HEADLINES of the Month | Industrial & Engineering Chemistry

May 1, 2002 - HEADLINES of the Month. Cite This:Ind. Eng. Chem.19494151086. Publication Date (Print):May 1, 1949. Publication History. Published onlin...
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A D L I N E S of Events of Interest to Chemists, Chemical Engineers, and Executives7 ~ I A R C16. H Paul C. -4ebersold, chief isotopes division,

Bureau of Standards announces its scientists have obtained I_r ’ and far-reaching new idormation in the realm of pure science about electric particles in atom’s nucleus.

Atomic Energy Conimission, says manufacture of radiation detecting equipment’has grown t o a $10,000,000 yearly business.

7 MARCH29. University of Rochester installs world’s second largest cosmic ray cyclotron,

q,; XARCH 17. Scient,ists of U. S. Department of Agriculture succeed in producing synthetic pyrethrum, the basis of many household insecticides.--Texas Co. establishes graduate fellowship in microchemical analysis a t New York University, to be directed by John E. Vance, head, Department of Cheniistry.--Senator Brie11 RlcMahon says AEC is considering Pocatello, Idaho, as a site for a $500,000,000 atomic energy reactor center.--John Z. Bowers, Division of Biology and Medicine, AEC, says lingering radioactivity after a n atomic bomb burst of any kind can be cleared up by means now available.

‘I MARCH31. Willard H. Don-, president, arid chairman Dow Chemical Co. and member I.R.E.C. Advisory Board, killed in crash of h i s private plane near London, Ont,3--Winstori Churchill, speaking a t M I T mid-century convocation, says atomic bomb saved Europe from Soviet. f APRIL1. Justice Department notifics Senat’eit has no serious objection t o legislation birring Federal Trade Commission temporarily ruling out basing point pricing system in certaiii cases.--British Government’s Committee on Industrial Productivity recommends const’ructionof nitrogenous fcrtilizer plan1 i-: to increase British food production 20% within next 5 years,

7 MARCH18. Senate passes bill for establishmgnt of a Kational Science Foundation along lines recommended by President Truman.--Oak Ridge, Tenn., i s formally separated from security area surrounding nuclear fission plants and thrown open to public by magncsium set off by atomic pile 15 miles away.

11 APRIL 2. Report from London says Germany will be prohibited from making synthetic rubber, oil, and gasoline under three-power reparations accord readied in London.--vRussians open oil well in Austria, probably center of important oil held.

‘nus C. Pauling, President A.C.S.7 announces MARCH20. creation of new 4.C.S. division, the Division of Chemical T,iterature, with Yorman C. Hill, C. P. Hall Co., chairman.

7 APRIL 3. U.’S. Bureau of Mines says South Dakota has 12,000,000 tons of metallic manganese which is now too cxpcnsivct to mine.--.-.National Securit,y Resources Board appoints committee from seven federal departments t o st,udy developnicnt of Ti. S. deposits of low-grade manganese.

g MARCH21. D u Pont plans to build new plant a t its Washington works near Parkersburg, W. Va., for first full-scale production of the plastic, Teflon, or tetrafluoroethylene.

71 MARCH2 2 , Senate confirms James Boyd as director of U. S. Bureau of RIines.---Production of cold rubber starts at plant operated by C. S. Rubber Go., Naugatuck, C0nn.NGeneral Bniline places in operation new plant to make chemicals from acetylene by unique process, a development of method invented by I. G. Farben chemist,, ,J. Walther Reppe’.

7 APRIL 4. Sational Association of Nan.ufacturers asks Coilgress t o investigate Federal Trade Commission. UI APRIL 5 . Vast beds of uranium-bearing ores are discovered deep in interior of British Guiana.--AEC opens $1,000,000 laboratory in Kew Rrunswick, K. J., for assaying ui*aniuni.--Cooper-Bessemer announces it has been licensed t o produce magnesium-treated cast iron under first license granted b:y International Nickel, developers of the material.

7 MARCH23. India’s Prime Minister says India will spend about $100,000 on studies of atomic energy for peacetime uses. --Robert F. Bacher, U. S. Btomic Energy Commissioner, says about 10,000 tons of uranium would produce present yearly electrical power of entire world~--H* Gordon Smith, vice president and general manager U. S. Rubber Co.’s textile division, says company will build $250,000 laboratory for textile research and development at Winnsboro, 8. C.

7 APRIL 6. President Truman sa,ys he will not hesitate t o use atomic bomb again if necessary for welfare of U. S. and democracies of the world. 7 APRIL 7. Westinghouse Electric makes new insulating mat,erial, a plastic foam, a molasses-like synthetic resin, which can be shipped in a barrel and foamed into place.

1;”MARCH24. G.E. announces grants of $18,460 t o 15 college graduates for advanced research study.--ltobert Gould Research Foundation makes $4000 grant-in-aid for research in nutrition by A. C. Elvehjem, University of Wisconsin.

71 & ! ~ R C H26. Parke, Davis &- Go. announces pract’ical artificial R. Killian, Jr., production for first timc of chloromgcetin.-.uJ. new president MIT, says technical men should also be trained in the humanities. T MARCH27. Secretary of the lnterior Krug says national security and the country’s standard of living depend on development of new resources, especially in fields of synthetic fuels, water power, and stepped-up ore hunts.

7 MARCH28. A.C.S. opens 115th national meet’ingin San Francisco, Calif.*--Government’s 12-year-old antitrust suit against Aluminum Co. of America opens hearings t o determine whether company should divest itself of some holdings.-mxational I 2

Chem Eng. News, 27, 976 (April 11. 1949). I b i d . , 1125 (April 18, 1949).

-Reviswed b y the Editors

7 APRIL 8. A new oil-refining process developed by Vladimir Haensel, chemist Universal Oil Products Co., uses platinum t o make high-octa,ne motor fuel.

7 APRIL 11. R. L. Murray, executive vice president 1Iooker Electro-Chemical Co., is named to receive 1949 Jacob P. SchoelIkoff medal of Western N. Y, Section, A.C.S., in recognition of engineering ability and for unusually able direction of chemical research and development in the chlorine and alkali industry. 7 APRIL 12. Plant for production of smokeless solid fuel from bituminous coal, said to be largest of its kind in the world, starts operation in Pittsburgh. 7 APRIL 13. Rust-proofing of fine instruments and other metal articles without greasing or sealing air tight is possible simply by wrapping them loosely in a chemically treated paper, M. E. Spaght, president, Shell Development Co., says. 3


I b i d . , 1035 arid 1073 (April 11, 1949).