New desk height console style with controls arranged for left hand use to free writing hand. Manual coarse motion control and motor driven fine motion...
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HANDICAPPED by faulty lab instrumentation ?

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JAco Console Comparator Microphotometer

Why let outmoded instruments — o r even lack of proper instruments — stymie your research o r

New desk height console style with controls arranged for left hand use to free writing hand. Manual coarse motion control and motor driven fine motion with speed approximately 5 microns per sec. Bright image — may be viewed in normally lighted room. Scanning period and distance controlled by foot switch or push button.

production control procedures? Discover how J A c o designed-for-the-job equipment can help you d o your job more efficiently and at less cost. Write for specific catalogs o r describe your

Raman Spectrograph procedures a n d we'll send information on all applicable J A c o Instruments. Source features four low pressure mercury lamps inside diffuse reflector — four times more efficient than reflecting mirrors. Increased brightness reduces exposure time from hours to minutes. Specimen cells are easy to change. Spectrograph has two high speed cameras (F/1.5 and F/5.7) mounted on pivot for rapid interchangeability. Ideal research and industrial instrument.

JAco Ebert ^ Spectrograph with Order Sorter The widely acclaimed JAco Ebert Spectrograph is now available with a new Order Sorter that presents several orders simultaneously at high dispersion, each as an individual spectrum. Dispersion up to 0.18 A/mm, resolution 300,000. Low scattered light, flexible in application, easy to interpret determinations. Hilger Littrow Spectrograph

Hilger Micro-Focus X-Ray Unit Wide application in both diffraction and micro-radiography. Features low exposure time, high-resolution, and provision for utilir zation of special techniques. Focal spot diameter is of the order of 0.04mm. Wide range of interchangeable targets. Safety interlock switches eliminate possibility of misuse.

Twist-of-knob wavelength region selection and automatic focusing on any region selected are outstanding advantages. Stigmatic image eliminates shifting of accessories. High speed optics are durable, sturdily mounted. Automatic shift from quartz to glass optics. Features high dispersion and resolution in critical U.V. areas.

represented exclusively in U.S.A. by Other JAco Instruments: Source JARRELL-ASH COMPANY Units, Microphotometers, Refractometers, 26 Fgrwell St.. Newlonville, Most. Photoprocessors, Polarimeters, JA co Interferometers, Direct Reading Spectrometers, Blood Arithmometer, I EL CERRIT0, CAL I PITTSBURGH, PA. I LOS ANGELES (DUARTE) SALES OFFICES 13680 DETROIT Geophysical Instruments Capitol Ave. I 1344 Devonshire Drive | 916 Greeihill Road I Miltonwood Rd.


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