Heavy metal-nucleotide interactions. 14. Raman ... - ACS Publications

Heavy Metal-Nucleotide Interactions. 14. Raman. Difference Spectrophotometric Studies of Competitive. Reactions in Mixtures of Four Nucleotides with t...
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J . Am. Chem. SOC. 1980, 102,4589-4598


Heavy Metal-Nucleotide Interactions. 14. Raman Difference Spectrophotometric Studies of Competitive Reactions in Mixtures of Four Nucleotides with the Electrophiles Methylmercury(I1) Perchlorate, cis-Dimethylgold(111) Perchlorate, Dichloroethylenediaminepalladium(II), trans-Dichlorodiamminepalladium( II), cis-Dichlorodiammineplatinum( 11), trans-Dichlorodiammineplatinum( 11), Tetra-p-acetato-dirhodium( 11), and Aquopentaamminecobalt(111) Perchlorate. Factors Governing Selectivity in the Binding Mary R. Moller, Michael A. Bruck, Timothy O'Connor, Frank J. Armatis, Jr., Edward A. Knolinski, Nikolaus Kottmair, and R. Stuart Tobias* Contribution from the Department of Chemistry, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907. Received September 19, 1978

Abstract: Competitive reactions of each of the electrophiles H3CHg", ~is-(H,N)~pt",tr~ns-(H,N)~Pt",enPd" (en = ethylenediamine), tr~ns-(H,N)~Pd",c ~ s - ( H ~ C ) ~ A Rh2(00CCH3)4, U~~~, and (H3N)+20"' with a mixture of 20 mM 5'-GMP, 20 mM 5'-CMP, 30 mM 5'-AMP, and 30 mM 5'-UMP have been studied at pH 7,25OC, using Raman perturbation difference

spectroscopy to establish whether there is selectivity in the metal binding to the nuclei acids. Methylmercury(I1) shows high selectivity for attack at N-H bonds and binds to UMP N(3) when 0 < r, (total meta1:total phosphate) I 0.3. For 0.3 < r, 50.8 binding is at N(l) of GMP, and when r, > 0.7 reaction also occurs with CMP, N(3). Both cis- and and trans-(H,N)Pt" react with GMP at low r, values, but coordination is at N(7) and no proton loss from the ligand occurs. The cis isomer is unique in that it exhibits complete selectivity for the two purines, GMP and AMP, when 0 > r, I 0.3. The trans isomer shows and C~S-(H~C)~AUIII which react with less affinity for AMP. Intermediate behavior is exhibited by enPd", tr~ns-(H,N)~Pd", both purines and pyrimidines and both at ring nitrogens and N-H bonds. Reaction is most extensive with tr~ns-(H,N)~Pd", least with C~S-(H,C)~AUIII. Reactions of the diammineplatinum(I1) electrophiles at low r, values are kinetically controlled. As substitutions at the metal center become faster, the product distributions shift toward that observed for H3CHg" where thermodynamic control obtains. The rhodium(I1) acetate dimer behaves entirely differently from the other second- and third-row transition metals and causes almost no perturbation of the nucleotide vibrations upon reaction. The presence of two intense bands involving Rh-Rh stretching shows that the cluster remains intact. The first row transition metal electrophile (H3N)+20"' at r, = 0.2 gives no measurable perturbation of the base or phosphate vibrations and appears to form outer-sphere complexes.

Introduction During the past decade, there have been numerous studies on the interaction of metal ions with nucleic acid con~tituents.~Most have involved one or the other of two procedures. Either some technique, e.g., UV spectrophotometric or potentiometric, is used to determine the equilibrium constant(s) for the interaction of a metal with one nucleoside or nucleotide, or a compound is isolated from a solution containing a metal ion and a single nucleoside or nucleotide. In the latter case, an attempt is made to establish the nature of the coordination in the solid complex, often by infrared or other spectroscopic techniques but more recently in a number of cases by a complete X-ray crystal and molecular structure d e t e r m i n a t i ~ n . ~Caution ?~ must be exercised because (1) Work supported by Public Health Service Grant AM-16101 from the National Institute for Arthritis, Metabolism, and Digestive Diseases and by National Science Foundation Grant CHE 76-18591. (2) Previous article in this series: A. J. Canty and R. S. Tobias, Inorg.

