Headlines of the Month | Industrial & Engineering Chemistry

May 1, 2002 - Journal Logo. Headlines of the Month. Cite This:Ind. Eng. Chem.19494181810. Publication Date (Print):August 1, 1949. Publication History...
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th Events of Interest to Chemists, Chemical Engineers, and Executives7 JUNEIG. Department of Justice announces LowensteinFiedel process of producing hydrogen peroxide is available for licensing by Alien Property Custodian on royalty-free nonexclusive basis. fT JUNE17. Army begins first national survey of domestic fuel resources covering coal, oil, gas, and shale deposits. fT JUNE19. More than 400 out of 497 recipients of atomic energy fellowships have signed loyalty oaths, Atomic Energy Commission says.

R JUNE20. Farm Crops Processing Corp. turns back to Dcpartment of Agriculture, Omaha alcohol plant i t has operated since 19441.---Department of Agriculture announces development of two new synthetic fibers-one from cottonseed protein and one from chemically modified wood or cotton cellulose2.

7 JUNE 23. Justice Department says a long-standing monopoly i n glass fiber industry will be broken up under consent judgment against Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., Owens Illinois Glass Co., and Corning Glass Works. 7 JUNE24. Martin D. Kamen, in collaboration with Howard Gest, Washington University, St. Louis, discovers new clue to photosynthesis x-hich makes it possible for first time t o “catch nature in the act” of liberating hydrogen by means of light. 7 JUNE28. AEC reports 50 per cent reduction in unit cost of producing uranium-235 a t Oak Ridge plant. 7 JUNE 29. Norway limits distribution of heavy water t o signatory nations of North Atlantic pact, Premier Einar Gerhardsen says. 7 JUNE30.

Lieut. Gen. Leslie E. Groves, wartime chief of Manhattan Project, urges Federal Bureau of Investigation be given a stronger role in safeguarding atomic secrets.---Senator Hickenlooper concludes month-long presentation of charges against AEC.----Government seeks 3-way split of Du Pont from General hlot,ors and U. S. Rubber Co. of Kew York in antitrust suit filed in Chicago.

7 JULY 1. Reconstruction Finance Corp. closes two government-owned synthetic rubber plants in California-the butadiene plant, El Segundo operated by Standard Oil, and the copolymer plant a t Torrance operated by Goodyear Synthetic Rubber Corp. 7 JULY2. U. S. Geological Survey reports deposits of highgrade manganese ore, possibly more than 7,000,000 tons, in Serra do Navio District of Brazil.--Blair Burmell, head Minerals Engineering Co., reports discovery of vanadium- and uraniumbearing ore near Rico, Colo. 7 JULY3. Armour Research Foundation

of Illinois Institute of

Technology begins industrial research for Mexican development in new laboratory building in Aiexico City.---U. S. and British concerns dealing in oil and other products in the Middle East are training engineers a t American University of Beirut.

JULY 4. American Cyanamid Co. announces renewal of 15


scholarships for academic year 1 9 4 9 4 0 , chiefly chemistry and chemical engineering3. 1 2


Chem. Eng. .Vews, 27, 2076 (July 18, 1949). I b i d . , 27, 2092 (July 18, 1948). Ibid., 27, 2081 (July 18, 1949).

- R ~ e ~ i ~b ey dthe Editors

7 JULY 5 . H. 31.West, director of research, Warner Institute for Therapeutic Research of Wm. R. Warner & Co., Inc., New York, announces synthesis of vitamin A by new proccss that makes commercial production possible4.~-Owens-CorniIlg Fiberglas Corp. starts operations in its new 937,000,000 plant a t Santa Clara, Calif. 7 JULY 6. Robert F. Bacher, member of AEC until last May 10, tells Congressional committee atomic bomb production is in

“best shape ever.”--Russia discloses she wants right t o explore for oil in about 3000 square miles of Austria as part of her price for ending military occupation of t h a t country.

JCLY 7. Brig. Gen. James hicCormack, Jr., director AEC’s Military Application Division, testifies before Senate-House Atomic Energy Committee t h a t there has been a “complete model change’’ in atomic bomb since BEG took over project in 1947.---House approves bill establishing right of manufacturers acting independently to absorb shipping costs in order t o quote uniform delivered prices throughout country.--Senate Appropriations Committee approves rider t o AEC’s 1949-50 supply bill calling for new limitations on commission expenditures for construction.---Senator Brien McMahon and Representative Carl T.Durham introduce identical bills in Senate and House to require annual legislation for all AEC programs. “Gilbert Dodd, European supervisor for Monsanto Chemical Co., says German chemical manufacturers are competing with good chemicals a t attractive prices and good service. r[ JULY8. Mellon Institute establishes fellowship to explore possibilities of production of foods especially for old people.

7 JULY 10. James Boyd, director, U. S. Bureau of Mines, says a 4-hour test run with all six burners operating a t capacity was successful in Government’s attempt t o develop synthetic liquid fuels from coal at its coal gasification unit a t Louisiana, Mo.-N Ernest W. Thiele, assistant research director Standard Oil Co. (Ind.), appointed by Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy t o make a n impartial investigation of the loss of U-235, says new analyses of laboratory waste indicate all that vanished a t a Chicago atomic installation might be accounted for within the limits of analytical accuracy. F JULY 11. Excavation starts on engineering group buildings for General Motors technical center on 320-acre tract near H. Greenwalt, president D u Pont, urges Detroit.--Crawford customers, employees, and company stockholders t o give their ‘%hole-hearted support in resisting” Department of Justice antitrust suit, demanding dissolution of D u Pont organization, and denies its business transactions have been illegal or improper.

7 JULY 12. Du Pont breaks ground for n e x fabrics and finishes rebeai cli laboratory a t Philadelphia, estimated t o cost 52,000,000. 7 JULY13. President Truman signs H.R. 3151 adding auieomycin, bacitracin, and chloromycetin t o list of antibiotics requiring certification by Federal Food and Drug Administration. 7 JULY14. Armour Research Foundation develops synthetic substitute for African and East Indian palm oil, used in making hot dip tinplate.--Commerce Department announces export quota of 52,000 tons (nitrogen content) of nitrogenous fertilizers, 10,000tons less than last year’s quota. 4


I b i d . , 27, 2106 (July 18, 1949).