May 22, 2012 - HARVEY W. WILEY AWARD RECIPIENT. Anal. Chem. , 1966, 38 (13), pp 61A–64A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50155a760. Publication Date: December ...
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HARVEY W.WILEY AWARD RECIPIENT J. Alexander Campbell was presented with the Harvey W. Wiley Award at the October meeting of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists in Washington, D. C. This award is given each year in recognition of the recipient's outstanding contributions to analytical chemistry. Dr. Campbell is Director, Research Laboratories, Food and Drug Directorate, Canada. His eminence in the field of

Scheduled Courses in Analytical Techniques Dec. 3 to 4—ACS Short Course on Interpretation of Infrared Spectra. Cincinnati, Ohio. Contact: Dr. Moses Passer, American Chemical Society, 1155 16th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 20036. Dec. 5 to 7—Theory and Application of Gas Chromatography in Industry and Medicine. Philadelphia, Pa. Contact: Dr. Henry S. Kroman, Hahnemann Medical College & Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa, 19102. Dec. 5 to 9—Methods of. Polymer Characterization. Stevens Institute of Technology. Contact: Executive Secretary, Plastics Institute of America, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, N. J. 07030. Dec. 5 to 9—Advanced Infrared Course. Philadelphia, Pa. Contact: Sadtler Research Laboratories, Inc., 3314 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. Dec. 6 to 7—Color Instrumentation Seminar. Holiday Inn of O'Hare in Schiller Park, Chicago, 111. Contact: Instrument Development Laboratories, Kollmorgen Corp., Northampton, Mass. Dec. 6 to 7—Workshop on Internal Reflection Spectroscopy. Norwalk, Conn. Contact: Wilks Scientific Corp., 140 Water St., South Norwalk, Conn. 06856. Dec. 8 to a—Basic Gas Chromatography Course. Minneapolis, Minn. Contact: John Ruszel, Varian Aerograph, 5151 North Harlem Ave., Chicago 31, 111. Dec. 12 to 14—Fifth Annual Workshop on High Resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. University of Illinois at the Medical Center, Chicago. Contact: Dr. Charles L. Bell, University of Illinois at the Medical Center, P. O. Box 6998, Chicago, 111. 60680. Dec. 12 to 16—Gas Chromatography Course. Philadelphia, Pa. Contact: Sadtler Research Laboratories, Inc., 3314 Spring. Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. Dec. 12 to 16—Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Course. Philadelphia, Pa. Contact: Sadtler Research Laboratories, Inc., 3314 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. Dec. 14 to 17—ACS Short Course on Molecular Characterization of Polymers. Chicago, 111. Contact: Dr. Moses Passer, American Chemical Society, 1155 16th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 20036. 1967

Jan. 2 to 27—Radioisotope Techniques. Oak Ridge, Tenn. Contact: Special Training Division, Oak Ridge Associated Universities; P. O. Box 117, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37830. Jan. 9 to 13—Workshop on Measurement of the Appearance Properties of Materials. Arlington, Va. Contact: Hunterlab, Inc., 9529 Lee Highway, Fairfax, Va. 22030. Jan. 23 to 27—Sixth Annual Measurement Engineering Short Course. Arizona State University, Tempe, Ariz. Contact: Peter Stein, Engineering Center, Arizona State University, Tempe, Ariz. 85281. Jan. 27 to 28—ACS Short Course on Thin Layer Chromatography. St. Louis, Mo. Contact: Dr. Moses Passer, American Chemical Society, 1155 16th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 20036. ' Feb. 10 to 11—ACS Short Course on Thin Layer Chromatography. Dayton, Ohio. Contact: Dr. Moses Passer, American Chemical Society, 1155 16th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 20036. Feb. 20 to Mar. 17—Radioisotope Techniques. Oak_ Ridge, Tenn. Contact: Special Training Division, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, P. O. Box 117, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37830. Mar. 21 to 22—ACS Short Course on Thin Layer Chromatography. Knoxville, Tenn. Contact: Dr. Moses Passer, American Chemical Society, 1155 16th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 20036.

vitamin methodology is indicated by the fact that he has served on committees on vitamins of the U. S. Formulary, and as an Associate Referee on niacin for t h e AOAC. Dr. Campbell has an M.Sc. degree in nut r i t i o n and a Ph.D. degree in food chemistry, both f r o m McGill University. He is a member of many honorary and professional societies and has been an official in several of these.