Chem.. 18. 413 (19791. (3) 'For'general reviews, see (a) R. M. Izatt, J. J. Christensen, and J. H. Rytting, Chem. Reu., 71, 439 (1971); (b) "Inorganic Biochemistry", Vol. 2, G. L. Eichhorn, Ed., Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1973, Chapter 33; (c) L. G. Marzilli, Prog. Inorg. Chem., 23, 255 (1977). (4) L. G. Marzilli and T. J. Kistenmacher, Acc. Chem. Res., 10, 146 (1977).

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the characterization of a solid compound isolated from a solution may or may not give information about the principal species in the solution, since the least soluble complex may not be the major species. Exceptions to these approaches are the NMR linebroadening studies with paramagentic ions that are used to obtain binding site information with aqueous solutions.6 The advantage of solution studies is that they can give, ideally, a quantitative description of the extent of reaction in solution. Because, in practice, the determination of stability constants has proved to be difficult, there have been few studies comparing the stability of complexes of different nucleosides with a particular metal ionsJa It has been suggestedJbthat the nucleoside bases can frequently be placed in the following order of relative stabilities of their metal complexes: G > A, C > U, T. In reality, this selectivity is based largely on the behavior of the labile first row transition metal ion Cu2+. In aqueous solution, cis-p-[Co(trien)Cl,]+ was found to exhibit the following order of binding affinity: dT > dG > dC >> dA. Recently stability measurements have been extended to ternary systems, eg., to the study of mixed ( 5 ) For a review see D. J. Hodgson, Prog. Inorg. Chem., 23, 21 1 (1977). (6) See the discussion and references in G. L. Eichhorn, N. A. Berger, J. J. Butzow, P. Clark, J. M. Rifkind, Y. A. Shin, and E. Tarien, Adu. Chem. Ser., 100, 135 (1971).

0 1980 American Chemical Society


J . Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. 102, No. 14, 1980

Tobias et al.

