Handle with care. - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 7, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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H y d r o g e n p e r o x i d e is used for the safe, economical bleaching of the many textiles and paper products she uses. It's also used in the many laundry products that help her mother keep white clothes white and ^ - colored clothes bright.

K r o n i t e x » flame-retardant plasticizers make her high chair coverings and other vinyl upholstery extremely safe. And Kronitex 100 offers the most flame retardance per dollar. ^

Handle with care. As a manufacturer of consumer products, you feel an obligation to provide her with safe, quality products. At FMC we feel a similar obligation to you. We provide many of the chemicals that go into your products. And we're committed to make sure these chemicals do what they're supposed to — for you and your customers of all ages. For you that means predictability in your processing. Higher quality products that are Kronitex- FMC trademark

more competitive. To help you achieve these goals, we have extremely stringent quality controls at all our production facilities. In fact, our reputation for quality has helped FMC Industrial Chemical Group become a half-billion dollar business. And we intend to keep on growing, through the dedication of our people and our continued high standards for everything we make. These products include acetic acid, alkalis, allyl alcohol, allyl monomers, allyl resins,

S o d i u m s u l f i d e helps in the preparation of the leather for her shoes. With our many warehouses FMC can serve tanners of all sizes anywhere in the U.S., whether they need large quantities or just a few bags.

S o d a a s h is an essential part of all the glass and ceramics in her world. And FMC is the leading supplier of highly pure, natural soda ash in both dense and intermediate grades. Energy independent, we control every aspect of our soda ash production, from the mining of our ore to the delivery of refined ash at your plant.

G l y c e r i n e goes into her candy, the toothpaste shell sooi use, the paints and polyurethan products that color and protect many of her playthings. FMC's glycerine is available in concentrations of 99.5% or 96°/