s Meetings

H and book for Cou ncilors

21 22 23 24





elcom e to the ACS Cou ncil! You are now an elected m em ber of the Cou ncil of the Am erican Chem ical Society, one of the tw o d eliberative bod ies that govern the ACS. The Cou ncil serves as a kind of "Congress" for the ACS. The other d eliberative bod y is the ACS Board of Directors.

As a Cou ncilor, you have a vital role in ACS governance. You act on issu es of im p orta nce to all chem ical scientists. As the elected rep resentative of you r local section or d ivision, it is you r d u ty to rep resent you r constitu ency. It is also you r d u ty to rep ort back to you r constitu ency all im p ortant actions and votes taken by the Cou ncil. A.


There are five categories of Cou ncilors, as d escribed below . Most Cou ncilors are Local Section or Division Cou ncilors, w ho are collectively know n as elected Cou ncilors. Cou ncilors w hose p ositions are elim inated d u ring their term becau se of a red u ction in a local section's or d ivision's size can rem ain voting Cou ncilors u ntil the end of their cu rrent elected term . 1.

LOCAL S ECTION COUN CILORS The largest nu m ber of Cou ncilors consists of those elected by the m em bers of the local sections. The nu m ber of Cou ncilors allotted to each local section is d eter m ined by the section's total m em bership . Every local section has at least one Cou ncilor.


D IVISION COUN CILORS The d ivisions (Analytical, Inorganic, etc.), collectively, are re p resented by one-fou rth as m any Cou ncilors as are the local sections. Dep end ing u p on a d ivision's size, it m ay be rep resented by one or m ore Cou ncilors, u p to a m axim u m of fou r.

The follow ing three categories are in p lace to assu re continu ity in ACS gov ernance: 3.

EX O FFICIO COUN CILORS The ACS Presid ent, the ACS Presid ent-Elect, all m em bers of the ACS Board of Directors, all Past ACS Presid ents, the Execu tive Director & CEO, and the Secretary of the ACS are Ex Officio Councilors w ith fu ll voting p rivileges.


BYLAW COUN CILORS If a m em ber or m em ber-elect of any of the three elected com m ittees of the Cou ncil—the Cou ncil Policy Com m ittee, the Com m ittee on Com m ittees, and the Com m ittee on N om inations and Elections—fails at any tim e to qu alify as a voting Cou ncilor, that m em ber can rem ain as a Bylaw Councilor on the com m ittee and a voting Cou ncilor for one ad d itional year or to the end of the com m ittee term , w hichever is shorter.


A LTERN ATE COUN CILORS Each Local Section or Division elects Alternate Cou n cilors equ al in nu m ber to the nu m ber of Cou ncilors to w hich each is entitled . In the event a Cou ncilor is u nable to attend a Cou ncil m eeting, the Local Section or Division selects an Alternate Cou ncilor to attend the m eeting. Alternate Cou ncilors m ay not vote u nless they have been officially ap p ointed to rep lace a Cou ncilor w ho can not attend the Cou ncil m eeting (p lease see Charter, Constitution, Bylaws, and Regulations of the A merican Chemical Society, Bulletin 5).

H and book for Cou ncilors




O VERVIEW You are elected for a three-year term , u nless you w ere elected to serve the u nexp ired term of a p reced ing Cou ncilor. To p articip ate in Cou ncil activities, you m u st first be certified as a Cou ncilor. You r nam e and term of service m u st be su bm itted to the ACS Execu tive Director & CEO and certified on or before Decem ber 1 each year. In the late fall, the ACS N ational Office p rovid es form s to you r section or d ivision secretary for this p roced u re. First-year Cou ncilors are seld om ap p ointed to an ACS com m ittee. As a r esu lt, a new Cou ncilor shou ld u se the first year to becom e fam iliar w ith ACS governance. Later, you shou ld seriou sly consid er becom ing involved in an ACS com m ittee becau se com m ittees are the d riving forces of the ACS. They significantly influ ence the goa ls and actions of the Society; they are w here m ost initiatives for Cou ncil consid eration originate and are d evelop ed . To m axim ize you r service to the ACS and you r contribu tion to its governance, strive to serve m ore than one term as a Cou ncilor. The key to being an effective Cou ncilor is to stay inform ed . You shou ld u nd erstand w hat is going on at the national level and w ithin the local section or d ivision that you rep resent. Rem em ber, too, that you are a national Cou ncilor. Looking ou t for you r constitu ency is im p ortant; how ever, concern for the broad er concerns of ou r p rofession and the chem ical sciences at the national level is equ ally im p ortant. An u nd erstand ing of the strategic d irection of the Society w ill be vital in this regard . You m ay review t he goals ou tlined in the ACS Strategic Plan.


PRACTICAL S UGGESTION S FOR YOU AS A N EW COUN CILOR H ere are som e su ggestions to help you qu ickly becom e an effective Cou ncilor. (1)

Attend all of you r local section or d ivision Execu tive Com m ittee m eetings.


Join the Cou ncilor Grou p via the ACS N etw ork to id entify exp erienced Cou ncilors, cu rrent and form er, as p ossible resou rces. The Cou ncilor Grou p exists to enable ACS Cou ncilors to engage in d iscu ssions, share exp eriences, get ad vice, and form connections. It p rovid es a p latform to inform ou r new Cou ncilors abou t the ACS and its governance, as w ell as allow ing all Cou ncilors to p articip ate in d ebates and share inform ation. The Cou ncilor Grou p site hosts a collection of reference m aterials su ch as agend as, Talking Points from the last Cou ncil m eeting, and p ast issu es of the Cou ncilor Bu lletin. Once you join the grou p , you can set it to em ail you au tom atic alerts of u p d ates. You can also su bscribe to the RSS (Really Sim p le Synd ication) feed via the N etw ork p age by clicking on the “Grou p Feed s” bu tton u nd er Actions.


Seek to becom e involved in an ACS national com m ittee. (a)

H and book for Cou ncilors

Learn abou t the com m ittee from d escrip tions in the follow ing p u blications: this hand book; the N ational Officers, Directors, Councilors, Committees, Division and Local Section Officers book, also know n as the “Y ellow Book”; the A CS Charter, Constitution, Bylaws, and Regulations, u nd er the section head ing “Descrip tion of Cou ncil and Other Com m ittees”; the Governance p age on the ACS Web site (w w w .acs.org); and brochu res that can be obtained from the com m ittees (see Ap p end ix I for a list). Learning abou t com m ittees throu gh p rinted m atter and online resou rces is help fu l. H ow ever, the best w ay to learn m ore abou t com m ittees is to attend their op en m eetings at the ACS N ational Meetings. Op en m eeting sched u les are listed in the N ational Meet ing m aterials p u blished in Chemical and Engineering N ews (C&EN ).



Initially in May, Cou ncilors and non -Cou ncilors are able to su bm it the ACS com m ittee p references form online via the “Y ellow Book.” An inform ation p acket w ith d etails regard ing the ap p ointm ent p rocess and online access w ill be m ailed by the Office of the Secretary and General Cou nsel. A link to the form can also be fou nd on the Cou ncilor Grou p via the ACS N etw ork u nd er “Docu m ents.” A second notice of su bm ission w ill be sent in Ju ne.