complexes of a nucleotide, bipyridyl, and a metal ion.' Nonaqueous systems will not be considered in this paper, since there are fundamental differences between these and aqueous solutions. The disadvantage of solution studies is that they usually give no direct structural information. Recourse normally must be made to a comparison of reactions of the nucleoside and a modified nucleoside, usually one blocked by methylation at different positions. However, the methyl derivaties can be regarded themselves as complexes of the methyl cation, an extremely strong electrophilees Consequently, they are poor models for reaction of the nucleoside itself. In this paper, we have used a competitive reaction technique based on Raman perturbation difference spectrophotometry to study directly the reactions of several metal electrophiles with mixtures of four nucleotides in order to determine the preferred reactions in aqueous solution and the factors governing the specificity, the nucleotide(s) which react, and the site(s) at which the electrophile binds can be determined. The metals were chosen from among those that are known to interact with nucleic acid constituents or are iososteric with such species. The four mononucleotide mixtures serve as models for certain reactions with polynucleotides, particularly in the denatured form where conformational effects are removed. As such, they are necessary to provide information for the interpretation of comparable measurements with the native polynucleotides. The direct extrapolation of these results to polynucleotides9 must, however, be approached with caution, since phosphate binding will tend to be enhanced in the model, and the blocking effect of the secondary structure of polynucleotides is absent. Experimental Section Metal Complexes. Solutions containing H3CHg" as [CH3HgOH2]+C104' were prepared from CH3HgI obtained from Alfa-Ventron, Danvers, Mass., and aqueous AgC104 as described previous1y.l" Solutions containing c ~ ~ - ( C H ~ ) ~ AasU the " ' aquo cation c ~ ~ - [ ( C H ~ ) ~ A U ( O H ~ ) ~ ] + C104- were prepared in a similar way from [(CH,),AuI], as has been described." Synthesis of t r ~ n s - [ P d C l ~ ( N Hwas ~ ) ~by ] literature meth1503 130C 500 &.I2 Anal. Calcd for H6N2C12Pd: C1, 33.5; Pd, 50.3. Found: C1, 33.7; FREQUENCY (CM - 1 ) Pd, 50.3. The infrared spectrum (200-4000 cm-I) was the same as that Figure 1. Raman spectra of solutions of CH3Hg(CI04) plus the four reported for the trans isomer.13 The [PdC12en] was prepared according mononucleotide model as a function of r,. Total [ClO,] = 100 mM, t to McCormick et all4 Anal. Calcd for C2HsN2CI2Pd: C, 10.1; H, 2.99; = 25 "C, pH 7. Spex monochromator, scan conditions 10 s/step, 1-cm-' N , 11.8; CI, 29.9; Pd, 44.8. Found: C, 9.90; H, 2.83; N, 11.5; C1, 29.9; steps. Slit widths and exciting frequency are indicated in the figure. Pd, 44.8. The ~ i s - [ P t C l ~ ( N H was ~ ) ~a1 gift from Matthey-Bishop, Inc., Malvern, Pa. Synthesis of t r ~ n s - [ P t C l , ( N H ~ )was ~ j by the method of described by Splinter et Anal. Calcd for NSHI,O1,CI3Co: N, 15.2; Kauffman and Cowan.ls Anal. Calcd for N2H6C12Pt: N, 9.34; H, 2.02; H , 3.72; C1, 23.1; Co, 12.8. Found: N, 15.0; H, 3.50; CI, 23.0; Co, 12.6. C1, 23.6; Pt, 65.0. Found: N , 9.43; H, 2.14; C1, 23.4; Pt, 65.1. The Model Nucleotide System. The model system solutions were prepared purity of the cis and trans isomers was checked by comparing the Raman from stock solutions of the four nucleotides. These were obtained as spectra with literature spectral6 and authetic samples. Synthesis of