HEL-iTS OF ADSORPTIOK OF -4RGOI1' OX A ... - ACS Publications

energy as water is diluted with dioxane. The value of AHo for the cis salt is only slightly higher than that for the trans salt, so that the greater s...
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Jail., 1954


energy as water is diluted with dioxane. The value of AHo for the cis salt is only slightly higher than that for the trans salt, so that the greater solubility for the former is largely an entropy effect. A more rigid binding of the solvating molecules, and a greater entropy increase would be expected for the unsymmetrical ion, and the larger AXo values for this ion correlate with its greater tendency to sort water from dioxane suggested from the data in Table 11. For both salts there is an increase in entropy change with decreasing dielectric constant, conforming to the expectation of a more rigid solvation complex in solutions of higher dioxane conbent.




0 10 20 30 40 50 60


18.7 18.7 19.0 20.8 25.f; 30.8 ...

. - -AH', -trans-






9.6 10.3 11.2 12.1 I;L2 14.5 16.5

31 28 26 20 42 55

16.4 15.9 18.9 19.0 22.7 2i.l



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10.2 11.5 12.1 13.2 14.6 16.2 18.9


21 15 23 10 27 37 ..

HEL-iTSOF ADSORPTIOK OF -4RGOI1' O X A SERIES OF CARBON BLACKS GRAPHITIZED A T SUCCESSIVELY HIGHER TEMPEILATUNES1 BY It, .I.BEEBEA N D D. M. YOUNG^ Contribution fi,onL the :Ilool,e Laboratory of Cheinislry, Anihersi College, Anihersi. illass. Ifeceiued .4uala.~t 3 . 19zj3

The calorimetric heats of adsorption have been measured for argon a t -195" on a series of carbon blacks graphit>izeda t the successively higher temperatures, 1000, 1500, 2000 and 2700 '. X-Ray and electron microscope studies reported b,v Rchaeffer, et al., indicate a higher degree of graphitization with increasing temperature of heat treatment; this would result i n progressively more homogeneous surfaces within the series. Our esperimental results illustrate clearly the change in the shape of the heat-coverage curve with increasing degree of surface homogeneity produced by high temperature heat treatment. Thew results may be correlated with the etepasise isotherms found by Polley, ell al., on the same series of blacks.

There is a growing body of experimental data which shows rather sharp differences in the characteristics of physically adsorbed films on heterogeneous and 011 more Iiomogeneous surfaces. Differences of this sort are especially apparent in the heat-coverage curves for the adsorptioii of gases 011 such surfaces. These differences may be illustrated by the work on carbon blacks previously reported from this Laboratory. In particular two non-porous blacks have been extensively studied.3 One of these, known commercially as Spheron 6, is a rubber reinforcing channel black; the other, designated as Graphon, is produced by heat treatment of the Spheron 6 at electric furnace temperatures, approximately 3000". The X-ray studies of Biscoe and Warren4 have shown that, in contrast to the parent material Spheron, the Graphon possesses a much higher degree of order in its three dimensional structure with indication of a partial graphitization during the above heating process. From the adsorption studies it is apparent that, in comparison with Spheron 6, the Graphoii has a relatively homogeneous surface.a Probably as a result of this homogeneity and the consequent opportunity for easily observing the effects of lateral interaction between adsorbed molecules, there are characteristic humps (1) Presented before the Division of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry at the 122nd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society in Atlantic City, N.J., September, 1952. (2) National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada. (3) R. A. Beebe, B. hIillard and J. Cynarski, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 76, 839 (1953). (4) J. Biscoo and B. E. Warren, J . A p p l . Phys., la, 364 (1942).

in the isotherms and maxima in the heats of adsorption us. coverage curves for both nitrogen and argon.a Schaeffer, Smith and Polley5 have reported the preparation of a series of carbon blacks starting with Spheroti 0 by graphitizing a t successively higher temperatures up to 2700". This provides an interesting series in which there is a, gradual change from a heterogeneous surface to successively more homogeneous surfaces. Polley, Schaeffer and Smith6 have measured the isotherms for argon on several series of these heattreated blacks. Their data show a progressive change, with increasing graphitization temperature, from a normal type I1 isotherm t o isotherms of stepwise character. These authors point out that the stepwise isotherms are precisely the type which would be expected for adsorption on homogeneous surfaces, and cite the predictions of Fowler and Guggenheim,' of Halsey* and of Hill.9 The humps in the isotherms are attributed to interaction between adsorbed molecules. Because heat data are more susceptible ta theoretical interpretation than are the isotherms alone, we have undertaken a calorimetric study of the series of graphitized Spheron carbon adsorb(5) W. D. Schaeffer, W. R. Smith and M. H. Polley, I n d . Eng' Chem.. forthcoming publication. (6) M. H. Polley, W. D. Schaeffer and W. R. Smith, THISJOURNAL, 61, 469 (1953). (7) R. H. Fowler and E. A. Guggenheim, "Statistical Thermodynamics," Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1939, pp. 426444. (8) (a) G. D. Halsey, Jr., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 7 8 , 2693 (1951); (b) ibid., 74, 1082 (1952). (9) T. L. Hill, J . Chem. Phys., 15, 767 (1947).