Review the m inu tes of p reviou s Cou ncil, Cou ncil Policy Com m ittee, and ACS Board of Directors m eetings. These item s ap p ear in each Cou ncilor agend a p ackage and on the Cou ncilor Grou p via the ACS N etw ork .

Before t he Nat ional Meet ing... (1) Determ ine the w ishes and need s of the local section or d ivision m em bers w hom you rep resent. Use their need s and concerns to gu id e you r voting and you r initiatives. (2) Read the Council M eeting A genda, w hich is m ailed to you ap p roxim ately six w eeks before the ACS N ational Meetings. At t he Nat ional Meet ing... (1) Attend both ACS N ational Meetings if p ossible. You are eligible for travel reim bu rsem ent if you r em p loyer d oes not su p p ort you financially. Details are sent to you w ith the Council M eeting A genda. (2)

Attend the N ew Cou ncilor Orientation session, typ ically sched u led on the Satu rd ay afternoon p reced ing each ACS Sp ring N ational Meeting to w hich you w ill receive an invitation. At these sessions, exp erienced Cou ncilors d iscu ss the organization and fu nction of the Cou ncil and the ACS com m ittees. Prior to the face-to-face orientation p rogram , there m ay be a p re-m eeting orientation w ebinar that w ill help you p rep are for the national m eeting.


Collect p u blications, d irectories, and rep orts that m ay be of u se to you r local section or d ivision (see Ap p end ix II).


Select a few ACS com m ittees w hose agend a ap p eal to you . Attend their Op en and Execu tive Com m ittee m eetings (tim es and locations are given in the N ation al Meeting Program in C&EN ). Ask qu estions. Becom e acqu ainted w ith the concerns, interests, and d u ties of the com m ittee m em bers. Introd u ce you rself and exp ress you r interest in serving on the com m ittee. A general sched u le of the ACS com m ittee m eetings can be fou nd in the Ap p end ix IV section of this hand book.


Attend you r District’s Cou ncilor Cau cu s m eeting (tim es and locations are given in the N ational Meeting Program in C&EN ). Divisional Cou ncilors shou ld also attend the Division Officers’ cau cu s. A general sched u le of the Cou ncilor Cau cu s m eetings can be fou nd in the Ap p end ix IV section of this hand book.


Attend and vote in the Cou ncil m eeting on Wed nesd ay m orning.


After the Cou ncil m eeting, su bm it a w ritten rep ort to you r local section or d ivision d escribing the Cou ncil actions. You can u se the Cou ncilor Talking Points, d escribed above, to help p rep are you r rep ort.


Requ est a MEN TOR. The Cou ncil Policy Com m ittee has established a Cou ncilor m entoring p rogram to bring together new Cou ncilors and those from w hom they can learn and be insp ired . Mentoring gu id elines are p rovid ed on the Cou ncilor Grou p via the ACS N etw ork. You m ay requ est a m entor there as w ell.

H and book for Cou ncilors



YOUR D UTIES AT THE LOCAL S ECTION OR D IVISION LEVEL You sp eak for the m em bers of you r local section or d ivision at the national level. You help to set national p olicies for ACS that d irectly or ind irectly affect you r constitu ency. At the sam e tim e, you m u st integrate the view s of you r constitu ency w ith an op en and objective ev alu ation of the broad er need s of the ACS on the national level. Thu s, you also are a voice of the national ACS that m u st sp eak to you r constitu ency abou t the greater need s of the ACS as a w hole. You serve as a vital brid ge betw een national p olicy and lo cal section or d ivision concerns. Inform ation shou ld flow both w ays. Usefu l inform ation regard ing national concerns can be fou nd in the C&EN rep orts of m eetings and activities, letters to the ed itor and ACS N ew s p ages, the Councilor Bulletin, as w ell as in the ACS Board of Directors, Cou ncil Policy Com m ittee, and Cou ncil m eeting m inu tes. To m ake you r cycle of inform ational exchange effective, rep ort the resu lts of Cou ncil actions to you r constitu ency. Use you r local section or d ivision p u blications, new sletters, w ebsites, e-m ail lists, m eetings, etc. for com m u nication. Also, be active in you r local section or d ivision Execu tive Com m ittee. In this w ay, you can d eterm ine the aim s and need s of you r constitu ency as w ell as com m u nicate to it the aim s and need s of the national ACS.


YOUR D UTIES AT THE N ATION AL LEVEL Being an effective Cou ncilor takes m u ch tim e and effort at the local and national levels. Cou ncilors w ho are conscientiou s find that contact w ith m em bers of their ow n local section or d ivision and w ith Cou ncilors from other sections and d ivisions is stim u lating and a sou rce of p rofessional d evelop m ent. You m u st m ake a com m itm ent to this im p ortant job. Do not u nd erestim ate its valu e to you r local section or d ivision, as w ell as to the entir e Society. The Council M eeting A genda is m ailed to you ap p roxim ately six w eeks before each Cou ncil m eeting. Read it BEFORE the com m ittee and Cou ncil m eetings. If p ossible, review the agend a w ith the Execu tive Com m ittee of you r local section or d ivisio n before the ACS N ational Meeting. Attend Op en and Execu tive Com m ittee m eetings at each ACS N ational Meeting. Particip ate in com m ittee d iscu ssions to the extent p erm itted by each com m ittee chair, and feel free to follow u p by p articip ating in Cou ncil d eb ate w hen you have som e relevant id eas or inform ation. In p lanning for the Cou ncil m eeting itself, reserve most of the day for this activity. Althou gh Cou ncil m eetings rarely extend p ast noon, som e im p ortant d iscu ssions m ay cau se it to continu e into the afternoon.


COMMITTEE M EMBERSHIP: O PPORTUN ITIES FOR YOU TO S ERVE One of the m ost effective w ays for you to im p act ACS governance is to serve on an ACS com m ittee. Alm ost all of the Cou ncil's bu siness originates in the com m ittees. Each sp ring, the ACS Com m ittee on Com m ittees w ill send you a p reference list form to exp ress you r interests regard ing com m ittee service. A carefu l choice, based on a thou ghtfu l su rvey of the activities of the com m ittees, can p rovid e you w ith a rew ard ing term of service to the ACS. You m u st recognize, how ever, that the ACS Presid ent and the Board Chair cannot satisfy all requ ests for com m ittee m em bership . You increase you r chances by attend ing Op en and Execu tive Com m ittee m eetings, exp ressing you r interest to the com m ittee ch air, and p rovid ing you r sp ecific cred entials for com m ittee service. If you are selected for ap p ointm ent to a com m ittee, you w ill be contacted by the ACS Secretary's office. You then m u st affirm , in w riting, a w illingness to serve. Com m ittee ap p ointm ents u su ally becom e effective on Janu ary 1, and they are norm ally for a term of tw o or three years as a m em ber or one year as an associate, d ep end ing on the typ e of com m ittee. Service is lim ited to three consecu tive term s on the sam e com m ittee. If you accep t an ap p ointm ent to a com m ittee, you also accep t the obligation to w ork year rou nd throu ghou t that term . You shou ld attend all com m ittee m eetings, and you m u st be

H and book for Cou ncilors


w illing to u nd ertake sp ecial assignm ents that m ay requ ire m any hou rs of w ork betw een m eetings. In ad d ition, you m u st be d iligent and p rom p t in com p leting assignm ents. Effective service on a com m ittee rep resents a m ajor p ersonal com m itm ent. Service as an ACS Cou ncilor can bring m any satisfactions. As elected lead ers in the w orld ’s largest scientific organization, you can d irect the great resou rces of the Society to im p rove the p rofessional w ell-being of the entire chem ical scientific com m u nity. There are nu m erou s op p ortu nities for you to p rop ose and ad vance creative initiatives. You can accom p lish a trem end ou s am ou nt of good . In the p rocess, you can enjoy m any op p ortu nities to d evelop you r lead ership , com m u nication, and interactive skills. Since organizational abilities are read ily transferable, service as a Cou ncilor can m ake you m ore effective in you r regu lar job and enhance you r op p ortu nities for p rofessional ad vancem ent. Career issu es asid e, m ost Cou ncilors w ho have given generou sly of their tim e and talents w ill tell you that they have received m u ch m ore than they have given. The y p articu larly ap p reciate the good id eas, collaborative efforts, friend ship s, and p ersonal su p p ort of resp ected colleagu es. Service in Cou ncil can be a rem arkably p rod u ctive and satisfying exp erience. It’s w hat you m ake of it!