the follows: 5'-AMP, 5'-UMP, Aldrich Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis.; rhodium(I1) acetate monohydrate dimer was by the procedure of 5'-GMP, PL Biochemicals, Inc., Milwaukee, Wis., and Sigma Chemical Legzdins et al." Anal. Calcd for CsH16010Rh2:C, 20.1; H, 3.37. Co., St. Louis, Mo.; 5'-CMP, Cyclo Chemical, Los Angeles, Calif., and Found: C, 20.3; H, 3.60. The [ C O ( N H J ~ O H ~ ] ( C ~ O was , ) ~prepared as Sigma. Some lots of commercial mononucleotides contain fluorescent impurities. The materials used here were selected for low background. The solutions contained SO or 100 m M C10, as an internal frequency (7) See (a) P. Chaudhuri and H. Sigel, J . Am. Chem. SOC.,99, 3142 and intensity reference. Solutions containing the metal complexes were (1977), and references cited therein; (b) L. S. Kan and N. C. Li, ibid., 92, prepared either by adding a weighed amount of the solid compound to 281, 4823 (1970). give the desired r, value ( r t = metaktotal phosphate = meta1:total base) (8) S.Mansy, M. L. Peticolas, and R. S. Tobias, Spectrochim. Acta, Parr to a mixture of the four nucleotides with 20 mM GMP, 20 mM CMP, A , 35, 315 (1979). 30 m M AMP, and 30 mM UMP, total phosphate 100 mM, or solutions (9) Studies of metal binding to polynucleotides have been reviewed by G. L. Eichhorn, "Inorganic Biochemistry", Vol. 2, G. L. Eichhorn, Ed., Elsevier, of the nucleotides and of a slightly acidic solution of the metal complex Amsterdam, 1973, Chapter 34. were mixed to give the desired rt value and diluted to give 100 mM total (10) S. Mansy, T. E. Wood, J. C. Sprowles, and R. S. Tobias, J . Am. phosphate. The pH was adjusted, if necessary, to 7, using Radiometer Chem. Soc., 96, 1762 (1974). PHM-4 or 64 pH meters. The solutions were passed through ultrafilters (11) M. G. Miles, G. E. Glass, and R. S. Tobias, J . Am. Chem. SOC..88. to remove particulate matter. 5738 (1966). Raman Spectra. The general procedure for obtaining the Raman and (12) G. B. Kauffman and J. H - S . Tsai, Inorg. Synth., 8, 234 (1961); G. Raman difference spectra (RADS) has been described p r e v i o ~ s l y . l ~ * ' ~ * ~ ~ Brauer, "Handbuch der Prauarativen Anoreanischen Chemie", Enke, StuttTwo different difference spectrometers were used, and both were congart, 1962, p 1379. (13) R. Layton, D. W. Sink, and J. R. Durig, J . Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 28, trolled on-line by the same minicomputer system.21 The first is built 1965 (1966); C. H. Perry, D. P. Athans, E. F. Young, J. R. Durig, and B. around a Spex 1400 monochromator and employs a Coherent Radiation R. Mitchell, Spectrochim. Acta, Parr A , 23, 1137 (1967). (14) B. J. McCormick, E. N. Jaynes, Jr., and R. I. Kaplan, Inorg. Synth., 13, 216 (1972). (18) R. C. Splinter, S. J . Harris, and R. S. Tobias, Inorg. Chem., 7 , 897 (15) G. B. Kauffman and D. 0. Cowan, Inorg. Synth., 7 , 239 (1963). ( 1 968). (16) (a) P. J. Hendra, Specfrochim. Acta, Part A , 23, 1275 (1967); (b) (19) R. W. Chrisman, S. Mansy, H. J. Peresie, A. Ranade, T. A. Berg, J. D. Hoeschele, "The Preparation, Purification, and Analysis of [PtC12and R. S. Tobias, Bioinorg. Chem., 7 , 245 (1977). (NH,),]", Biophysics Department, Michigan State University, East Lansing, (20) S. Mansy, G. Y. H. Chu, R. E. Ducan, and R. S. Tobias, J . Am. Mich. Chem. SOC.,100, 607 (1978). (17) P. Legzdins, R. W. Mitchell, G. L. Rempel, J. D. Ruddick, and G. (21) J. C . English, R. W. Chrisman, and R. S. Tobias, Appl. Specfrosc., Wilkinson, J . Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 3322 (1970). 30, 168 (1976).

