Health, safety & environmental information from CAS. Be prepared

Nov 11, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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Health, safety & environmental information from CAS. Be prepared. Did you hear that? It's that little voice again. That voice of anxiety. And it likes to ask those tough questions. Questions about transporting, storing and handling chemical substances.. .for instance. Fortunately, CAS has answers to those questions with services that will give you the information you need. Health, Safety & Environmental You'll find databases with safety, storage Services from CAS and STN and handling data. We have the largest • Databases with safety storage collection of online MSDS databases and handling data available anywhere. We offer the CAS • The largest collection of online REGISTRYSM file for identifying informaMSDS databases available anywhere tion on over 13 million substances. And CHEMLIST® is a well respected database on substances subject to regulation. Plus, our environmental protection and pollutant information that's available online or on CD-ROM.

• CAS REGISTRY for identification information on over 73 million substances • CHEMUST is a well respected database on substances subject to regulation • Environmental protection and

These services are designed by scientists. pollutant information available They're accurate. And they'll allow you online or on CD-ROM to save time by letting you use the CAS Registry Number® to quickly locate information. The kind of information that you can count on. Because CAS is an authoritative source for identifying substances. You can search on our STN network from your own computer. Or for a specific need, you can call our search experts to do the searching for you. It's your choice. Order today, and we'll take $50 off the first search we conduct for you. If you'd like to hear more about health, safety & environmental information from CAS, call 1 - 8 0 0 - 9 3 3 - 4 3 5 0 or 614-447-3731. Or fax 614-447-3751. And remember. That little voice will always ask those tough questions. With CAS, you'll have the answers.

cas A Division Of The American Chemical Society®