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'ents.l" Moreover the heats of adsorption studies bring out differences in the monolayer, below V/V,n = 1, which are not apparent from the work of Polley, et al. Experimental

a t a given pressure up to p / p o = 0.4 decrease for the different samples in the order Spheron (lOOO"), Spheron (1500°), Spheron (2000°), and Spheron (2700'). Above p / p o = 0.4, the volumes adsorbed a t a given pressureshow an increase in going from Materials.-The parent material, Spheyon 6, is an essen- Spheron (1000°) through Spheron (1500') to tially non-porous commercial channel black with specific Spheron (2000°) and finally to Spheron (2700"). surface area 114 sq. m./g. as determined by nit.rogen ad- These isotherms check with those of Polley, Schaefsorption. The other four samples which shall be designated fer and Smith6 for the same adsorption system. as Spheron (lOOOo), Spheron (1500"), Spheron (2000") and Spheron (2700") were prepared by heat treatment, of the The heat-coverage curves are shown in Fig. 2. Spheron 6, at the temperatures indicated, for a period of two The data on Spheron (untreated material) shown in hours. The details of preparation and the results of X-ray Figs. 1 and 2 for comparison are taken from and electron microscope studies of the structure of the heat- previous work in this Laboratory.? The heat treated carbon blacks have been reported elsewhere.6 The curve for argon on Spheron 6 is represented by the surface areas of the heat-treated series are given in Table I of the paper by Polley, Schaeffer and Smithe; our blacks dotted line in Fig. 2.

were identical with the Spheron samples used by these investigators. The argon used in the adsorption measurements and the helium used in estimating the dead space in the adsorption system were obtained from the Air Reduction Sales Company in the highest degree of purity available. No further purification of these gases was attempted. All the adsorption measurements were made a t liquid nitrogen temperat,ure. Apparatus and Procedure .-The calorimeter and system of gas buret and manometer were identical with those previously used The calorimeter design was particularly well adapted t.0 the present problem because the inner platinum bucket could be removed for changing samples of adsorbent. Each adsorbent sample was outgassed in the calorimeter at' 200" for at least 24 hours prior t,o the adsorption measurements.ll With the exception of Spheron (2000") one complete heat run consisting of from 12 to 15 increments was made for each adsorbent. With the Spheron (2000") black, one complete run and parts of two other .runs were carried out. As explained in a previous publication,a t,he heat.s as measured are isot,hermalheats as defined by H i l P and Kington and Aston.18 Our measdred heats would differ from the isosteric heats by a factor V G G ( ~ P / ~ where N ~ ) T VG is the volume of the dead space in the calorimeter and ( b p / d N , ) r is the slope of the isotherm. This term never exceeded 10 cal./mole in any increment of any heat run of the present investigation. Since the quantity Vo(bp/bN.)T is in all cases less than the estimated experimental error ( 1 3 % ) , this quantity has not been subtracted from the calorimetrically measured heats in obtaining the petvalues for the isosteric heats shown in Fig. 2.

Results The results of the experimental work with argon on the four heat-treated carbon blacks are given graphically in Figs. 1 and 2. In Fig. 1 are shown the isotherms for the original Spheron and for the samples treated a t 1000 and 2700". T o avoid complication, the isotherms for argon-Spheron (1500') and argon-Spheron (2000") have been omitted from Fig. 1. Actually these isotherms fit nicely into the general picture, as the volumes adsorbed (10) M . H. Polley. W. D. Schaefier and W. R. Smith0 have preDared three series of graphitieed blacks in addition t o t h e Spheron aeries which we have studied. In one of these series in partioular, .which w&s derived from a furnace black (P-33) the sample graphitized a t 2700O appeared t o have E considerably inore homogeneous surface than that of the Spheron (2700O). Unfortunately the specific surface woaa of the P-33 series were too small to give us sufficient definition in the calorimetric values. For that reason we were forced to be content wlth studying the Spheron series. (11) M . H. Polley, W. D. Schaeffer and W. R. Smiths have shown that the w e of outgassing temperatures of 200' and of 1000" resulted in identical isotherms in the case of the heat-treated carbon blacks. They point o u t that this observation is a t varianoe with that of Gulbrrnsen and Andrew [ l n d . Eng. C h e n . , 44, 1039 (1Q52)],in the experinients of the latter investigators with graphite. (12) T. L. Hill, J . Chem. Phyil., 17, 520 (1Q4Q). (13) G . L. Kington and J. 0.Aston, J . Ana. CLem. Soc., 7 8 , 18YL) (1851).