Heavy Metal-Nucleotide Interactions

J . Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. 102, No. 14, 1980


CR-52G Art laser.2'~22The second uses a Jobin-Yvon Ramanor HG-2 with a CR-8 Ar' laser, in some cases, pumping a CR-490 dye laser.*j Spectra were processed off-line by using Program RAMAN," and they were subjected to 17 or 25 point quartic moving point smoothing. Data and Results The Nucleotide Model. Raman Spectra of Mixtures of GMP, CMP, AMP, and UMP. The spectrum of the model is illustrated in Figure 1, r, = 0. The base composition of the model approximates that of calf thymus DNA with UMP substituted for dTMP. In general, UMP and dTMP bind metals in an identical fashion. While dTMP was used in the first study of this type,I9 it was found that UMP has several advantages. The fluorescent background is lower, and its perturbation difference spectrum upon metalation is simpler. The spectrum of the model is an almost exact superposition of the spectra of the individual nucleotides. This was verified by an examination of spectra obtained with solutions containing mixtures with [GMP] = [CMP] and [AMP] = [UMP] which had varying ratios of these two sets of nucleotides. The 11 spectra are illustrated in a figure in the microfilm edition, and the contributions to the principal bands are indicated. The two purines, G M P and AMP, have a number of vibrations at approximately the same frequencies as do the two pyrimidines, CMP and UMP, but these do not overlap. Consequently it will be easy to distinquish reactions of the purines from the pyrimidines but more difficult to distinguish between reactions of the two purines or of the two pyrimidines. Fortunately, there are enough unique bands or at least bands where the intensities of the two components differ so greatly that the contributions of the individual nucleotides and the band perturbations upon reaction usually can be measured. Reaction with CH3Hg" in H 2 0 and D 2 0 at pH -7, 2SoC, 0 Ir I1. The reaction of CH3Hg" as the perchlorate with a mixture of GMP, CMP, AMP, and dTMP at pH 7 has been studied previously for rt ca. 0.2.19 Twelve spectra of the G M P C M P + AMP UMP model in H 2 0 with CH3Hg" to give 0 Irt I1 are illustrated in Figure 1. Reaction of CH3Hg" is quantitative throughout, since none of the characteristic frequencies of CH3HgOH is visible. Particulary diagnostic of reaction is the absence of the Hg-0 stretching band at 505 cm-]. It is considerably easier to follow the reactions with the use of the difference spectra, model CH3Hg" with varying r, vs. model; these are illustrated in Figure 2 . To provide a data base for interpretation of the difference spectra, it is convenient to have fingerprint spectra for reaction of CH3Hg" with the individual nucleosides or nucleotides. These perturbation difference spectra for solutions with equimolar metal and nucleotide are illustrated in Figure 3. The evidence for the assignment of the binding site on a given nucleotide has been of Figures 2 and discussed p r e v i o ~ s l y . From ~ ~ ~ a~ comparison ~~~ 3, it is seen that the principal reaction when 0 C rt 5 0.3 is attack by CH3Hg" on uridine. At r, = 0.4, weak features of the fingerprint for reaction with guanosine are visible, and these are very clearly defined by r, = 0.7. A difference spectrum computed from the rt = 0.7 minus the rt = 0.3 spectrum of Figure 1 was almost the fingerprint for reaction at N ( l ) of GMP, indicating that reaction with GMP is the main process over this r, range. An rt = 1.O minus rt 0.7 difference was almost featureless except for weak bands consistent with reaction of CMP. A quantitative description of the binding reactions can be obtained from plots of band intensity as a function of rt as illustrated in Figure 4. The intensity of the ROP032- stretch at 976 cm-I was determined by casting a base line, using the minima on either side of the band and subtracting this from the maximum at 976 cm-'. The integrated counts-of the order of 40K-were normalized for the different spectra by division by the perchlorate u1 intensity determined in an analogous fashion, ca. 130K counts.




(22) J. W. Amy, R. W. Chrisman, J. W. Lundeen, T. Y. Ridley, J. C. Sprowles, and R. S. Tobias, Appl. Spectrosc., 28, 262 (1974). (23) T. H. Bushaw, J. C. English, and R. S. Tobias, Indian J . Pure Appl. Phys., 16, 401 (1978). (24) S.Mansy and R. S. Tobias, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 96, 6874 (1974).









four-nucleotidemodel vs. the model as a function of r,. The intensity of the ROP02- stretch decreases, because CH3Hg+ displaces protons upon reaction with UMP and GMP and these are transferred to the phosphate. This can be used to measure the extent of proton transfer. The decrease in intensity by r, = 0.8 corresponds to liberation of 45 mM H+, within the experimental error of the value computed for complete reaction with UMP and GMP, 50 mM. This also corresponds to an ca. 0.5 drop in solution pH.

4592 J . Am. Chem. SOC.,Vol. 102, No. 14. 1980

Tobias et al.

Figure 5. Normalized intensities for the CH3Hg" reaction in D20from the difference spectra: A, negative feature at ca. 1660 cm-I caused by the decrease of scattering due mainly to UMP; 0,negative feature at 1576 cm-' caused by a decrease in GMP scattering; 0, positive feature due to mercuriation at N(3) of UMP and CMP.

Figure 3. Raman perturbation difference spectra for methylmercuriation of individual nucleosides at pH 7 , 25 O C . The spectra for uridine and cytidine are from ref 10; that for GMP is from ref 24. The concentrations of H3CHg" are equal and 50 mM. Scan conditions as in Figure 1.





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Figure 4. Normalized Raman intensities for the CH3Hg" reaction monitoring proton transfer from nucleotide base to phosphate, 19,6/1932; mercuriation at N(l) of GMP, 11485/1932; and mercuriation at N(3) of UMP, -M1683~t/Ar561.