X-Ray Analysis Meeting The X-Ray Analysis Group of The Institute of Physics and The Physical Society is arranging a conference on the x-ray analysis of biological materials to be held at the University of Oxford, April 13 and 14, 1967. The main topics to be dealt with will be: the structural analysis of crystalline substances; interactions between molecules, and x-ray work on noncrystalline materials. Those people interested in attending this meeting should write to Dr. E. J. W. Whittaker, F. Inst. P., Department of Geology and Mineralogy, Parks Rd., Oxford, England.

Electroanalytical Journal Changes Name Beginning in January 1967 the title of the Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry will be changed to the Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and .Interfacial Electrochemistry. The journal is defined as "An international journal devoted to all aspects of eleetroanalytical chemistry, double layer studies, electrokinetics, colloid stability, and electrode kinetics." The extended scope is to provide a publishing outlet for scientists working in fields where electroanalytical chemistry overlaps with colloid chemistry, fundamental electrochemistry, etc. To ensure rapid publication three volumes rather than two will be published in 1967. This journal is published by Elsevier Publishing Co., P. O. Box 211, Jan van Galenstraat 335, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. VOL. 3 8 , NO. 13, DECEMBER 1906


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Nov 30 fo Dec. 2

22nd Annual Southwest Regional A C S Meeting.. Albuquerque, N..M. Contact: Dr. Robert A. Penneman, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, Ν . Μ. 87544.

Nov 28 to Dec. 3

Second International Conference on Methods of P r e p a r i n g and Storing Labelled Compounds. Brussels, Belgium. Contact: M r . J. Sirehis, European Atomic Energy Community, 51-53 Rue Belliard, Brussels, Belgium.

Dec. 3

Symposium on Physical Methods i n Organic Chemistry. Butler University. Sponsor: ACS Indiana Section. Contact: Dr..Sid­ ney A. Kilsheimer, D e p a r t m e n t of Chemistry, Butler University, Indianapolis, Ind. 46207.

Dec. 2 7 to 30

Seventh Seminar on Electrochemistry. Karaikudi, India. Contact: Dr. C. V. Suryanarayana, Central Electrochemical Research I n ­ stitute, Karaikudi-3 (Madras State) India. Page 53 A, Nov.