Discussion For the sake of clarity in interpreting the experimental results represented in Fig. 2, the discussion will be divided into a consideration of the various regions of coverage as given below. 1. Beginning of the First Layer (V/Vm = 0 to 0.4).-1n this region the differential heats undergo a regular decrease with temperature of graphitization up to 2000°, but no further change in the region between 2000 and 2700". It has been suggested in a previous publication3 that the initial high heats found for nitrogen or argon adsorption on Spheron may be due to adsorption in narrow, shallow depressions a t the grain boundaries between parallel layer groups in the surface. With graphitization, the growth of the parallel layer groups and the increasing degree of order within these groups would tend to reduce the total length of the above depressions as well as their depth. It is reasonable to believe that such a change would result in increasingly lower initial heats of adsorption with increased graphitization. Because there is definite evidence of lateral interaction in the second half of the monolayer (see below), it seems probable that this interaction may to some degree be in effect on a relatively bare surface. It may be that without any lateral interaction the heats in the region V/Vm = 0 to 0.4 would fall lower than they do experimentally. 2. Second Part of the First Layer (V/V,,l = 0.4 to l.O),-In this region, the arrest in the heatcoverage curves, only slightly apparent for Spheron 6 of Fig. 2, changes into a maximum for the Spheron (1000") sample and this maximum becomes progressively higher in passing from Spheron (1000") on up to Spheron (2700'). In earlier workS an attempt has been made to explain the relative behavior of Spheron and Graphon on the assumption that the surface of the former is energetically heterogeneous and that of the latter more homogeneous. On Spheron, the decrease in the heats with increasing coverage would then be attributed to the predominating effect of surface heterogeneity, while on the more homogeneous Graphon, lateral interaction, the effect of which is no longer obscured by that of heterogeneity, is evidenced by the resultant increase in differential heat with coverage, especially a t V/V,,, = 0.5 to 1.0. It is quite reasonable then that the maximum due to this lateral interaction



Jail., 1954


should become increasingly prominent as the carbon black becomes more graphite-like with heat treatment. Crowell and Young14 have shown that the energy of binding for argon on the basal planes of graphite is virtually the same for all probable positions of the argon atom relative to the surface carbon atoms of the graphite lattice. This means that such a graphite surface would represent a system of nonlocalized sites for argon adsorption and would tend to permit the formation of a hexagonally closepacked monolayer of argon. It is probable that the Spheron (2700") surface would approach but would not become identical with such a system of nonlocalized sites on basal planes of graphite.16 Orr16 has calculated the maximum energy of interaction between an argon atom and its six nearest neighbors in a hexagonally close-packed monolayer adsorbed on a surface of non-localized sites. Using Orr's method as corrected by Young,l' we obtain 1580 cal./rnole for the interaction energy. This is more than twice the increase in the experimentally observed heats in the second half of the monolayer for Spheron (2700°), the most homogeneous member of the series of carbon adsorbents under investigation. This discrepancy between the theoretical value for iiiteraction and the experimentally observed height of the maximum in the first layer, is probably due to some residual heterogeneity in the graphitized carbon surface. For a valid comparison with the theoretical value we should consider the rise in heats on a homogeneous carbon surface all the way from V/Vm = 0 to V/VIn = 1.0. High initial heats due to heterogeneity a t low coverage would tend to offset the absence of lateral interaction with the result that the observed rise in heats in the region from V/Vn, = 0.4 to V/Vm = 1.0 would not represent the whole of the interaction energy. Moreover any lack of homogeneity in the surface would tend to lower the absolute value of the heats near V/V, = 1 because there would be no sharp separation between the first and second 1 a ~ e r s . l ~ Mooi, Pierce and Smith18 have determined the isosteric heats for ethyl chloride on Graphon in the temperature region of -78 to 75". They comment that in general shape their curve for heats us. volume adsorbed resembles those previously reported for nitrogen on Graphon a t - 195°,19-21but (14) A. D. Crowell and D. M. Young, Trans. Faradag Soc., forthcoming publication. (15) The X-ray studies of the series of carbons used in the present investigation show t h a t the saniples which were graphitized a t the higher temperatures approach graphite in their crystallite structure. With increasing temperature of graphitization the crystallites within the carbon black particles increase in size as well as achieving more nearly perfect ordering of the three dihensional array of carbon atorns.5 Furthermore, the electron microscope reveals t h a t while the parent Spheron particles are roughly spherical in shape, the graphitized samples such as Snheron (2700') have developed Eat sides due t o the growth of the crystallites or parallel layer groups.6 I t seen18 possible t h a t these flat sides are basal graphite planes, although we have no conclusive evidence t h a t this is true. (16) W. J. C. Orr, Proc. Roy. Soc. ( L o n d o n ) , A l T 3 , 349 (1939). 48, 560 (1952). (17) D. M. Young, Trans. Faraday SOC., (18) J. Mooi, C. Pierce and R. N. Smith, THIS JOURNAL, 6T,52 (1953). (19) R. A. Beebe, J . Biscoe, \V. R. Smith a n d C. B. Wendell, J . Am. C h ~ mSoc., . 69, 95 (1947). (20) L. G. Joyner and P. H. Einuiett. ibid., TO, 2553 (1948). (21) T. L. Hill, P. H. Emmett and L. G. Joyner,ibid., 13,5102 (1951).