COMMITTEE A SSOCIATESHIP: O PPORTUN ITIES FOR YOU TO S ERVE To p rovid e broad er Cou ncil p articip ation, com m ittees also have Com m ittee Associates. Ap p ointm ents are for one year only and are based on the sam e criteria as those u sed for fu ll com m ittee m em bership and carry w ith them the sam e obligations and p rivileges, excep t voting. Being a Com m ittee Associate enables new er Cou ncilors to becom e fam iliar w ith ACS com m ittee op erations throu gh active p articip ation in com m ittee w ork in an area of interest. Active, p rod u ctive p articip ation as a Com m ittee Associate is ord inarily a p rerequ isite for ap p ointm ent to fu ll com m ittee m em bership .

H and book for Cou ncilors





ou ncilors have a u niqu e op p ortu nity and resp onsibility to affect p olicies of the Society and its strategic d irection. Exam p les of this inclu d e d iscu ssion of sp ecial top ics d u ring Cou ncil m eetings, p rovid ing inp u t in the d evelop m ent of the ACS Strategic Plan, and p articip ation in com m ittees that have a su bstantial role in lead ership of the Society.

This section d escribes the com p osition and p olicy -m aking activities of the Cou ncil. Read this section to u nd erstand ACS governance and you r im p ortan t role in it.



The Cou ncil is com p osed of Local Section Cou ncilors, Division Cou ncilors, Ex Officio Cou ncilors (see Section I.A.3.), and Bylaw Cou ncilors (see Section I.A.4.), and certain non -voting Cou ncilors. It has m any im p ortant fu nctions as the p op u lar d eliberative assem bly of the ACS. Thu s, the Cou ncil:


nom inates m em bers for the office of the ACS Presid ent -Elect;

elects Directors-at-Large, m em bers of the Cou ncil Policy Com m ittee (the execu tive co m m ittee of the Cou ncil), the Com m ittee on Com m ittees, and the Com m ittee on N om inations and Elections;

nom inates, throu gh electoral voting, m em bers for the offices of District Directors;

stu d ies, recom m end s, and acts on all activities of d irect and in d irect interest to the m em bers of the ACS, inclu d ing the setting of ACS annu al d u es;

ad vises the ACS Board of Directors on m atters concerning the general m anagem ent of the Society;

influ ences d ecisions for w hich the ACS Board has resp onsibility;

charters local sections and d ivisions; and

is resp onsible for am end ing the Constitu tion and the Bylaw s.


O FFICERS The Presid ent of the ACS is the p resid ing officer at Cou ncil m eetings. The Secretary of the ACS is also Secretary of the Cou ncil.


COMMITTEES There are several typ es of Cou ncil-related com m ittees, as d escribed below . Further d etails abou t the ACS com m ittees m ay be fou nd in the N ational Officers, Directors, Councilors, Committees, Division and Local Section Officers book (the "Yellow Book"), and in the Charter, Constitution, Bylaws, and Regulations of the A merican Chemical Society. Take a few m inu tes to review som e of the d u ties d escribed for each of the follow ing typ es of com m ittees to find ou t w hich m ight best fit you r interests and talents. a.

Council St anding Commit t ees The Cou ncil Stand ing Com m ittees, com p osed solely of Cou ncilors ap p ointed to the

H and book for Cou ncilors


com m ittees by the ACS Presid ent, cover a w id e variety of areas in w hich the Cou ncil has d irect interest. The follow ing Stand ing Com m ittees are cu rrently au thorized : •

Constitu tion and Bylaw s (C&B),

Divisional Activities (DAC),

Econom ic and Professional Affairs (CEPA),

Local Section Activities (LSAC),

Meetings and Exp ositions (M&E), and

Mem bership Affairs (MAC).

Som e of their resp onsibilities are d escribed below . (1)



H and book for Cou ncilors

Committee on Constitution and Bylaws (C&B) •

Review s p rovisions of the Constitu tion and Bylaw s and initiates action as need ed .

Interp rets and takes action to resolve am bigu ities in the Constitu tion and Bylaw s and to elim inate conflicting langu age in them .

Acts for the Cou ncil in ap p roving revisions and am end m ents to local section and d ivision bylaw s.

Acts for the Cou ncil in d eterm ining that the requ irem ents for affiliation of a local section w ith a local technical organization are fu lly m et.

Committee on Divisional A ctivities (DA C) •

Stu d ies and m akes recom m end ations to the Cou ncil concerning ACS p olicies affecting d ivisions.

Assists d ivisions in coord inating their efforts w ith ACS and local section activities.

Facilitates the establishm ent of new d ivisions.

Acts for the Cou ncil in ap p roving the affiliation of d ivisions w ith other technical organizations.

Coop erates w ith the Com m ittee on Meetings and Exp ositions and other com m ittees in areas of m u tu al interest.

Committee on Economic and Professional A ffairs (CEPA ) •

Oversees the Society’s p rofessional affairs p rogram s, inclu d ing those for career assistance and d evelop m ent.

Monitors cu rrent and evolving econom ic and p rofessional need s of chem ical scientists.





Cond u cts and rep orts p eriod ic fact-find ing stu d ies on su p p ly and d em and , com p ensation, and other issu es affecting the econom ic statu s of the chem ical p rofession.

Prom u lgates, after ap p roval by the Board of Directors and the Cou ncil, p rofessional and em p loym ent gu id elines for chem ical scientists.

Prop oses, for ap p roval by the Cou ncil, the cod e of cond u ct for chem ical scientists.

Committee on Local Section A ctivities (LSA C) •

Stu d ies and m akes recom m end ations to the Cou ncil concerning the p roblem s and challenges of local sections.

Exp lores w ays to assist local sections in enriching their p rogram of activities.

Review s local section annu al rep orts in ord er to recognize the p erform ance of ou tstand ing sections and to im p rove, throu gh feed back, the effectiveness of all local sections.

Makes recom m end ations to the Cou ncil abou t p etitions for chartering new local sections and for changing territory or nam e.

Stu d ies the financial statu s of local sections and m akes recom m end ations concerning local section allotm ents.

Committee on M eetings and Expositions (M &E) •

Makes recom m end ations to the Cou ncil concerning p olicies and issu es of ACS m eetings and exp ositions.

