He might have lived! - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

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A world at war could not wait. Des­ perately needed penicillin was first grown in mass quantities in thou­ sands of PYREX brand laboratory culture bottles.

he razor nick on the London bob­ by's face was so insignificant, he hardly noticed it. Yet the staphylococcal infection that began in this tiny wound in a short time was to take his life. A re­ markable new drug—used for the first time in his case—made miraculous changes in the course of the infection. He died because only a tiny amount of the drug was available. Had his infection occurred but a short time later, there would have been enough penicillin to save him. He almost lived.


of them all

Bacteriologist Arthur Fleming discov­ ered penicillin in 1928 when one morning he noted that a mold had overnight destroyed a large portion of bacteria in a petri dish.

More than a decade later, another scientist was to research this magic mold to find the source of its miracu­ lous power. Penicillin—all the world n e e d s no w saves millions from once deadly diseases. Found in a glass dish, it was first mass produced in PYREX brand culture bottles supplied by Corning in carload lots. Glass continues its vital role in the pursuit of knowledge about wonder drugs and in practically every other field of research. Because PYREX brand glass No. 7740 combines ther­ mal and mechanical strength, stability and durability in balance, it is the most universally used laboratory ware by today's scientists. Corning means research in glass.

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