Jan. 23 to 27—LSU Symposium on Modern Methods of A n a lytical Chemistry. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge. Contact: Dr. J. W. Robinson, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La. 70803. Page 57 A, Nov. J a n . 29—Third Annual Symposium on Mossbauer Effect Methodology. Hilton Hotel, New York City. Contact: Paul A. M e N u l t y , N e w England Nuclear Corp., 575 Albany St., Boston, Mass. 02118. Feb. 2 to 3—1967 W e s t e r n Spectroscopy Association Meeting. Asilomar Hotel and Conference Grounds, Pacific Grove, Calif. Contact: G. Wilse Robinson, Cali­ fornia Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif. 91109. Feb. 5 to 10—ASTM Committee Week. Statler Hilton Hotel, Detroit, Mich. Contact: American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia 3, Pa. Feb. 6 to 7—Second Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting of t h e A C S . New York Hilton, New York City. Contact: Dr. Samuel M. Gerber, CIBA Chemical & D y e Co., Fairlawn, N . J . 07410. Page 84 A, Sept. Feb. 15 to 16—Conference on Recent Developments in the Theory, Technique, and A p ­ plications of Electron Microanalysers. London, England. Contact: T h e Meetings Officer, T h e Institute of Physics and T h e Physical Society, 47 Belgrave Square, London, S. W. 1, England. Feb. 19 to 23—52nd A n n u a l Meeting of T A P P I . New York Hilton Hotel, New York City. Contact: P . E . Nethercut, Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper I n ­ dustry, 360 Lexington Ave., New York, Ν . Υ . 10017. Feb. 27—Second T o r o n t o Symposium o n Thermoanalysis. T h e I n n on the Park, Toronto, Canada. Sponsor: Toronto Section, Chemical Institute of Canada. Con­ tact: Dr. H . G. McAdie, Ontario Research Foundation, 43 Queen's P a r k Crescent, Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada. Feb. 27 t o Mar. 3—Symposium on Membrane Structure and Function. Alpine Inn, Ste. Marguerite, Quebec, Canada. Contact: Chemical Institute of Canada, 151 Sla­ ter St., Ottawa 4, Ontario, Canada. Page 53 A, Nov. Mar. 2 to 10—Symposium on Radioactive D a t i n g and Methods of Low-Level Count­ ing. Vienna, Austria. Sponsor: International Atomic Energy Agency. Contact: J o h n H . K a n e , U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D . C. 20545. Mar. 6 to 10—18th P i t t s b u r g h Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spec­ troscopy, Inc. Penn-Sheraton Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. Contact: Gerald L. Carlson, Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh, Pa. Page 84 A, Sept. Mar. 20 t o 21—Conference on P r o g r e s s in Gas Chromatography. University of California, Los Angeles. Contact: H . L. Tallman, Physical Sciences Extension, R o o m 6532 Boelter Hall, University of California, Los Angeles, Calif. 90024. Page 64 A, Dec. Apr. 2 to 8-^Seventh World Petroleum Congress. Mexico City, Mexico. Contact: W. T. Gunn, Director of t h e Division of Refining,- American Petroleum Institute, 1271 Avenue of the Americas, New York, Ν . Υ. 10020. Pago 80 A, Sept. Apr. 3 to 6—Fourth International Symposium on Advances in Gas Chromatography. Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York City. Contact: Prof. A. Zlatkis, D e p t . of Chemistry, University of Houston, Houston, Texas. Page 58 A, Aug. Apr. 9 to 14—American Chemical Society 153rd National Meeting. Miami Beach, Fla. Includes Analytical Division Sessions. Contact: Program Chairman, E . C. Dunlop, E . I . du P o n t de N e m o u r s Co., Wilmington, Del. 19898. Apr. 10 to 14—International Symposium on Physical Separation Methods in Chemical Analysis. Amsterdam, Netherlands. Contact: Congres Bureau, St. Agnietonstraat 4, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Page 70 A, June. Apr. 13 to 14—Conference on the X - R a y Analysis of Biological Materials. Oxford, England. Contact: D r . E . J. W. Whittaker, F . Inst. P., D e p a r t m e n t of Geology and Mineralogy, Parks Rd., Oxford, England. Page 61 A, Dee. Apr. 24 to 29—18th Meeting of the Comité International de Thermodynamique et de Cinétique Électrochimiques. Sohloss Elmau, Bavaria, West Germany. Contact: Dr. M . Fleischmann, D e p t . of Physical Chemistry, University of Newcastle upon T y n e , Newcastle upon Tyne 1, England. Page 81 A, Sept. Λ Λ 1 _ ! . . Ε»,*»..».. WOming EVemS