Makes recom m end ations to the Cou ncil on d ates and locations of ACS m eetings and exp ositions.

Coop erates w ith the Com m ittee on Divisional Activities in areas of m u tu al interest.

Committee on M embership A ffairs (M A C) •

Elects m em bers and affiliates to the Society

Makes recom m end ations to the Cou ncil concerning m em bership stand ard s.

Makes recom m end ations to the Cou ncil concerning national affiliates.

Ad vises on p lans and p rogram s for increasing ACS m em bership .

Consid ers charges of inju riou s cond u ct against a m em ber.

Consid ers any m atter affecting m em bers not w ithin the field of som e other Stand ing Com m ittee.

Each of the above Cou ncil Stand ing Com m ittees is com p osed of not few er than 12 and not m ore than 20 Cou ncilors ap p ointed for tw o-year term s by the ACS Presid ent (d u ring the end

H and book for Cou ncilors


of the Presid ent-Elect year), w ith ad vice from the Com m ittee on Com m ittees (ConC). Service is lim ited to three consecu tive tw o-year term s. Ap p ointm ents are arranged to p rovid e rotation. Each Stand ing Com m ittee also m ay have non -voting Com m ittee Associates, likew ise ap p ointed by the ACS Presid ent. b.

Societ y Commit t ees The ACS Board of Directors and the Cou ncil have su bstantial joint interests and resp onsibilities in several areas of ACS activity. Thu s, there are tw o joint Board -Cou ncil Com m ittees that are d esignated Society Committees. The ACS Board gives certain fiscal resp onsibilities to the Society Com m ittees. They, in tu rn, are resp onsible to the ACS Board on all m atters related to financial affairs and to both the Board and Cou ncil on all other m atters. The Society Com m ittees rep ort to the Cou ncil Policy Com m ittee (CPC), the Cou ncil, and the ACS Board at their resp ective m eetings and , u p on requ est, to the Execu tive Com m ittee of the ACS Board . The follow ing Society Com m ittees are cu rrently au thorized : •

Bu d get and Finance (B&F), and

Ed u cation (SOCED).

Som e of their resp onsibilities are d escribed below . (1)


Committee on Budget and Finance (B&F) •

Acts for the ACS Board in im p lem enting financial p olicies and other broad financial actions w ithin established bu d gets.

Recom m end s the m em ber d u es rate.

Assists the Treasu rer of the Society in the review and p rep aration bu d gets.

Makes recom m end ations to the ACS Board regard ing the allocation of Society fu nd s.

Review s requ ests, recom m end s ap p roval or d isap p roval, a nd su ggests and id entifies sou rces of fu nd s for new and u nbu d geted item s.

Monitors the rate of all exp end itu res.

Recom m end s to the ACS Board and Cou ncil an ord er of p riorities for the u se of ACS fu nd s. With the Board , oversees the w ork of the Program Review Ad visory Grou p (PRAG).

Committee on Education (SOCED) •

Im p lem ents ACS p olicies regard ing chem ical ed u cation.

Recom m end s to the ACS Board and Cou ncil p olicies and p rogram s related to chem ical ed u cation and the im p rovem ent of chem ical ed u cation.

Recom m end s ap p roval or d isap p roval of requ ests for the fu nd ing of new or u nbu d geted item s related to chem ical ed u cation.

Mem bers of Society Com m ittees serve a term of three years and are p erm itted u p to three consecu tive three-year term s on the sam e Society Com m ittee. Ap p ointm ents to

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Society Com m ittees are arranged to p rovid e rotation. One m em ber is ap p ointed each year by the ACS Presid ent, one m em ber is ap p ointed by the Chair of the ACS Board , and all other m em bers are ap p ointed jointly, w ith the ad vice of the Com m ittee on Com m ittees (ConC). Each Society Com m ittee consists of not few er than 12 and not m ore than 20 m em bers. Ap p ointm ents are m ad e so that, at the tim e of ap p ointm ent, the com m ittee chair and at least tw o-third s of each Society Com m ittee are voting Cou ncilors. Each Society Com m ittee encou rages the exp ression of ACS m em bers’ op inions and , w henever p ossible, allow s reasonable tim e for ACS m em bers to exp ress their view s before any action is taken. To accom p lish this, each Society Com m ittee hold s at least one Op en and one Execu tive Com m ittee m eeting d u ring each ACS N ational Meeting. Before these m eetings, the Society Com m ittees p u blicize in C&EN the m ajor top ics they w ill d iscu ss and the tim es and p laces of the Op en Com m ittee m eetings. c.

O t her Joint Board-Council Commit t ees Other com m ittees that are resp onsible to the Cou ncil and to the ACS Board m ay be established , as need ed , by joint resolu tion. The resp onsibilities and lifetim es of these Joint Board -Cou ncil Com m ittees are sp ecified in the actions that charter them . These com m ittees generally are established to ad d ress sp ecial areas. The follow ing Joint Board -Cou ncil Com m ittees are cu rrently au thorized : •

Chem ical Abstracts Service (CCAS)

Chem ical Safety (CCS),

Chem istry and Pu blic Affairs (CCPA),

Chem ists w ith Disabilities (CWD),

Com m u nity Activities (CCA),

Environm ental Im p rovem ent (CEI),

International Activities (IAC),

Minority Affairs (CMA),

Patents and Related Matters (CPRM),

Professional Training (CPT),

Pu blications (PUBS),

Pu blic Relations and Com m u nications (CPRC),

Science (Com Sci),

Wom en Chem ists (WCC) , and

You nger Chem ists (YCC).

The Joint Board -Cou ncil Com m ittees m ay have m em bers and com m ittee associates othe r than Cou ncilors. Ap p ointm ents to Joint Board -Cou ncil Com m ittees are arranged so as to p rovid e rotation. Mem bers are ap p ointed by the ACS Presid ent and the Chair of the ACS Board , w ith the ad vice of the Com m ittee on Com m ittees (ConC). Each Joint Board -Cou ncil Com m ittee m ay have any com p osition of m em bership and size as need ed to accom p lish its objectives. Mem bers of Joint Board -Cou ncil Com m ittees serve a term of three years and are p erm itted u p to three consecu tive three-year term s on the sam e com m ittee.

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Joint Board -Cou ncil Com m ittees are resp onsible to the ACS Board on all m atters related to fiscal and legal issu es, and to both the ACS Board and Cou ncil on all other m atters. These com m ittees rep ort to the Cou ncil Policy Com m ittee, the Cou ncil, and th e ACS Board at their resp ective m eetings. d.

O t her Commit t ees of t he Council Other Com m ittees resp onsible to the Cou ncil or to the Cou ncil Policy Com m ittee m ay be established to serve any p u rp ose that the Cou ncil or the Cou ncil Policy Com m ittee d eterm ines ap p rop riate. Their resp onsibilities and lifetim es are stip u lated in the fou nd ing resolu tions.

The Other Com m ittees of the Cou ncil are as follow s: •

Analytical Reagents,


N om enclatu re, Term inology, and Sym p bols (N TS)

Project SEED (SEED), and

Technician Affairs (CTA).