The intensity of the 1485-cm-l GMP band was determined from the raw digital data in an analogous way and normalized, and

these data also are plotted in Figure 4. These show that reaction with GMP at N ( l ) occurs over the range 0.3 C rt C 0.8. The best band for monitoring the UMP reaction is the one at 1680 cm-l which decreases to ca. 1640 cm-I upon metalation. Unfortunately it is obscured by water scattering in these dilute solutions. To follow it, the intensity of the negative feature in the difference spectrum, Figure 2, at 1684 cm-I was determined. For convenience these were normalized by division with AISbl/rt,the normalized v(Hg-C) intensities. These data also are plotted in Figure 4, and they indicate that mercuriation at N(3) of UMP is complete at r, 0.3-0.4. The evidence for CMP binding is less obvious, because this only takes place after reaction with U M P is complete and attack on GMP is occurring. It can be followed by a plot of the frequency at maximum intensity of the band in the 779-789 cm-' region due to C M P and UMP. In the model, this occurs at 779 cm-'. Mercuriation of UMP shifts its frequency to ca. 791 cm-l,Io and this gives rise to a high-frequency shoulder on this band at rt = 0.3 where reaction with UMP is essentially complete. Because CMP contributes most to the intensity of this envelope, the frequency at maximum intensity is unchanged. See Figure 1. Mercuriation of CMP increases the frequency to 788 cm-l,lo and with 0.3 C rt < 0.8 the band maximum shifts to 789 cm-' as the bulk of the C M P is mercuriated. No evidence could be found for mercuriation of the base of AMP under these conditions. Figure 2 also illustrates a sum of the fingerprint spectra for mercuriation at N(3) of UMP and N(l) of GMP, scaled appropriately, and this is almost the same as the difference spectra for rt > 0.7, confirming the nature of the principal binding reactions at lower rt. In the study of reactions in aqueous solution, it has been customary to collect vibrational data with D 2 0and H20to obtain a complete data set. While it is easy to follow the decrease in UMP scattering at 1660 and 1700 cm-' in the parent spectra because solvent scattering is absent from this region, it was found that the difference technique renders the use of both H20and D 2 0 solutions essentially superfluous. Eleven spectra for D@, 0.05 5 rt I1.0, are illustrated together with the corresponding difference spectra in the microfilm edition. A set of fingerprint spectra for mercuriation in D 2 0 is also given. These are not identical with the fingerprints in Figure 3 because of isotopic substitution on the nucleotides. In these solutions, the pD was controlled at 7, so no phosphate protonation occurred. Almost all of the features in the difference spectra for r, I0.6 can be assigned to the fingerprints for reaction with UMP" or GMP24in DzO. Intensities from the difference spectra are il-

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Heavy Metal-Nucleotide Interactions







Figure 6. RADS for cis-[PtC12(NHJ2] plus the four-monoucleotide model system as a function of rl. Total [C104-] = 50 mm, t = 25 OC. Scan conditons as in Figure 1.

