Handbook of Ultraviolet and Visible Absorption Spectra of Organic

Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Some Inorganic Ions in Aqueous Solutions. Analytical Chemistry. Buck, Singhadeja, and Rogers. 1954 26 (7), pp 1240â€...
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graphic separations, methods of detection, etc. This is not an analytical textbook in the usual sense but it presents a wealth of essential information and the experiments are chosen especially with their innate fundamental value as the prime consideration. Instructors will therefore be particularly interested by what this book offers to one who is constructing a set of lectures on the various phases of analytical chemistry. RALFHE. OESPER University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio

Handbook of Ultraviolet and Visible Absorption Spectra of Organic Compounds

Kenzo Hirayama, Fuji Photo Film Research Laboratories, Odawara, Japan. Plenum Press Data Division, New Yark, 1967. 642 pp. $40.

This title is a usable and potentially very useful compilation of data. I t contains absorption maxima and lag r values for some 8500 organic compounds. The compounds are broken down by chromophores and combinations of chromopbores into about fifty separate sections. A list of rules for use of the tables of data enables one to locate the spectra of known compounds rather quickly. An added feature is a cross listing of compounds by increasing absorption maxima, a feature which enables one to go from absorption spectra to absorbing species, and which should make the title useful for structural identification. The book has several drawbacks. One is the use of shorthand notations which takes a little time getting used to. A more serious one is that anly absorption maxims and log r , and not the spectra themselves, are given for each compound. The latter point is somewhat counteracted, however, by primary literature references for each compound. All in all, this is s. potentially very useful book in an area which is for the most part neglected in the chemical literature. I t would be a very useful addition to any industrial or academic chemistry library. CHARLES L. BORDERS, JR. The College of Wooster Wooster, Ohio

Basic Chemislry: Presentation

A Programmed

Residue Reviews. Volume 37: Phosphamidon

nique often fails to emphasize the important words in &statement,requiring the beginner instead to mechanically fill blanks with words that do not always convey the essential portion of what is being learned. I t is possible to prepare much better programmed instruction than this. But, of even greater importance, the chemistry is not acceptable. I began my examination of this book by readmg the first several pages. Approximately every other page presented at least one error. A few examples taken from these first pages and others from random page flipnine will demonstrate this noint: "Fer-

Edited by Francis A. Cunthcr and Jane Davies Gunther, both of University of California, Riverside. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1971. ix 202 pp. Figs. and tables. 23.5 X 15.5 cm. $14.80.


Contributors: R. Anliker; E. Beriger; W. Bucbler; M. Geiger; H. Geissbuhler; G. Voss; K. R.Sachsse; I. Baunok; V. Dittrich; F. Bachmann. Residue Reviews.

atom5 not unlike those found in texts published in 1930; gases dissolve in liquids anly if they are under high pressure; anly hydroxide compounds are bases; this list could go on for some time. This book cannot he recommended to anyone. Competent professors are avail-


Contributws: I. H. Williams; Bern* dette Malone; Wolfgang Franke. Physical Methods in Helerocyclic Chemirlry. Volume Ill

Edited by A. R. Katritzky, University of East Anglia, Norwich, England. Academic Press, New York, 1971. xvi + 468 pp. Figs. and tables. 23.5 X 16 om. $32.

Auburn University Aubuvn, Alabama ,36830

Contributors: Adrien Albert; P. Andersen; W. L. F. Armarego; V. A. Ferapontov; Ya. L. Gol'dfarb; 0. Hassel; R. B. Homer; G. Spiteller; F. M. Stoyanovich; S. Z. Taits; G. J. Thomas; V. 1.Yakerson.

Mew Volumes in Continuinr Series Thr following lilks arc lhasr of uolznncs in eonlinuing w r i r s . 3fanjq of ihwr srrics arc fumilior to rcudrr-s who arc brsl s ~ r v d 1 , ~ prompl annntw~cr,wnl of lhr. opprorana: o f lhl ncw 1ilk.s. l'hr polio!/ 4( ?'HIS JOUll.\'Al, will I N lo publish full rmi?ws on/!/ 01 inaugural UOIIOIL(.S in n m scrim

Progress in Reaction Kinetics. Volume 6, Part 1. (Reactions of Hydrocarbons with Mixlures of Active Nilrogen and Hydrogen Atoms by D. R. Sofrony, and The Evolution of Flash Photolysis and Laser Ph~tolysisTechniques by F. W. Willets)

The Inlernationol Series of Monographs on Physics. lnlroduclion to Phase Transitions and Crilicol Phenomena

Edited by K. R . Jnnings and R. B . Cundall. Pergamon Press, New York, 1971. 74 pp. Figs. and tables. 21 X 14.8 em. Softbound, $4.25.

H . Eugene Stanley, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Oxford Univer308 sity Press, New Yark, 1971. xx pp. Figs. and tables. 23.3 X 15.7 cm.


Progress in Reaction Kinelics. Volume 6, Part 2. (Chemi-Ionization Reaclionr in the Gas Phase by A. Fantiin)

$9.50. Reviews in Macromolecular Chemistry. Volume 6

Edited by George B. Butler, University of Florida, Gainesville; Kennelh F. O'Driscoll, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada; and Mitchel Shen, University of California, Berkeley. Marcel Dekker, Inc., Sew York, 1971. vi 490 pp. Figs. and tables. 23.5 X 16 cm. $19.50.


Stewart M . Bmoks, Newton-Wellesley Hospital, Newton Lower Falls, Massachusetts. 2nd ed. C. V. Mosby Co., St. Louis, 1971. ix 118pp. Figures. 18 X 25 cm. Softbound. $5.25.


In the preface, the author asserts that progrxmmed instruction is a useful aid to learning. I agree, emphatically; but not because of this sample. The style is dull, boring to read. The programming tecb-

Volume 38

Edited by Francis A . Gunther and Jane Davies Gunther, both of University of California, Riverside. SpringerVedag, New York, 1971. vii 121 pp. Figs. and tables. 23.5 X 15.5 cm. $14.20.

Contributors: Kang-Jen Liu; J. E. Anderson; Kiich'i Takemoto; K. C. Frisch; L. P. Rumao; Hideo Sawada; Ian C. Watt; Ernest L. Winkler; John A. Parker; E. P. Otocka; James G. Speight; Peter Kovacio; Fred W. Koch; Antonio Casale; Roger S. Porter; Julian F. Johnson; V. V. Korshak; M. M. Teplyakov.

Edited by K . R. Jennings and R. B. Cundall. Pergamon Press, New York, 1971. pp. 75-141. Figs. and tables. 21 X 14.8 cm. Softbound, $4. Structure and Bonding.

Volume 9

Edited by P. Hemmerich, Konstanz; C . K . Jorgensen, Geneve; I.B. Neilands, Berkeley; Sir Ronald S. Nyholm, London; D . Reinen, Marburg; and R. J. P. Williams, Odord. SpringerVerlag, New York, 1971. 263 pp. Figs. and tables. 23.3 X 15.5 cm. $18.50. Conlributors: D. Oelkrug; D. W. Thompson; G. C . Allen; K. D. Warren; P. Krumhols; E. Konig; C. J. H. Schutte.


49, Number 7, July 1972