Other Com m ittees m ay have any com p osition of m em bership and size that the Cou ncil or the Cou ncil Policy Com m ittee d eterm ines w ou ld be m ost effective. Ap p ointm ents to Other Com m ittees are for three-year term s and are arranged to p rovid e rotation. The ACS Presid ent, w ith the ad vice of the Com m ittee on Com m ittees, ap p oints the m em bers of the Other Com m ittees. Ord inarily, an Other Com m ittee m em ber is lim ited to three consecu tive three year term s on a given Other Com m ittee. The Presid ent m ay w aive this ru le, how ever, in sp ecial instances. e.

Elected Committees Cou ncil Com m ittees, w hose m em bers are elected , are as follow s: •

Com m ittee on Com m ittees (ConC),

Cou ncil Policy Com m ittee (CPC), and

Com m ittee on N om inations and Elections (N &E).

Com m ittee on Com m ittees (ConC) is com p osed of the ACS Presid ent -Elect and 15 voting Cou ncilors elected by the Cou ncil. To p rovid e rotation, five m em bers are elected annu ally. Each m em ber of ConC is assigned as liaison to one or m ore com m ittees to assist in the evalu ation of com m ittee p ersonnel and to d evelop recom m end ation for new ap p ointm ents to their resp ective liaison com m ittees. ConC elects its Chair and Secretary from its m em bership . Cou ncil Policy Com m ittee (CPC), the Execu tive Com m ittee of the Cou ncil, is com p osed of 16 m em bers, 12 of w hom are d irectly elected by the Cou ncil for three year term s. To p rovid e rotation, fou r m em bers are elected annu ally. The other fou r m em bers are the ACS Presid ent, the Presid ent-Elect, the Im m ed iate Past-Presid ent, and the ACS Execu tive Director & CEO. The Presid ent of the ACS is Chair of CPC and p resid es at its m eetings. In the absence of the Presid ent, the Vice-Chair, w ho is elected annu ally by CPC from its voting

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com m ittee m em bership , p resid es. The Secretary of the ACS is also the Secretary of CPC. The chairs of Elected Com m ittees, Cou ncil Stand ing Com m ittees, and Society Com m ittees are non-voting m em bers of CPC; otherw ise, they have all the p rivileges of m em bership in CPC, and are exp ected to attend CPC m eetings and to p articip ate in the d iscu ssions. They receive agend a, m inu tes, and other d ocu m ents sent to CPC m em bers. Chairs of Stand ing and Society Com m ittees rep ort to CPC on the actions and d eliberations of their com m ittees and inform CPC abou t any m atter that their com m ittees p lan to p resent to Cou ncil. CPC m eets at ACS N ational Meetings, p rior to the Cou ncil m eeting. CPC review s the Cou ncil agend a and hears rep orts of chairs of the variou s ACS com m ittees before their p resentations to the Cou ncil. At this tim e, CPC d ecid es w hat action, if any, it w ill recom m end on agend a item s and p rop osals m ad e by the ACS com m ittees. N om inations and Elections (N &E) is com p osed of 15 voting Cou ncilors elected by the Cou ncil. N &E elects its Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary from its com m ittee m em bership . The d u ties of the Elected Com m ittees are d escribed below . (1)


H and book for Cou ncilors

Committee on Committees (ConC): •

Assists and ad vises in the ap p ointm ents of chairs and m em bers of all com m ittees.

Stu d ies and m akes recom m end ations to the Cou ncil concerning resp onsibilities and sizes of all com m ittees, inclu d ing p rop osals to establish, continu e, d isband , or m erge them .

Coord inates the agend a and m eeting tim es of the Stand ing Com m ittees of Cou ncil and Society Com m ittees and assu ring ad equ ate exchanges of view s on issu es of general concern .

Makes recom m end ations on the assignm ent of su bstantial resp onsibility to com m ittees for review of p etitions to am end the Constitu tion and Bylaw s.

Ap p oints m em bers to fill vacancies that have existed longer than sixty d ays on Cou ncil-related Society bod ies w hose m em bers or chairs are norm ally ap p ointed by the Presid ent.

Particip ates as m em bers of a grou p w hich acts to fill vacancies that have existed longer than sixty d ays on Cou ncil-related Society bod ies w hos m em bers or chairs are norm ally ap p ointed jointly by the Presid ent and Chair of the Board ; all m em bers of the Execu tive Com m ittee of the Board of Directors w ho are not ap p ointed au thorities com p rised the other m em bes of said grou p .

Council Policy Committee (CPC) : •

Plans the general agend a for each Cou ncil m eeting.

Plans the d etailed agend a to facilitate tim ely and effective action by the Cou ncil.




Acts ad interim for the Cou ncil in sp ecial m atters.

N om inates voting Cou ncilors for m em bership on the Com m ittee on N om inations and Elections (N &E).

Cond u cts long-range p lanning stu d ies.

Investigates allegations of im p rop er election p roced u res in d istrict or national elections and m akes ap p rop riate recom m end ations to the Cou ncil.

Committee on N ominations and Elections (N &E) : •

Receives su ggestions for p rop osed nom inees for ACS Society offices.

Receives p rop osals for nom ination by p etition.

Prep ares slates of p rop osed nom inees for Presid ent -Elect, District Directors, and Directors-at-Large.

N om inates Cou ncilors for the other Elected Com m ittees of the Cou ncil.

Su p ervises all Society elections.

Receives and review s cred entials of Cou ncilors.

Cond u cts elections w ithin the Cou ncil.

Serves as an Ap p eals Board for local section and d ivision elections.


Chairs The chairs of the Stand ing Com m ittees are ap p ointed by the ACS Presid ent, w ith ad vice of ConC, for one year. N o ind ivid u al m ay serve m ore than three consecu tive term s. The chairs m u st be voting Cou ncilors. It is essential that the chairs u nd erstand the p u rp ose of their com m ittees and their relationship s to the aim s and p hilosop hy of the ACS and to other com m ittees. Chairs also need to have a w orking know led ge of the ACS Constitu tion and Bylaw s. The chairs of Other Com m ittees are ap p ointed by the ACS Presid ent, w ith the ad vice of ConC, for one year. They are u su ally lim ited to three consecu tive one-year term s, bu t the ACS Presid ent m ay w aive this ru le in sp ecial instances. Chairs of Society Com m ittees m u st be voting Cou ncilors and are ap p ointed jointly by the ACS Presid ent and the Chair of the ACS Board , w ith the ad vice of Con C, for one year. The chairs are lim ited to three consecu tive one-year term s. Chairs of Joint Board -Cou ncil Com m ittees are ap p ointed jointly by the ACS Presid ent and the Chair of the ACS Board , w ith the ad vice of ConC, for one year. The chairs are lim ited to three consecu tive one-year term s. Chairs of all com m ittees are exp ected to id entify areas need ing attention, as w ell as new p rojects that w ou ld benefit the ACS, bu t w ithin the areas of resp onsibility d elineated for their com m ittees. Com m ittee activities shou ld have clear goals so that the Cou ncil can read ily u nd erstand and m onitor com m ittee activities.

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Chairs shou ld evalu ate their com m ittee activities and the contribu tions of ind ivid u al m em bers w ith a view tow ard m aking recom m end ations for Com m ittee Secretary or Chair-Designate or tow ard reap p ointing Com m ittee Mem bers or Associates. Moreover, the chairs shou ld u se their op en com m ittee m eetings as an op p ortu nity to evalu ate Cou ncilor visitors as p rosp ective Com m ittee Mem bers or Associates. Besid es rep orting in m eetings of CPC, com m ittee chairs shou ld also rep ort to the Cou ncil. Matters requ iring Cou ncil action and p end ing m atters that m ay requ ire fu tu re Cou ncil consid eration are alw ays rep orted to the Cou ncil. b.

