Has the Earth Suffered Cosmic Catastrophes? - C&EN Global

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"Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered"

"The public deserves a better assessment of the validity of Velikovsky's work than it has received to date." W A L T E R ORR ROBERTS, former president, American Association for the Advancement of Science "The burden of proof has now swung to the other side. It lies upon the back of the scientific establishment to prove Velikovsky wrong. Much of what he has predicted is turning out to be right." ERNEST E. A N G I N O , chairman, geology department, University of Kansas " I n our own time Immanuel Velikovsky, who was maligned for making myth the basis for a cosmic hypothesis, appears to be approaching vindication." MOSES H A D A S , the late Jay Professor of Greek, Columbia University

Has the Earth


When, in 1950, Velikovsky's Worlds in Collision exploded upon the scholarly community, prominent scientists vied w i t h one another for news coverage in denouncing the bestselling book as "nonsense and rubbish."

Hess, " A l l of them were predicted long before proof that they were correct came to hand. Conversely, I do not know of any specific prediction you made that has since been proven to be false."

And yet, last June Industrial Research published the results of a poll taken among scientists and engineers: 80% of the respondents said they agreed wholly or in part with Velikovsky's once-unorthodox contentions.

For example, the most surprising discoveries and perplexing mysteries of the space age were foreseen—and explained—by Velikovsky: the strong " f o s s i l " magnetism on the moon; the steep lunar thermal gradient; Venus' backward rotation and its extremely hot surface; the Earth's magnetosphere; and the role of electromagnetic forces in interplanetary space. Their explanation, Velikovsky realized, lay in the nightmarish, cataclysmic episodes which nearly annihilated the human race.

Velikovsky claims that geological data, fossil evidence, and historical records all point to cosmic catastrophes which devastated the Earth more than once during man's history. One such upheaval brought an end to Egypt's Middle Kingdom, destroyed civilizations around the world and figured in the Israelite Exodus. Observed Professor Alfred de Grazia of New York University: Velikovsky "derived important truths from ancient sources that science had abandoned. Profound experiences of man's ancestors are revealed anew. He has shown that the present order of the solar system is quite new and that unaccounted forces help govern it." Why are Velikovsky's all-embracing theories more acceptable today than in 1950? For the same reason that textbooks of the '50's are being re-written: the space probes and historical research of the past two decades have vindicated Velikovsky on one count after another. "Some of these predictions were said to be impossible when you made t h e m , " wrote the late Princeton University geologist, H. H.


The resurgent interest in what Velikovsky has been telling us these many years is evidenced in these recent developments which would have been unthinkable when Velikovsky was outcast in the '50's: • The respected British journal, New Scientist, published a call for a full re-examination of Velikovsky's work. An editorial in Chemical and Engineering News, "Velikovsky, the American Chemical Society, and the Open M i n d , " urged a new look at the one-time heretic's views. Industrial Research carried a lengthy article titled simply, " V e l i k o v s k y . " • Last fall Velikovsky lectured by invitation at NASA's Ames Research Center in California. Numerous universities and scientific organizations compete for his time. (Just recently he received an invitation from the NASA Langley Research Center in Virginia for consultations in December.)

Catastrophes? • The Canadian and British Broadcasting Corporations have produced one-hour documentaries on Velikovsky to satisfy increasing public curiosity about this man's startling conclusions. The publisher of the Medical Tribune (circulated to half a million doctors) has written a series of columns outlining Velikovsky's work. • The American Association for the Advancement of Science is under increasing pressure to hold a symposium to clarify the scientific status of the new catastrophism set forth by Velikovsky—a move supported by former A A A S president, Walter Orr Roberts, and Carl Sagan, Cornell University astronomer.

Five issues of Pensee magazine's explosive series, "Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered/' have so far been published. Contributors include leading scientists and scholars. Velikovsky himself contributes many previously unpublished articles. Order your introductory copy now for only $2. Pensee Magazine P.O. Box 414 Portland, Oregon 97207


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