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the MAGIC GENU of industry


• Like the m a g i c genie o f o l d , Harshaw Fluorides w o r k c a p a b l y a n d efficiently f o r many industries. They a r e used a d v a n t a g e o u s l y in numerous o p e r a tions. The t o p ranking o f Harshaw Fluorides is the result of r i g i d l y controlled uniformity and q u a l i t y . A comprehensive group of Harshaw Fluorides is listed below Ammonium Bifluoride Ammonium Fluoborate Antimony Trifluoride Sublimed Barium Fluoride Bismuth Fluoride Boron Trifluoride Boron Trifluoride Complexes Chromium Fluoride Fluoboric A d d Fluorine Cells Fluorinating Agents Frosting Mixtures Hydrofluoric Acid Anhydrous

Hydrofluoric Acid Aqueous Hydrofluosilicic Acid Inorganic Fluorinating Agents Potassium Bifluoride Potassium Chromium Fluoride Potassium Fluoborate Potassium Fluoride Potassium Titanium Fluoride Siiico Fluorides Sodium Fluoborate Zinc Fluoride

Available upon r e q u e s t . . . M . C. A. Safety Data


S D - 2 5 a n d H - 1 0 furnishing essential i n f o r m a t i o n f o r s a f e handling a n d use o f hydrofluoric a c i d .

THE H A R S H A W C H E M I C A L CO. 1945 E. 97th Street


Cleveland 6, Ohio

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