Secretaries Many com m ittees have a Secretary, elected annu ally by each com m ittee’s m em bership . The Com m ittee Secretary p rep ares the m inu tes of all com m ittee m eetings and collaborates w ith the chair in p rep aring m eeting agend a and sp ecial rep orts.


Agenda and Minutes Com m ittee chairs u su ally consu lt w ith their secretaries, su bcom m ittee chairs, and ACS staff liaison (see item 5, below ) in p rep aring the agend a for their Execu tive and Op en Com m ittee m eetings. Major top ics for d iscu ssion m u st be given ap p rop riate ad vance notice. H ence, abrid ged agend a are requ ired for p u blication in C&EN tw o to three m onths p rior to the Sp ring and Fall ACS N ational Meetings. Com m ittee secretaries, in coop eration w ith ACS staff liaisons, send d etailed agend a to all com m ittee m em bers and associates, to the Secretary of the ACS, and to the ConC liaison p rior to com m ittee m eetings. Com m ittee secretaries also p rep are the m inu tes of com m ittee m eetings for review by the chairs and staff liaisons. Secretaries revise the m inu tes as necessary and d istribu te final d rafts to all com m ittee m em bers and associates, the Secretary of the ACS, and the ACS staff liaison.


Executive and Open Committee Meetings Com m ittee m eetings follow a general p roced u re. After the ap p roval of m inu tes, the chair u su ally rep orts on m atters of general interest to the com m ittee m em bers. Rep orts from su bcom m ittees u su ally com e next. These rep orts m ay be p rogress rep orts or m ay call for d efinitive action by the com m ittee. The com m ittee w ill then consid er its other agend a item s. Also, com m ittee chairs w ill w elcom e relevant com m ents from visitors d u ring their m eeting. Each Stand ing Com m ittee is requ ired to hold at least one Execu tive Com m ittee m eeting and one Op en m eeting at each ACS N ational Meeting. At least one Execu tive Com m ittee m eeting m u st be held p rior to the CPC m eeting. The Op en m eeting m u st be sched u led before the Cou ncil m eeting in case the com m ittee agend a contains item s for action by the Cou ncil. ConC w orks w ith the com m ittee chairs to avoid conflicting m eetings of com m ittees w hose interests overlap significantly.


RELATION SHIP TO THE BOARD OF D IRECTORS The Board of Directors has as its m em bers the ACS Presid ent, the Presid ent -Elect, the Im m ed iate Past-Presid ent, the Execu tive Director & CEO, six District Directors, and six Directors-at-Large. The ACS Board is the legal rep resentative of the ACS. It hold s all of the Society's p rop erty and fu nd s, and m anages its affairs. Consequ ently, it is ad visable for m em bers of the ACS Board to be know led geable in bu siness affairs. The ACS Board hold s at least fou r m eetings annu ally. Its m inu tes are inclu d ed in the Cou ncil agend a, and its chair rep orts at each m eeting of the Cou ncil. The ACS Board review s the actions of the Cou ncil requ iring ACS Board confirm ation or collaboration.

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The ACS Execu tive Director & CEO, the Secretary of the ACS, and the Treasu rer of the ACS are ap p ointed by the ACS Board . The ACS Board elects its Chair and Execu tive Com m ittee from its m em bership . The Chair of the ACS Board is Chair of the Execu tive Com m ittee, and the Execu tive Director & CEO serves as a non-voting m em ber. Ad d itional inform ation concerning the d u ties of the ACS Board of Directors ap p ears in Charter, Constitution, Bylaws, and Regulations of the A merican Chemical Society. 5.


RELATION SHIP TO ACS S TAFF The ACS head qu arters staff, throu gh the Office of the Secretary & General Cou nsel, assists the Cou ncil as requ ired and u p on requ est. A m em ber of the ACS staff is assigned as liaison to each of the Board , Cou ncil, and Joint Board -Cou ncil Com m ittees. The fu nction of the ACS staff is to p rovid e ad vice and inform ation, cond u ct sp ecial p rojects, and assist as necessary w ithin the lim itations im p osed by bu d gets and staff availability.



The Cou ncil m eets tw ice annu ally, tow ard s the end of each Sp ring and Fall ACS N ational Meeting. At these m eetings, typ ically held Wed nesd ay m ornings, the Cou ncil cond u cts the bu siness before it and rep orts its activities on behalf o f ACS m em bers; local sections or d ivisions; Elected , Stand ing, Society, or Other Com m ittees; the ACS Board of Directors; and the Cou ncil Policy Com m ittee.


All p rop osals requ iring action by the Cou ncil are ord inarily referred first to one of the ACS com m ittees for review . Som e item s p rop osed for Cou ncil action m u st first be p u blicized for d iscu ssion at op en m eetings of the Stand ing Com m ittees. After p u blic d iscu ssion, the com m ittee d eliberates and m akes its recom m end ation to the entire Cou ncil. Com m ittees m ay not p revent the Cou ncil from consid ering a p rop osal if it is so inclined . On the contrary, their role is to u nd erstand the im p act of any p rop osal referred to it and to com m ent accord ingly.


Cou ncil-related com m ittees first rep ort their recom m end ations to the Cou ncil Policy Com m ittee (CPC). CPC can recom m end p resentation to the Cou ncil im m ed iately or at a later d ate. CPC m ay also retu rn the m atter to the com m ittee for ad d itional w ork, refer it to other com m ittees for consid eration, requ est the op inion of the Board of Directors, or su ggest that it be referred to a joint com m ittee. It is ad visable for com m ittees to have CPC concu rrence on any m atter to be p resented to Cou ncil for action.


Voting in Cou ncil, at the d iscretion of the Presid ent (the p resid ing officer of the Cou ncil m eeting), m ay be by a voice vote, a show of hand s or an electronic d evice (e.g., clicker) vote. Most votes are cond u cted by voice or clicker. In som e circu m stances a Cou ncilor m ay w ant to requ est a record ed vote in w hich case the vote of each cou ncilor w ill be rep orted in C&EN . A cou ncilor w ishing a record ed vote m u st m ake that requ est from the floor before a clicker vote has begu n. For ratification, som e actions m u st have joint concu rrence of the Cou ncil and the ACS Board of Directors.


Prop osals for am end ing the ACS Constitu tion or Bylaw s are ord inarily p rinted in the Cou ncil agend a book on either yellow or green p ages. Petitions for consid eration are p rinted on yellow p ages at the first Cou ncil m eeting at w hich the change is p rop osed . Cou ncilors w ishing to m ake recom m end ations regard ing these p etitions m ay d o so at the op en m eeting of the com m ittee (or com m ittees) w ith p rim ary resp onsibility (listed on the yelllow p age) and exp ress their view s. Those op p osed to a p etit ion m ay also

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m ake their view s know n in w riting to the Com m ittee on Constitu tion and Bylaw s (C&B) w ithin 30 d ays of the Cou ncil Meeting. C&B refers these com m ents to the ap p rop riate com m ittees for resp onse. The objections along w ith the resp onses ap p ear in the next Cou ncil Agend a. Petitions for consid eration are to notify cou ncilors that the action is being consid ered . Su bstantive issu es related to these p etitions are not d iscu ssed on the floor of Cou ncil. Petitions for action ap p ear on green p ages of p ap er to ind icate that the p rop osal is op en for Cou ncil d eliberation and Cou ncil action. In m ost cases a p etition w ill ap p ear for action at the next Cou ncil m eeting follow ing the one in w hich it w as for consid eration. Am end m ents to the Bylaw s requ ire confirm ation by the Board of Directors follow ing Cou ncil action. Am end m ents to the Constitu tion m u st be ratified by the ACS m em bership . 2.



