Corporation, Kokomo, Indiana. HAYNES. HAYNES STELLITE COMPANY. Division of Union Carbide Corporation. "Haynes," "Hastelloy" and "Union Carbide" are ...
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HAYNES Alloys solve the tough corrosion problems

27a Years in CHLORINE DIOXIDE . . . and still operating J. ο give greater brightness to kraft paper, the pulp is bleached with chlorine dioxide (CIO2). This creates a mixer and equipment problem —some of the mixer ma­ terials lasted only six months. One mixer, lined with %-in. HASTELLOY alloy C sheet, has lasted 2 % years — 5 times longer than any previous material used. A mixer made entirely of HASTELLOY alloy C has a full life expectancy of 10 years. If you have a severe corrosive condi­ tion, it will pay you to investigate the use of


alloys. Send

Booklet. Address H A Y N E S

. . . P r o c e s s E q u i p m e n t P r o t e c t e d with HASTELLOY Alloy C . . . can be used to handle acids, fats, oils, or other corrosive materials. This vessel made of HASTELLOY alloy C handles chlorine dioxide used in a pulp bleaching process.



C O M P A N Y , Division of Union Carbide Corporation, Kokomo, Indiana.


HAYNES STELLITE COMPANY Division of Union Carbide Corporation

UNION CARBIDE "Haynes," "Hastelloy" and "Union Carbide" are registered trade-marks of Union Carbide Corporation. Fir firtter itfoniitlin, circle cumber 33 A ei Rulers' Service Carl, page 111 A VOL. 49, NO. 8 ·

AUGUST 1997 3 3 A