HARSHAW General Stores - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 7, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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I I S m THE BAG! Waterproof burlap bags. Or in fiberpak drums. Good protection either w a y for these Cobalt Sulfate crystals. For use as a p i g m e n t glaze or catalyst. As an additive for soil and animal feeds. In plating, ceramics, varnish driers, porcelain enamels and water purification. Comes in monohydrate form, too.


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Harshaw's Zirconium Acetate fills the bill for water-proofing textiles and paper products. A n d our zirconyl hydroxichloride trihydrate (ZHT) is used in the manufacture of antiperspirants. Also check our flock of other zirconium chemicals, including zirconium sulfate and oxychloride.

Nobody's perfect. But w e have removed most of the arsenic from our new high purity anhydrous hydrofluoric acid. (It contains less than one-tenth p.p.m.) Especially good for electronics i n dustry applications. Where can you use it? Our " r e g u l a r " and new low-arsenic HF are both available in any quantity you need—up to 8 0 , 0 0 0 - p o u n d tankcar loads.

©on we make gou something êpe©iol? Like storekeepers used to say, " I f you d o n ' t see it, askior i t ! " A n d Harshaw invites your inquiries for custom chemicals. We have very special facilities and k n o w - h o w in areas such as saponification, esterification and alkylation. From a drum to a tankcar load, Harshaw's on call w h e n you need custom chemicals.

a snaae against tne Mat Cadmium pigments from Harshaw. A c o l o r f u l array of cadmium lithopones, C.P. cadmium pigments and mercury cadmiums. Inorganics that are k n o w n for heat resistance and clean, bright hues. Applications in plastics, coatings, inks, paper, artists colors, rubber goods, artificial leather and coated fabrics.

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THE DIRECT APPROACH. It always w o r k s ! A n d in textile dyes, Harshaw has another superb direct—Balamine Fast Turquoise LGL. A bright, clean, greenish-blue direct dye for cellulosics. Great for piece goods or yarn packages at atmospheric or elevated pressure. Fast to resin finishes, including durable press.

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Attalaj^-tt-ymttsdi On our new Titanium Dioxide Analyzer. Designed for rapid x-ray analysis of T1O2 in paper. Simply insert piece of paper in sample slot. Titanium dioxide content is s h o w n directly on scale reading from 0 to 10%. A real time-saver. Accuracy compares w i t h w e t analysis.





É # HARSHAW THE HARSHAW CHEMICAL COMPANY Division of Kewanee Oil Company 1945 East 97th Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44106 Telephone (216) 7 2 1 - 8 3 0 0