Hardness of Salts Used in Industrial Crystallization - ACS Symposium

Sep 21, 1990 - The ultra-micro-hardness of inorganic and organic salts has been measured for 15 substances. These are products usually produced in ...
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Chapter 4

Hardness of Salts Used in Industrial Crystallization

Downloaded by UNIV OF TENNESSEE KNOXVILLE on August 16, 2015 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: September 21, 1990 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1990-0438.ch004

J. Ulrich and M. Kruse Verfahrenstechnik, FB 4, Universität Bremen, Postfach 330 440, D-2800 Bremen 33, Federal Republic of Germany

The ultra-micro-hardness of inorganic and organic salts has been measured for 15 substances. These are products usually produced in industrial crystal­ lization. The hardness-force-dependency was examined and data are compared to those from literature. In the case of potassium nitrate a strong direction depend­ ency of the hardness was observed. Also effects of im­ purities in the crystal lattice were analysed. In the end an attempt has been introduced to calculate the hardness of crystals from a physical model.

The design of the c r y s t a l l i z e r s f o r the c r y s t a l l i z a t i o n of aqueous solutions i s depending on the usual informations f o r plant design and on the k i n e t i c data of the material t o c r y s t a l l i z e . The material fixes the physical properties, the c r y s t a l growth and the n u c l e a t i o n behaviour. S p e c i a l d i f f i c u l t i e s e x i s t i n f i n d i n g the n u c l e a t i o n data. Here a s p e c i a l focus i s on the secondary nucleat i o n , because t h i s i s i n most cases the dominating n u c l e a t i o n mechanism. From t h i s secondary nucleation process, i t i s again the part which i s originated by mechanically introduced energies which i s of most i n t e r e s t . In other words the questions are: How many abrasion p a r t i c l e s (secondary n u c l e i ) are produced i n a c r y s t a l l i z e r ? Which rules and laws can be used t o c a l c u l a t e the number of the nuclei? F i n a l l y how i s i t possible t o do a scale up operation, and how i s the e f f e c t of a d i f f e r e n t products t o be considered? There i s a parameter necessary t o describe the abrasion r e s i s tance of each c r y s t a l l i n e substance. This abrasion resistance must be c o r r e l a t e d with parameters of the power input devices such as pump or s t i r r e r diameter or the s t i r r e r t i p speed. The abrasion r e s i s t a n c e of the c r y s t a l l i n e p a r t i c l e s produced by secondary n u c l e a t i o n i n i n d u s t r i a l c r y s t a l l i z a t i o n processes i s t h e r e f o r e a p h y s i c a l property of the substance. So f a r there i s no p h y s i c a l property known containing a l l information about t h i s abrasion r e s i s 0097^156/90/0438-0043$06.00/0 © 1990 American Chemical Society

In Crystallization as a Separations Process; Myerson, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.



tance and the influence of the fracture mechanics on the c r y s t a l s . According t o (1-8) the Vickers hardness could be a f i r s t step i n defining such a material property. Up t o today i t has been impossible t o measure reproducible microhardness data of non-metallic c r y s t a l s . This was due to the too high indentation forces of commercial a v a i l a b l e hardness t e s t i n g devices. Today with the new ultra-microhardness devices, which allow to reduce the indentation force down to 5 - 10* N, i t i s no longer the l i m i t i n g problem to measure the Vickers hardness of such b r i t t l e crystals. Results of the Vickers hardness of 15 inorganic and organic s a l t s w i l l be presented. The hardness-force dependency, and the e f f e c t s of d i r e c t i o n dependency were examined. The measured values of the Vickers hardnesses were taken for an attempt to prove a model to c a l c u l a t e the hardness. This model describes the hardness purely by physical properties of the substances. The use of such a model may be an approach f o r the d e s c r i p t i o n of the abrasion r e s i s t a n c e of s a l t s . Data describing the abrasion resistance could help i n the understanding and interpretation of secondary nucleation phenomena.

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Experimental Set-Up and Measurements The ultra-micro-hardness of the s a l t s are measured according t o Vickers. The Vickers hardness i s calculated from the length of the diagonals of a p l a s t i c indentation i n the surface of the material to be t e s t e d by a diamond pyramid. I f there e x i s t s no d i r e c t i o n dependency the hardness indentation has a quadratic shape. The Vickers hardness for a single indentation i s calculated from the average value of the two diagonals. Equation 1 shows how t o c a l c u l a t e the Vickers hardness H from the indentation force F and the average of the two diagonal lengths d of the indentation. The constant 1854 i s v a l i d f o r the case that the force F has the unit pond and the length d the unit millimeters. v



= 1854 • F/ d



A l l experiments were carried out with an ultra-microhardness measuring device (Vickers-hardness) produced by Anton-Paar-Company. I t i s attached to a microscope with an adapted photo camera. The force of indentation, the time of indentation and the time-gradient of the indentation force can be selected and adjusted separatly. For most substances used i n the experiments an i n d e n t a t i o n f o r c e greater than 0.1 N leads t o cracks or even l i f t - o f f s at the edges or the ends of the diagonals of the indentation produced by the Vickers pyramid. Therefore the values of the measured hardnesses have a large spread and u s u a l l y are not reproducible. Most of the l i t e r a t u r e data were produced at a time where ultra-micro-hardness devices were not available, so that forces larger 5-10" N have been used. 2

In Crystallization as a Separations Process; Myerson, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.