lustrated in Figure 5. The decrease at ca. 1660 cm-' is due mainly to mercuriation of UMP at N(3) with some contribution from mercuriation of G M P at N ( 1). The scattering at 1576 cm-' is due to G M P and AMP, and the decrease is due to reaction of GMP. The scattering at 792 cm-' is due to UMP and CMP when each is mercuriated at N(3). The initial increase in intensity is consistent with the decrease at 1660 cm-I, and indicates mercuriation of UMP. The increase for rl L 0.6 is consistent with mercuriation of CMP. The product distribution is essentially the same as that deduced for the H 2 0 solutions. Reaction with cis-[PtC12(NH3)z]at pH 7, 25' C. For comparison with the reactions of the aquodiammineplatinum(I1) cations studied previously with cis- and trans- [Pt(OH2)2(NH3)2](C104)2, r, 5 0.2,20difference spectra were obtained for the chloro complexes, 0 < r, 5 0.3. The difference spectra for ~ i s - [ P t C l ~ ( N H are ~ ) ~illustrated l in Figure 6. The spectra are distinctly different from those of the CH3Hg" system. A set of fingerprint spectra analogous to those in Figure 3 for platination of GMP, CMP, AMP, and UMP has been published previously.20 The assignment of the binding sites also has been discussed in detai1.25$26 These spectra provide a data base for interpretation of Figure 6. The principal features all are due to reaction at N(7) of GMP without proton loss as may be seen from comparison of the figerprint spectrum for platination of GMP at N(7)20,26and the spectra in Figure 6. As was the case with c~s-[(H,N)~P~(OH,),]~+, the small derivative feature with a minimum at 730 cm-l, maximum at 710 cm-I, plus the relatively low positive intensity at 1506 cm-I are indicative of reaction with AMP.20 The same product distribution is obtained regardless of whether the starting material is the chloro or aquo complex. In accord with this, the products of the reactions with these two complexes give the same v(Pt-N) envelope with vs at 542 and a shoulder at ca. 520 cm-I. Reaction with t r a n ~ - [ P t C l ~ ( N Hat ~ )pH ~ ] 7 , 2 5 OC. For comparison with c ~ s - [ R C ~ ~ ( N H ,difference )~], spectra were obtained for 0 < r, I0.3; see Figure 7. The same data base used to interpret the difference spectra of the cis isomer can be used here, because it has been shown that the perturbations of the Raman spectra caused by binding at a particular site on a nucleotide are ( 2 5 ) G. Y.H. Chu, R. E. Duncan, and R. S.Tobias, Inorg. Chem., 16, 2625 (1977). ( 2 6 ) G . Y. H. Chu, S. Mansy, R. E. Duncan, and R. S. Tobias, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 100, 593 (1978).






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Figure 7. RADS for rrans-[PtCI,(NH,),] plus the four-mononucleotide model system as a function of r,. Total [CIOc] = 50 mm, t = 25 "C. Scan conditions as in Figure 1.

essentially identical for the cis and trans isomers.% The difference spectra in Figure 7 are almost identical with the fingerprint for platination at N(7) of GMP.27 In particular the trans isomer shows no measureable interaction with AMP (no derivative at 730 min, 710 cm-l max) in contrast to the behavior of the cis isomer. This certainly is a real effect, because the same difference was observed with the aquo cations.20 The v(Pt-N) band appears at ca. 545 cm-I, the same value found when t r a n ~ - [ ( H ~ N ) ~ P t (OH2)2]25was the reactant. The spectra for the maximum r, value, 0.3, show weak features (777 min, 793 cm-l max) consistent with slight attack on a pyrimidine. The minimum at 1675 cm-l indicates involvement of UMP, but the features are not characteristic of N(3) binding and the phosphate v,(P03) indicates that there has been no proton transfer. This specrtrum also is distorted somewhat above 1400 cm-' because the model fluoresced weakly, and the platinum quenched this. Reaction of [PdC12en]at pH 7,25 OC. To study a palladium(I1) compound with the cis structure, the ethylenediamine complex rather than the cis diammine was used, since the latter isomerizes rather rapidly to the trans form. The parent spectra 0 Ir, 5 0 . 3 are illustrated in the microfilm edition and the corresponding difference spectra are given in Figure 8. While no set of fingerprint spectra for palladation of nucleotides analogous to those for mercuriation and platination is available, this is not necessary for an interpretation of Figure 8. As has been pointed out previously, platinum(I1) and mercury(I1) binding produce almost identical perturbation difference spectra so long as coordination occurs at the same site.2s Similar effects even occur with electrophiles as diverse as CH3+or H+(D+),8so the effect of binding of enPd" at a particular site on the Raman spectrum can be predicted rather accurately. The enPd" reaction shows little selectivity for pyrimidine vs. purine nucleotides, and even the r, = 0.025 spectrum shows features characteristic of reaction with both kinds of nucleotide. The (27) See Figure 3 of ref 20.

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Figure 10. (A) RADS for trans- [PdCl,(NH,),] plus the four-nucleotide model vs. the model in H 2 0 , rl = 0.2, [C104] = 50 mM, t = 25 "C. Jobin-Yvon monochromator. (B) RADS for (CH,),Au(C1O4) plus the four-nucleotidemodel vs. the model, [C104] = 100 mM, t = 25 OC. Spex monochromator. Scan conditions as in Figure 1.