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NEWS May 8 to 13—Symposium on Nuclear Activation Techniques in Life Sciences. Am­ sterdam, Netherlands. Contact: Dr. G. B. Cook, Dept. of Research and Isotopes, In­ ternational Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria. Page 54 A, Oct. May 15 to 18—Mid-America Symposium on Spectroscopy. Chicago-Sheraton Hotel, Chicago, 111. Contact: Lew Malter, Lew Malter & Assoc, P. 0. Box 252, Morton Grove, 111. 60053. Page 53 A, Nov. May 21 to 26—Fifth International Conference on Nondestructive Testing. Sheraton Mount Royal Hotel, Montreal, Quebec. Contact: 5th International Conference on Nondestructive Testing, P. O. Box 95, Verdun, Quebec, Canada. June 12 to 17—-International Symposium on Macromolecular Chemistry. Brussels and Louvain. Contact : Secretariat of the International Symposium on Macromolecular Chemistry, 49, Square Marie-Louise, Bruxelles 4. Page 53 A, Nov. June 19 to 23—XIII Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale. Carleton Univer­ sity, Ottawa, Canada. Contact: The Secretary, XIII Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale, National Research Council, Ottawa 7, Canada. Page 58 A, Aug. June 21 to 23—Analytical Division (ACS) Summer Symposium. Claremont, Calif. Subject: Modern Titrimetry. Contact: Joseph Jordan, Dept. of Chemistry, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pa. Pago 63 A, Dec. June 21 to 29—ACHEMA 1967. Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Contact: Deutsche Gesellschaft fur chemisches Apparatewesen, 6000 Frankfurt (Main), Postfach 7746, Germany. June 25 to 30—ASTM 70th Annual Meeting. Statler Hilton Hotel, Boston, Mass. Contact: American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia 3, Pa. July 3 to 8—IMEKO IV, International Measurement Confederation Congress. War­ saw, Poland. Contact: IMEKO Secretariat, Budapest, 5„ P.O.B. 457, Hungary. July 7 to 8—Conference on Chemically Grown Surface Films. University of Stratchclyde, England. Sponsors : Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group of The Institute of Physics and The Physical Society. Contact: Meetings Officer, The Institute of Physics and The Physical Society, 47 Belgrave Square, London, S. W. 1, England. Page 73 A, May. Aug. 14 to 18—Sixth Australian Spectroscopy Conference. Brisbane, Queensland, Aus­ tralia. Contact: Dr. D. James, University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Page 54 A, Oct.




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International Mass Spectrometry Conference An International Mass Spectrometry Conference will be held in West Berlin, September 25 to 29, 1967, at the Technische Universitaet. This meeting is sponsored by the American Society of Testing and Materials Committee E-14, A. G. Massenspoktroskopie der D. P . G. (Germany), GAMS (France), Hydro­ carbon Research Group (Great Brit­ ain), and organized by Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker . (Facligruppe Analytische Chemie). Those wishing to present a communication at the con­ ference should send a short abstract to the scientific committee before Janu­ ary 15, 1967. Correspondence should be directed to Geschaftsstelle der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, z. Hd. von Herrn Dr. W. Fritsche, 6 Frankfurt/Main Postfach 9075, Ger­ many. The subjects of the sessions and the authors of the introducing review pa­ pers (provisional program) follow: D a t a Acquisition a n d Processing in M a s s Spectrometry. K. H a b f a s t , B r e m e n ; A . L. B u r l i n g a m e , B e r k e l e y ; J . S. H a l liday, Manchester. Theory of Mass Spectra. H . M. R o s e n s t o c k , W a s h i n g t o n , D. C ; G. G. H a l l , Nottingham. Qualitative Analysis. J . H. B e y n o n , M a n c h e s t e r ; K. B i e m a n n , C a m b r i d g e , M a s s . ; C. D j e r a s s i , S t a n f o r d . Inorganic Quantitative Cornu, G r e n o b l e .



Field Ionization Mass Spectrometry. Block, Berlin.

J. Circle No. 151 on Readers' Service Card

C h e m i c a l Ionization M a s s Spectrometry. F. H. F i e l d , L i n d e n , N. J . Photon I m p a c t P h e n o m e n a . J . C o m e s , B o n n ; D. W. T u r n e r , L o n d o n . H. I. Schiff,


M a s s Spectrometry in t h e Field of N u ­ clear Physics. H. E w a l d , G i e B e n ; R. Bernas, Orsay.


Space Mass Spectrometry. Toronto.

Further sessions without review pa­ pers are planned on the following sub­ jects: Thermodynamic Data ; Elemen­ tary Processes (Auto-Ionization, Su­ per-Excited States, Electron Attach­ ment, Scattering Processes, Ionization by Impact of Excited Particles or ocParticles, etc.); Reaction Kinetics; Geochemistry ; Instrumentation and Advanced Techniques.

Analytical Summer Symposium The 1967 Analytical Summer Sym­ posium will be devoted to "Modern Titrimetry." The event, which is jointly sponsored by the Analytical Di­ vision of ACS and by the journal A N ­ ALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, is scheduled for

June 21-23, 1967, at Pomona College, Claremont, Calif. The program will feature several papers on specific ion electrodes and a round table discussion led by experts active in this field. Other topics will include new end-point determinative techniques and novel de­ velopments in electrochemical and ther-


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