Hardness ofSalts Used in Industrial Crystallization

Results A comparison o f the r e s u l t s of our experiments with data from l i t e r a t u r e are shown i n Table 1. Our experimental data were found with an indentation force of 2 - 10" N, a time of indentation of 10 s, and a gradient of 10* N/s. The shown data represent an average of at least 10 single measurements for a l l the d i f f e r e n t substances. In most cases of the l i t e r a t u r e data no information about t h e experimental conditions are available. Therefore an exact comparison i s unfortunately not possible. 2

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Table 1: Comparison of the Vickers Hardness Measurements and the Data from L i t e r a t u r e

Vickers Hardness H


Own Results


6.3 9.7 10.6

KBr NaCl

11.0 22.3


CsBr C i t r i c acid MgS0 • 7 H 0 NH A1(S0 ) 12 H 0 KA1(S0 ) 12 H 0 K S0

47.1 51.6 52.6 66.8 74.9 75.7 112.6

CuS0 - 5 H 0 LiF NaClOj

118.7 122.7 134.6


















5.7 6.1 9.9 9.7 10.0 7.2 17 24 18 13 17

(£) (£) (2) (1Q) (11)

(£) (£) (11) (12) (9) (£)

56 56 102 130

(9) (2) (£) (13)

102 118

(£) (£)

The force-dependency of the Vickers hardness was measured f o r s e v e r a l s a l t s . This e f f e c t i s shown i n Figure 1 e.g. f o r sodium c h l o r a t e . With an increase of the indentation f o r c e the V i c k e r s hardness decreases, e.g. up t o 40 % for sodium chlorate. The photos of indentations by the Vickers pyramid i n a sodium chlorate c r y s t a l are presented i n Figure 2 and give an idea of r e s u l t i n g cracks and l i f t - o f f s . This cracks are due t o too high indentation forces (the indentation force t o be seen i n the Figures are: 2a, 2 • 10* N; 2b, 4 • 10' N; 2c, 0.25 N; 2d, 0.6 N). In the case of potassium n i t r a t e the Vickers hardness indentat i o n s have not a quadratic shape. This i s due t o a d i r e c t i o n dependent hardness i n the c r y s t a l l a t t i c e of t h i s material. The d i r e c t i o n dependency can be explained with an anisotropic e f f e c t i n the l a t 2


In Crystallization as a Separations Process; Myerson, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.



Downloaded by UNIV OF TENNESSEE KNOXVILLE on August 16, 2015 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: September 21, 1990 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1990-0438.ch004


In Crystallization as a Separations Process; Myerson, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.

Downloaded by UNIV OF TENNESSEE KNOXVILLE on August 16, 2015 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: September 21, 1990 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1990-0438.ch004


Hardness of Salts Used in Industrial Crystallization

t i c e . The force-dependency o f the Vickers hardness isshown i n the p l o t i n Figure 3. In the diagram there are two curves of the Vickers hardness r e s u l t i n g always from the same indentation image. The hardness values d i f f e r by a f a c t o r of two. The one curve r e s u l t s from the data o f the longer and the other from the shorter diagonal o f each intendation. This d i r e c t i o n dependency was so f a r only observed for the case of potassium n i t r a t e . Also the e f f e c t of impurities i n a c r y s t a l on the Vickers hardness was analysed. In Figure 4 are shown the force dependency curves of the Vickers hardnesses of a pure sodium chloride c r y s t a l and a sodium chloride c r y s t a l grown i n a solution with an impurity of 10 % urea. The hardness of the pure sodium chloride c r y s t a l i s up t o 25 % higher than the hardness of the impure c r y s t a l . Modelling of the Hardness The mathematical modelling of hardness from physical properties was not the object of research work f o r quite a time, since there had been no p o s s i b i l i t y t o v e r i f y the t h e o r e t i c a l r e s u l t s with the experimental data. F i r s t attempts (14-16) described only the hardness o f simple cubic c r y s t a l s of the type AB as a function o f t h e i r interatomic distances and the valencies of the atoms. This i s shown i n Equation 2: H «


• [*i • «2l / r



Here i s H the hardness, s and m are empirical constants, Z are the valencies of the atoms, and r i s the interatomic distance. Another p o s s i b i l i t y t o c a l c u l a t e the hardness from p h y s i c a l properties (17) i s given i n Equation 3: {


= A

• U

• r"



Where the hardness H i s combined with the l a t t i c e energy o f the ABtype c r y s t a l U, the interatomic distance r and an empirical constant A. Equation 3 was modified by the authors (18.19) so that i t r e s u l t s i n Equation 4: H

= K

• T


• r'