Figure 8. RADS for [PdC12en] plus the four-nucleotide model vs. the model as a function of rl. Total [C104-] = 50 mM. Scan conditons as in Figure 1.


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Figure 9. Normalized Raman intensities for the reactions of enPd": A, negative feature in difference spectrum at ca. 1680 cm-I; 0,negative feature in difference spectrum at ca. 1480 cm-l; 0,phosphate stretching intensity.

spectra with r, 5 0.1 are chracterized by features due to reaction at N(7) of GMP and N(3) of UMP with substitution of the metal for a proton. At higher rt values, there also are features characteristic of reaction with AMP and C M P cf. the fingerprint spectra for reaction of the platinum(I1) complexes. These reactions have little effect on the vibrations of the enPd" moiety. The most intense (Pd-N) stretching mode is observed at 534 cm-' 28 with crystalline [PdC12en], while the analogous vibration in the nucleotide system is at 531 cm-'. Normalized intensities from the difference spectra are illustrated in Figure 9. The decrease in scattering at ca. 1680 cm-' results mainly from attack at N(3) of UMP, while the decrease at ca. (28) R. W. Berg, Spectrochim. Acfa, Part A , 31, 1409 (1975).

1480 cm-' is due mainly to reaction of GMP. The pH of the system dropped slightly upon reaction with [PdC12en], and the decrease in phosphate scattering at ca. 978 cm-' indicates release of only ca. 22 mM H+ at r, = 0.3. This means that, while attack at N(3) of UMP displaces a proton, enPd" binds to GMP at N(7) without extensive deprotonation as also is observed with cis(H3N)2Pt11,vide supra. To check for completeness of reaction, a spectrum was obtained for a solution of [PdC12en]+ the four nucleotide model, r, = 0.2, that had been allowed to equilibrate for 2 weeks. To minimize the photodecomposition of the palladium(I1) complex, a dye laser was used to excite the spectrum at 594 nm. No difference from the spectrum discussed above could be detected. A similar product distribution was determined from a spectrum for r, = 0.2 obtained with a D20 solution. Reaction of trans-[PdC12(NH3)2]at 7,25 OC. The set of spectra for r, = 0.2 is illustrated in Figure 10A. The difference spectrum is essentially identical with that for [PdC12en]. Some minor differences are due to the higher resolution of the monochromator used in recording the spectra with the trans isomer. These data indicate that the distribution of palladium in the complexes with different nucleotides is similar with cis-enPd" and trans(H3N)2Pd11.There is one significant difference between the two palladium complexes. Although the samples had been allowed to react for 2-3 days before the spectra were determined, the extent of reaction is considerably greater for the trans complex. For example, the parent spectra available in the microfilm edition indicate a comparable extent of reaction for r r ~ n s - ( H ~ N ) ~ P d " , rt = 0.2, and enPd", r, = 0.3. Spectra also were recorded with D20, rt = 0.2, and the same effect was observed there. Reactions with (CH3)2A~111 at pH 7, 25 OC. A spectrum for the system with (CH3)2Au111as the perchlorate, rt = 0.2, is illustrated in Figure 10B. Reaction of (CH3),Au"' is quantitative, since the solution is homogeneous, and the solubility of (CH3)2AuOH in water is only ca. 2.5 mMaZ9 The spectrum clearly shows features at 578 and 1215 cm-l characteristic of the (CH3)2Au111moiety.30 The frequencies are similar to those of the complex [(CH3)2Au(NH3)2]+,v,(Au-C2) 579, b,(CH3) 1220 and 1249 The very small separation between u,(Au-C2) and v,,(Au-C2)-the bands are unresolved-indicates that (29) S.J. Harris and R. S. Tobias, Inorg. Chem., 8, 2259 (1969). (30) M. G. Miles, G. E. Glass, and R. S.Tobias, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 88, 5738 (1966). (31) H. Hagnauer, G. C. Stocco, and R. S.Tobias, J . Orgonomet. Chem. 46, 179 (1972).

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Heavy Metal-Nucleotide Interactions