Councilors A Cou ncil m eeting cred ential card is inclu d ed w ith the Cou ncil m aterial sent ou t in ad vance of national m eetings. This card m u st be signed and then p resented at the cred ential d esk for ad m ittance to Cou ncil m eetings. A Cou ncilor w ho cannot attend the Cou ncil m eeting shou ld notify the local section or d ivision secretary p rom p tly so that an Alternate Cou ncilor m ay be certified as a rep lacem ent.


Alternate Councilors For ad m ittance to the Cou ncil m eeting, the Alternate Cou ncilor m u st p resent an Alternate Cou ncilor cred ential card , signed by the local section or d ivision secretary and by the Alternate Cou ncilor. An Alternate Cou ncilor cannot be ad m itted to the Cou ncil m eeting w ithou t this card . (N ote: The Alternate Cou ncilor cred ential card is d ifferent from the Cou ncilor card p rovid ed w ith the agend a.)


Temporary Substitute Councilor When no Cou ncilor or Alternate Cou ncilor can attend a Cou ncil m eeting, the local section or d ivision m u st inform the ACS Execu tive Director & CEO at least fifteen d ays in ad vance of the m eeting that there w ill be no rep resentation. The section or d ivision m ay then requ est au thorization for one Tem p orary Su bstitu te Cou ncilor to attend the Cou ncil m eeting. A Tem p orary Su bstitu te Cou ncilor m u st be an ACS m em ber. The ACS Execu tive Director & CEO w ill issu e a cred ential card for the Tem p orary Su bstitu te Cou ncilor w ho m u st p resent it at the cred entials d esk for ad m ittance to the Cou ncil m eeting.

THE AMEN D MEN T PROCESS The p rocess for am end ing the Constitu tion is d escribed in its Article XVIII. Any p etition for am end m ent m u st be su bm itted in w riting to the Execu tive Director & CEO for p resentation to the Cou ncil. It m u st be signed by at least ten voting Cou ncilors or not few er than tw enty-five m em bers of the Society. Each p etition w ill be introd u ced to Cou ncil at its next m eeting that com es at least sixteen w eeks after the Execu tive Director & CEO has received it. The Execu tive Director & CEO refers the p etition to the Com m ittee on Constitu tion and Bylaw s and to ap p rop riate Cou ncil or Society Com m ittees, as recom m end ed by the Cou ncil Com m ittee on Com m ittees. One com m ittee w ill be assigned p rim ary resp onsibility for the p etition's consid eration. N ext, the p etition is d iscu ssed in the op en m eeting of the com m ittees involved and ap p ears on the Cou ncil agend a for considerat ion. H ow ever, u nless it is an u rgent m atter, a p etition is generally not voted on at this first Cou ncil m eeting. Moreover, a p etition d esignated urgent requ ires the ap p roval of

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three-fou rths of the Cou ncil. Finally, the Com m ittee on Constitu tion and Bylaw s is entitled to p resent an alternate p rop osal for consid eration. Within 30 d ays after the Cou ncil m eeting at w hich a p etition w as introd u ced , recom m itted to the com m ittee p rim arily resp onsible for it, or referred to anothe r com m ittee, an original p etitioner or the chair of the p rim ary com m ittee m ay initiate a p rocess for w ithd raw ing the p etition. If the Com m ittee on Constitu tion and Bylaw s agrees, it m u st inform the Execu tive Director & CEO of its recom m end ations and u nd erlying reasons for them , so that the Execu tive Director & CEO can inform each p etitioner. If m ore than half of the original p etitioners then w ithd raw their su p p ort, the p etition is consid ered w ithd raw n. For p etitions rem aining u nd er consid eration or in t he p rocess of refinem ent, Article XVIII d etails the step s lead ing to their u ltim ate ad op tion or rejection, in their original or am end ed form . While com p lex, the p rocess is intend ed to assu re that every p etition is resp onsibly consid ered and thorou ghly d eb ated on its tru e m erits and from the m any p ersp ectives rep resented in the Society. Am end ing the Constitu tion is basically a tw o-step p rocess. First, the Cou ncil m u st ap p rove the p etition. N ext, it m u st be p resented to the m em bers of the Society for the ir ap p roval—by m ail ballot at the next Society election, u nless the Cou ncil m and ates an earlier sp ecial vote. For an am end m ent to be ratified , tw o-third s of the m em bers voting m u st vote in favor of it. The ou tcom e of the vote is rep orted in C&EN . Petitions for am end m ent of the Bylaw s follow a sim ilar p rocess in the Cou ncil as p etitions for am end m ent of the Constitu tion. H ow ever, Bylaw am end m ents d o not requ ire ratification by the m em bers of the Society. First, tw o-third s of the Cou ncil m em bers voting m u st vote in favor of the p etition. N ext, the Execu tive Director notifies the Board of Directors of each ap p roval, for its su bsequ ent ap p roval, as p rovid ed by the Constitu tion of the Society. In closing, once again, w elcom e to the ACS Cou ncil. We hop e that the inform ation p rovid ed in this hand book clarifies the m ission and op erations of the Cou ncil for you . We also hop e you r ap p ointm ent p roves to be p rod u ctive and p ersonally satisfying.

H and book for Cou ncilors




he Cou ncil of the Am erican Chem ical Society is the p op u lar d eliberative bod y of the Society, and acts as an ad visory bod y to the Board of Directors on m atters relating to the general m anagem ent of the Society.

As of Janu ary, 2012, the Cou ncil consisted of 513 m em bers: 1 1 6 6 22 1 1 363 91 4 17

Presid ent Presid ent-Elect District Directors Directors-at-Large Past Presid ents Execu tive Director Secretary Local Section Cou ncilors Division Cou ncilors Bylaw Cou ncilors N on-Voting Cou ncilors

and five typ es of com m ittees served the Cou ncil: Council Standing Committees Constitu tion and Bylaw s (C&B) Divisional Activities (DAC) Econom ic & Professional Affairs (CEPA) Local Section Activities (LSAC) Meetings and Exp ositions (M&E) Mem bership Affairs (MAC) Society Committees Bu d get and Finance (B&F) Ed u cation (SOCED)

Other Committees of the Council Analytical Reagents Ethics N om enclatu re, Term inology and Sym bols (N TS) Project SEED (SEED) Technician Affairs (CTA) ACS Elected Committees Com m ittee on Com m ittees (ConC) Cou ncil Policy (CPC) N om inations and Elections (N &E)

Joint Board-Council Committees Chem ical Abstracts Service (CCAS) Chem ical Safety (CCS) Chem istry and Pu blic Affairs (CCPA) Chem ists w ith Disabilities (CWD) Com m u nity Activities (CCA) Environm ental Im p rovem ent (CEI) International Activities (IAC) Minority Affairs (CMA) Patents and Related Matters (CPRM) Professional Training (CPT) Pu blications (PUBS) Pu blic Relations and Com m u nications (CPRC) Science (Com Sci) Wom en Chem ists (WCC) You nger Chem ists (YCC)

H and book for Cou ncilors



The ACS Governing Docu m ents, also know n as Bu lletin 5, inclu d es the Charter, Constitu tion, Bylaw s, and Regu lations of the Am erican Chem ical Society. The au thoritative version is available online at w w w .acs.org/ bu lletin5. A lim ited nu m ber of p rint cop ies of only the Janu ary 1 ed ition are available u p on requ est from bylaw [email protected].