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0 1 2 3 VIVm. Fig. 2. -, caloriinetrically measured heats of adsorption of argon on Spheron carbon blacks a t -195". Dotted line represents untreated black. Temperatures of graphitization are indicated. 1


that the maximum in the region of V,,,is higher and sharper for ethyl chloride than for nitrogen. It is true that the absolute height of the maximum for ethyl chloride is over twice the height of the maximum in the nitrogen heat curve. However, if we consider the above maxima on a basis relative to the total heats of adsomtion, we see that the height of the maximum repr&entS a smaller fraction Gf the



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total heat for ethyl chloride than for nitrogen. a t 1000". In a previous investigation19 it was Such an effect may be due to the higher tempera- found that the heat treatment a t 927" had little ture of the ethyl chloride adsorption or to a less effect on either the isotherm or the heat-coverage favorable packing of the larger molecules of this curve as was attested by the similarity in adsorpadsorbate as suggested by Mooi, et aZ., in their dis- tion characteristics of the Spheron 6 and the cussion of the absence of a hump a t 2V,,1 in the "devolatilized" Spheron (927" treated). It was ethyl chloride isotherm. It would appear that the pointed out in the earlier that most of conditions for observing the effect of lateral interac- the chemisorbed oxygen on the Spheron 6 had been tion on Graphon are less favorable for both ethyl removed even by heating to 927" and it was inferred chloride and for nitrogen than they are for argon that the underlying structure of tlie black had been since the maximum in the heat curve on the relative little altered by the heat treatment. On the basis basis discussed above is highest in the case of argon. of the above observations we may conclude that a 3. The Transition from the First to the Second considerable change in the physical state of the Layer ( V / V , = 1).-Not only is there an in- surface has occurred during heat treatment in the crease, with temperature of graphitization, in the range between 927 and 1000". Structural changes heights of the maxima of Fig. 2 a t the end of the in the carbon blacks in this temperature range have first layer, but also the slope of the curves near V , been discussed by Polley, et d 6 From the work increases with increased graphitization. This reported by Schaeffer and his co-workers6 it appears evidence points to an increasingly sharp separation that the major graphitization changes occur bebetween the first and second layers on the increas- tween 1000 and 2000". This temperature range of ingly homogeneous samples of graphitized carbon heat treatment also produces a large change in the black. adsorption characteristics as is seen from Fig. 2. 4. The Region above V,.-A second maximum Acknowledgment.-Our thanks are due to Mr. which becomes more pronounced with degree of graphitization is revealed in Fig. 2, corroborating W. D. Schaeffer who prepared the new series of the results previously obtained in this L a b ~ r a t o r y . ~blacks and to Dr. W. R. Smith who called them It is of interest that Mooi, Pierce and SmithI8 have to our attention. We are also indebted to Dr. recently reported a low second maximum for ethyl A. D. Crowell for helpful discussions in the interpretation of our results, and to Miss H. Bienes chloride on Graphon. It is seen from Figs. 1 and 2 that the charac- for assistance in the experimental work. teristics of the isotherms and heat-coverage curves (22) See alno R. R. Anderson and P. 11. Emmett, THISJOURNAL. have been considerably altered by heat treatment 66, 753 (1932).

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