Martin solvent recovery apparatus,. Kontes/Martin ... possible motor drives; media dispenser; label printer. ... HPLC; two-pen potentiometric strip ch...
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DIGI-SCAN A scanning polarographic analyzer that provides a «DIGITAL READOUT" for organic and inorganic trace analysis

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PEAK CAPTURE: Maximum current is digitally displayed and held · There are no meters to read • There are no recording charts that require interpretation. FAST: Scanning readout results are completed in 60 seconds or less on most analyses. SIMPLE: Only three switches operate the instru­ ment. Ideal for rapid repetitive analysis. TWO MODELS AVAILABLE: Two electrode model and three electrode model for high resistance solution analysis. RECORDER OUTPUT: Recorder jacks are built in for polaro­ graphic recordings. ELECTRONICS: All solid state. VOLTAGE RANGE: Adjustable from 0 to -3.0 V DIGITAL RANGE: 20 micro amps, or 2 micro amps, full scale with .1 micro amp. or .01 micro amp. readability. SENSITIVITY: Low parts per million. COST: Low operating cost per sample. ORDER INFORMATION: 950503 Digi-Scan (two electrode model) without electrodes, or cell, or stand. Please see 950601 for hanging drop electrode assembly. 950604 Digi-Scan (three electrode model) without electrodes, or cell, or stand. Please see 950602 for hanging drop three electrode assembly.


33737 - 32 Mile Road Richmond, Michigan 48062 Phone (313) 727-3665

EXPOSITION Inax Instruments Ltd. P.O. Box 6044, Stn. J, Ottawa, da K2A IT 1.


Instrumentation Laboratory, Inc. 113 Hartwell Ave., Lexington, Mass. 02173. Models 151 and 251 atomic absorp­ tion spectrophotometers and Model 455 flameless atomizer. International Pammcorp. Four Β St., Burlington, Mass. 01803. Stu­ dent spectroscopy laboratory: undergrad­ uate teaching of modern instrumental anal­ ysis; NMR, ESR, NQR, microwave spec­ trometers and associated hardware and software. International Plasma Corp. 25222 Cypress Ave., Hayward, Calif. 94544. Low-temperature ashing equipment with accessories, fully automatic asher, with large 8-in. diam 1-ft long ashing chamber made of quartz, for fast Freon ashing of large samples.

Jeol USA, Inc. 235 Birchwood Ave., Cranford, N.J. 07016. Johns-Manville Greenwood Plaza, Denver, Colo. 80217. J o i n t C o m m i t t e e o n P o w d e r Diffraction Standards 1601 Park Lane, Swarthmore, Pa. 19081. Powder diffraction file. Joyce-Loebl Instruments 20 South Ave., Burlington, Mass. 01803. Disc centrifuge submicron particle size analyzer, gives absolute particle size distribution curves for particles in range 0.01-30 μ. Kevex Corp. 898 Mahler Rd., Burlingame, Calif. 94010. XES (X-ray energy spectrometer), nonde­ structive and simultaneous analysis of ele­ ments; applications: quality control, forensics, pollution, medical tissue analysis, mi­ croanalysis, qualitative and quantitative.

International Scientific Communi­ cations, Inc. 808 Kings Highway, Fairfield, Conn. 06430. Current and past issues of maga­ zines, literature display of laboratory in­ strumentation and equipment.

Kewaunee Scientific Equipment Corp. Adrian, Mich. 49221. Metal laboratory fur­ niture, perchloric acid fume hood, undercounter laboratory glassware washer-dryer, controlled-atmosphere dry box, fume hood exhaust fan.

International Scientific Instru­ ments, Inc. 1400 Stierlin Rd., Mountain View, Calif. 94043. Mini-rapid scan first desk top "TV scan mode" SEM priced under $10,000, mini-SEM MSM-5, table top SEM with 200 Â resolution and priced under $17,000, super mini-SEM first 100 Â resolution SEM priced at $23,100.

K o n t e s G l a s s Co. Spruce St., Vineland, N.J. 08360. Kontes/ Quantum TLC plates and systems, Kontes/ Martin solvent recovery apparatus, Kontes/Martin cryogenic systems, Kontes TLC densitometer, Kontes base line cor­ rection device, Kontes calculating integra­ tor, chromatographic supplies and accesso­ ries.

IRGO-STSI (Singer Technical Services, Inc.) Chemir Laboratories 761 W. Kirkham Ave., Glendale, Mo. 63122. IRGO, an infrared spectrum identification system by time-shared computer search of 150,000 reference spectra.

Kraft Apparatus, Inc. 402 Sagamore Ave., Mineola, N.Y. 11501. Test tube rack rotator; separatory funnel rack; liquid column controls to add buffers, warn of low-column level, operate valves, etc.; two sizes of high-speed nonaerating stirring for resuspending cells with three possible motor drives; media dispenser; label printer.

ISCO P.O. Box 5347, Lincoln, Neb. 68505. Highperformance liquid chromatographs, LC detectors, fraction collectors, low- and high-pressure metering and gradient pumps, pressure monitoring devices, parked columns. J a n o s Optical Corp. Route 35, Townshend, Vt. 05353. Infrared accessories, optical material, glass, fused silica, Ge, Si, salts, halites, and all exotic material for the UV including ZnSe; IR crystals, lenses, and large IR laser optics. J a r r e l l - A s h Div., Fisher Scientific Co. 590 Lincoln St., Waltham, Mass. 02154. Inductively coupled plasma computer-controlled AtomComp for trace metal analysis; computer-controlled vacuum AtomComp with electronic-controlled waveform excitation; digital comparator microphotometer; modular 0.25-m monochromator system set up as fluorometer; 0.5-m Ebert monochromator with camera; precision-ruled gratings and replicas. Jasco, Inc. Meeting House Cove, Bozman, Md. 21612. Model J40A CD spectropolarimeter, Model J40 DP data processor, Model FP4 fluorescence spectrophotometer, Model NIA-1 nitrogen-15 analyzer, Models IRA-1 and IRA-2 IR spectrophotometers.


Labconco Corp. 8811 Prospect Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 64132. Fume hoods, safety enclosures, lab carts, glassware washers, freeze-dry equip­ ment. Lab-Crest Scientific Div., Fischer & P o r t e r Co. County Line & Warminster Rd., Warmin­ ster, Pa. 18974. Variable-area flow meters, chromatography apparatus, custom glass­ ware, vacuum and pressure apparatus, lowflow control valves.

Labindustries 1802 Second St., Berkeley, Calif. 94710. Precision dispensers and diluters to fit any size container including carboys; Karl Fischer water determination aquametry apparatus; test tube shaker with accesso­ ries; micropipets; new developments to en­ hance the versatility and accuracy of Repi­ pet dispensers and Repipet diluters, all plastic dispensers and sampling systems, other precision instruments. Laboratory Data Control P.O. Box 10235, Riviera Beach, Fla. 33404. Variable wavelength UV/VIS spectropho­ tometer for HPLC; 5000 psig constant flow, pulsation-free solvent pumping system for HPLC; two-pen potentiometric strip chart