The "Yellow Book”, Directory of N ational Officers, Directors, Councilors, Committees, Division and Local Section Officers. A cop y is sent to Cou ncilors each year.


The Councilor Bulletin. Pu blished five tim es annu ally, this p u blication p rovid es new s and inform ation on Cou ncil-related activities and p rom otes com m u nication am ong cou ncilors.


Council M eeting A genda. This agend a is m ailed to Cou ncilors ap p roxim ately six w eeks before sched u led m eetings, and it is p osted electronically to the Cou ncilor ACS N etw ork grou p and the Cou ncilor Web p age (w w w .acs.org/ cou ncilors).


The follow ing inform ation is available online via the Cou ncilor Grou p on the ACS N etw ork and the Web site listed :  

• • • • • • •   



A nnual Reporting for Local Section A ctivities - Statistical Review A CS Speakers Bureau A wards administered by the A merican Chemical Society A CS Conference M anagement A CS M ember Handbook Local Section Officer Resources/Treasurer’s Handbook Tools and Tips for Division Officers A CS Student Chapters Local Section Officer Resources A CS Speaker Directory Get Involved, Stay Involved Councilor Talking Points from Previous M eetings

The follow ing item s are inclu d ed p eriod ically in C&EN : • ACS N ational Meeting p rogram s: ap p roxim ately one m onth before m eeting • ACS N ew s: w eekly • ACS Local Section Meetings and Tou r Sp eakers Gu id e: m onthly • Com m ittee on Professional Training Ap p roved School List: sched u led for Ap ril • Divisional Program Dead lines: sched u led for Ju ne • Official ACS Rep orts from the Board of Directors, Cou ncil, and Com m ittees: sched u led for Febru ary, Ju ne, Au gu st and October • Prelim inary Meeting p rogram s: ap p roxim ately tw o m onths before m eeting

H and book for Cou ncilors



letter sim ilar to the follow ing and ad d ressed to em p loyers of Cou ncilors is available u p on requ est from the ACS Secretary & General Cou nsel. It m ay be signed by the ACS Presid ent or Chair of the Board . Dear


I am w riting on behalf of the Am erican Chem ical Society to thank N AME OF COMPAN Y OR IN STITUTION for you r generou s su p p ort of N AME OF COUN CILOR in his/ her cap acity as a m em ber of Cou ncil from the N AME OF LOCAL SECTION OR DIVISION . In these d ays of increasing p rofessional w orkload s and com p etitive tim e p ressu res, it is notew orthy and gratifying to the Society that com p anies/ institu tions su ch as you rs realize that service as a volu nteer in the governing stru ctu re of a scientific society still is an im p ortant factor of p r ofessional life. The Society d ep end s critically on the volu ntary efforts of literally hu nd red s of chem ical scientists and engineers to carry ou t its m any fu nctions. These scientists and engineers w ork to com m u nicate technical know led ge, to increase p u bli c ap p reciation for the contribu tions of chem istry to society, and to enhance the ap p lication of science in societal d ecision-m aking and to strengthen the Society’s ability to gu id e its affairs efficiently and effectively. Those w ho serve as Cou ncilors on ACS com m ittees and board s, su ch as N AME OF COUN CILOR, and in H IS/ H ER service on N AME OF COMMITTEE, ETC., p articip ate in d ecision -m aking and are involved in the bu d get p rocess and in team p rojects, exp erience p rofessional grow th and gain skills equ ally u sef u l in achieving goals and objectives at their hom e institu tions. Thank you again for help ing to contribu te to the efficient op eration and long -term su ccess of the Am erican Chem ical Society. Sincerely

(signed ) Presid ent or Chair of the Board of the Society


H and book for Cou ncilors

APPEN D IX IV GEN ERAL SCHED ULE FOR ACS COMMITTEE MEETIN GS D URIN G N ATION AL MEETIN GS Society Committees Bu d get & Finance – Sat. AM and Fri PM & Sat. AM (Decem ber BOD Meeting) Ed u cation – Thu rs. PM & Fri. AM/ PM & Mon. PM (Op en Meeting) Standing Committees Constitu tion and Bylaw s – Su n. AM/ PM & Wed . PM Divisional Activities – Sat. PM (Su bcom m ittees) & Su n. AM (Op en & Exec.) Econom ic and Professional Affairs – Sat. AM/ PM & Su n. AM Local Section Activities – Sat. AM/ PM, Su n AM & Tu es. PM (Op en Meeting) Meetings & Exp ositions – Sat. PM & Su n. AM Mem bership Affairs – Su n. AM/ PM & Mon. PM Other Committees Analytical Reagents – ACS (2x/ year) Ethics – Su n. AM/ PM N om enclatu re, Term inology and Sym bols – Mon. PM (Sp ring/ Fall Meeting) Project SEED – Sat. AM/ PM & Su n. AM Technician Affairs – Su n. AM/ PM Joint Board-Council Committees Chem ical Abstracts Service – Fri. PM Chem ical Safety – Sat. PM (Su bcom m ittees) & Mon. AM Chem istry and Pu blic Affairs – Mond ay AM/ PM (Sp ring/ Fall Meeting) Chem ists w ith Disabilities – Mon. AM/ PM Com m u nity Activities – Sat. PM & Tu es. PM (Op en Meeting) Environm ental Im p rovem ent – Sat. AM/ PM International Activities – Sat. AM/ PM Minority Affairs – Su n. AM/ PM Patents & Related Matters – Sat. AM/ PM Professional Training – Janu ary & Fri. AM/ PM, Sat AM/ PM & Su n. AM/ PM Pu blications – Fri. PM Pu blic Relations and Com m u nications – ACS (Febru ary or March) & Mon or Tu es AM/ PM (Fall Meeting) Science – Sat. AM/ PM Wom en Chem ists – Sat. AM/ PM You nger Chem ists – Sat. AM/ PM & Su n. AM


H and book for Cou ncilors


6:00 p .m . – 7:00 p .m .

Mid d le Atlantic Cou ncilor Cau cu s

6:00 p .m . – 7:00 p .m .

District IV Cou ncilor Cau cu s

6:00 p .m . – 7:00 p .m .

District V Cou ncilor Cau cu s

6:00 p .m . – 7:00 p .m .

District VI Cou ncilor Cau cu s

6:00 p .m . – 7:00 p .m .

TUESD AY Divisional Officers/ Cou ncilor Cau cu s

4:00 p .m . – 6:00 p .m .

District I Cou ncilor Cau cu s

5:30 p .m . – 7:00 p .m .

Inform ation on Local Sections by Electoral Districts can be fou nd u nd er the Governance w eb p age of acs.org.


H and book for Cou ncilors