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investigate EMEROX Azelaic Acid Versus sebacic... For example, in butyl esters for plasticizers, and in dioctyl esters both for plasticizers and synthetic lubricants, these dibasic acids are interchangeable. Yet azelaic has a decided cost advantage with equivalent endproduct efficiency and performance. Versus adipic... Emerox Azelaic Acid produces products with definitely different characteristics. This is exemplified by diesters for plasticizers
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in which the azelates provide superior lowtemperature flexibility and lower volatility. Also, because of its odd carbon structure and longer chain length, azelaic acid imparts unusual properties to resins and polyesters. Try azelaic acid in your application. I t may improve your product's economic or performance standing, either of which can lead to more sales. Mail coupon for literature, or write for sample.
Emery Industries, Inc. Dept C-4, Carew Tower Cincinnati 2, Ohio Please send technical literature on Emerox Azelaic Acid. Name.
Emery Industries, Inc., Carew Tower,
Cincinnati 2, Ohio
N e w York · Philadelphia · Lowell, Mass. · C h i c a g o · San Francisco · C l e v e l a n d Warehouse $tock$ also in St. Louis, Buffalo, Baltimore and Los Angeles Export: C a r e w Tower, Cincinnati 2 , Ohio
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