plate within a Type 304 (18-8) stainless steel shell, the improved Lightfoot Filter gives maximum ... lyst, stainless alloys, organic chemicals, and f...
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NYLAB introduces



NEW LIGHTFOOT FILTER! Quantitative Removal of all Solids —

Fingertip Ejection of " C a k e "

C o n s i s t i n g of a s l i d i n g m o l d e d " T e f l o n " filter plate w i t h i n a T y p e 304 ( 1 8 - 8 ) stainless steel s h e l l , the i m p r o v e d L i g h t f o o t Filter g i v e s m a x i m u m filtering speed and c o n v e n i e n c e . Concentric and radial g r o o v e s on the plate surface c o n d u c t the filtrate t o the stem. A t t h e end of the filtration t h e c a k e is ejected b y m e r e l y pressing t h e s t e m — solids are r e m o v e d q u a n t i t a t i v e l y b y the w i p i n g action of the Teflon plate. Further a d v a n t a g e s for l a b o r a t o r y use are: • EASY CLEANING—All parts of the filter are readily accessible. • LARGE CAPACITY—Filter body is extra deep to accommodate more liquid and permit formation of thicker filter cakes wherever porosity of the solid permits.

with DIETERT-DETROIT Equipment TWO MINUTE CARBON DETERMINATIONS a r e r o u t i n e w i t h t h e

Dietert-Detroit Carbon D e terminator, Model N o . 3003. Clean design assures accuracy with a simplicity of operation and low maintenance cost. Samples m a y be borings, mill chips, crushed samples, pellets, etc. Excellent performance record with iron, steel, petroleum catalyst, stainless alloys, organic chemicals, and foundr"

THREE MINUTE SULFUR DETERMINATIONS a r e e a s i l y a n d ac-

curately made with the N o . 3104 Dietert-Detroit Sulfur Determinator, working with coal, coke, irons, steels, stainless alloys, non-ferrous metals, minerals, rubber, petroleum products, wood, and other organic and inorganic materials.


• LONG STEMS—Stems fabricated from stainless steel . . . long enough to project below side-arm of filtering flask. • IMMERSION FILTRATION—Filter plate and stem assembly can be used as immersion filters.

Cat. No.

42908 42909 42910 42911 42912

Size No.

Filter Paper Diameter

1 2 3 4 5


17 23 35

42.5 55

Approx. Depth Above Plate

Approx. Length of Stem mm

Stem Diam.


mm 27 37 48 60 75

40 50 60 80 85

3/16" 3/16" 1/4" 3/8" 3/8"

$3.70 4.60 5.80 8.60 9.80


Latest listings of complete line of Dietert-Detroit Carbon and Sulfur Determinators including combustion furnaces and tubes, boats, shields, metal specimen molds, etc. Write for your copy n o w .




Write for Bulletin #250 HARRY W. DIETERT C O . 9 3 3 0 Roselawn A v e n u e , Detroit 4 , Michigan Send me your latest Carbon-Sulfur Determinator Catalog



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