Here the hardness H i s connected with a constant K, the Debye temperature T and the interatomic distance r . A l l these models f o r the c a l c u l a t i o n of the hardness need emp i r i c a l parameters which cannot be explained by physical properties of the c r y s t a l s . This problem i s solved i f the hardness of c r y s t a l s i s described as a volumetric cohensive energy as suggested by Plendl e t . a l . ( 2 0 ) . Then the hardness can be w r i t t e n as the r a t i o o f the cohensive energy U to the molecular volume V, as to be seen i n Equat i o n 5. D


= U

/ V

American Chemical Society

Library 115516th St., N.W. In Crystallization as a Separations Process; Myerson, A., et al.; ACS SymposiumWnhlngton, Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990. D.C. 200$



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Figure 2a. Photo of an indentation i n a sodium chlorate c r y s t a l with an indentation force of 2 * 10" N 2

Figure 2b. Photo of an indentation i n a sodium chlorate c r y s t a l with an indentation force of 4 - 10' N 2

In Crystallization as a Separations Process; Myerson, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.

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Hardness ofSalts Used in Industrial Crystallization

Figure 2c. Photo of an indentation i n a sodium chlorate c r y s t a l with an indentation force of 0.25 N

Figure 2d. Photo of an indentation i n a sodium chlorate c r y s t a l with an indentation force of 0.6 N

In Crystallization as a Separations Process; Myerson, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.


In Crystallization as a Separations Process; Myerson, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.








of the indentation

Hardness data resulting from the short diagonal

+ ++

Hardness data resulting from the long diagonal of the indentation

8 10 Force (10e-2 N]

Figure 3. Force-dependency of the Vickers hardness for potassium nitrate.

Time of indentation: 10 3; gradient: 10e-2 N


20 -



Vickers hardness 50

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In Crystallization as a Separations Process; Myerson, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.

Figure 4. Force-dependency of the Vickers hardness f o r pure sodium c h l o r i d e and sodium c h l o r i d e c r y s t a l s grown i n a s o l u t i o n with an impurity of 10 % urea

Vickers hardness 301

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An analyses of the measured microhardness of non-metallic leads to new atomic subdivisions namely t o :


- the 'hard-core' substances, e.g. L i F , CaO, SiC^, and - the 'soft-core' substances, e.g. NaCl, CaF , S i , Ge. 2

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In Table 2 the r e s u l t s are shown f o r the c a l c u l a t e d volumetric cohensive energies of c r y s t a l s with NaCl-type s t r u c t u r e and t h e i r measured Vickers hardness. Table 2: Comparison of the Measured Vickers Hardness and the Calculated Volumetric Cohensive Energy f o r NaCl-Type Crystals


Volumetric Cohensive Energy (201 [kcal / cm J

Vickers Hardness



2.9 4.4 3.8 6.7 21.0

9.7 10.6 11.0 22.3 122.7

This l a s t model The hardness H properties. C l a r g e s t common unit charge and

of the hardness i s modified and given i n Equation 6. i s according to (21) a function of several p h y s i c a l i s the constant defined i n Equation 7, Z i s the valency of the atoms, f i s the f o r c e constant per r represents the interatomic distance.

s t r #






. •


C tr. - N • p • r s

• 3 0

f / r


/ 2 •M


(6) (7)

Here N i s the Avogadro number, p i s the density of the c r y s t a l and M the the reduced mass of the atoms. In Figure 5 a comparison i s presented f o r the calculated Vickers hardness (Equation 6) and the measured V i c k e r s hardnesses f o r several i o n i c bonded c r y s t a l s with NaCl-structure. The comparison of the measured and c a l c u l a t e d V i c k e r s hardnesses i s of acceptable quality. With t h i s p h y s i c a l model of the hardness i t should a l s o be p o s s i b l e t o compute the V i c k e r s hardnesses of s a l t s with a more complicated l a t t i c e structure than the NaCl-structure. This may be an approach f o r a d e s c r i p t i o n of the abrasion r e s i s t a n c e of s a l t s . Such a d e s c r i p t i o n of the abrasion resistance could be useful i n c a l c u l a t i n g the secondary nucleation rates• r

In Crystallization as a Separations Process; Myerson, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.


Hardness ofSalts Used in Industrial Crystallization


Measured Vickers hardness

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KJ" RbJ"

/ /





i i i i ii 10


I i i 100

Calculated Vickers hardness Figure 5. Comparison of the c a l c u l a t e d and measured V i c k e r s hardness f o r NaCl-type c r y s t a l s

Acknowledgment s The support of t h i s project by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DF6) i s g r a t e f u l l y acknowledged. Legend of Symbols A d F f H H K M



constant length of diagonals indentation force force constant per unit charge hardness Vickers hardness constant reduced mass

In Crystallization as a Separations Process; Myerson, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.



54 m N r, r 8 T U V D

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constant Avogadro's number interatomic distance structure factor Debye temperature l a t t i c e energy or cohensive energy molecular volume valency density

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RECEIVED April 12, 1990

In Crystallization as a Separations Process; Myerson, A., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1990.