Hemocyanin models: synthesis, structure, and magnetic properties of

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J. Am. Chem. Sot. 1984, 106, 4165-4712 was carried out according to standard procedures24dusing as a reference spectrum that of the [Fe"DMF] complex. The spectral characteristics of the [Fe"DMF] and [Fe"CI]- complexes in the Soret region are given in Table 11. The molecular extinction coefficients of the two complexes at their respective maximum of absorption exhibit usual values ((2-4) X lo5 M-I cm-I).

Acknowledgment. This work was supported in part by the CNRS (Equipe de Recherche Associte 309 "Electrochimie MolBculaire"). Registry No. DMF, 68-12-2; Fe"'(TAP)CI, 90837-94-8; Fe"'(e(ClZ),-AC)CI, 90837-95-9; Fe11'(e(C12),-AT)C1, 90898-37-6; Fe"'(e(ClZ),-CT)CI, 79198-03-1; Fe"'(e[di(C4)Ph],-CT)CI, 83460-51-9; [Fe"'(TAP)CI]-, 90837-96-0; [Fe11(e(C12),-AC)C1]-, 90837-97-1; [FerI(e(C12),-AT)CI]-, 90898-38-7; [Fe"(e(Cl2),-CT)CI]-, 90837-98-2; [Fe"(e[di(C4)Ph],-CT)CI]-, 90837-99-3; [Fe'(TAP)]-, 90838-00-9; [Fe1(e(C12),-AC)]-, 90838-01-0; [Fe1(e(C12),-AT)]-, 90838-02-1; [Fe1(e(C12),-CT)]-, 79209-91-9; [Fe1(e[di(C4)Ph],-CT)]-, 90838-03-2;


[Fe'.(TAP)l2-, 90838-04-3; [Fe'.(e(C 12),-AC)I2-, 90838-05-4; [Fe'.(e(C12),-AT)I2-, 90898-39-8; [Fe'.(e(C 12)&T)I2-, 90838-06-5; [ Fe'.(e[di(C4)Ph],-CT)12-, 90838-07-6; Fe"(DMF)(TAP), 90838-08-7; Fell(DMF)(e(C12),-AC), 90838-09-8; Fe11(DMF)(e(C12)2-AT), 9089840-1; Fe"(DMF)(e(CI2),-CT), 90838-10-1; Fe"(DMF)(e[di(C4)PhI2-CT), 90838-11-2; Fe"'(TPP)CI, 16456-81-8; Fe"'(a(C12),-CT)CI, 90838-12-3; Fe"'(a(Cl2),-AT)CI, 90838-13-4; Fe"'(a(C12)2-AC)CI, 90898-41-2; Fe"'(aPF)CI, 86107-94-0; [Fe"(TPP)CI]-, 84537-58-6; [Fe"(a(C12),-CT)CI]-, 90838-14-5; [Fe1'(a(C12),-AT)C1]-, 90838-15-6; [Fe"(a(C12),-AC)CI]-, 90898-42-3; [Fe"(aPF)CI]-, 86124-06-3; Fell(DMF)(TPP), 90838-16-7; FeI1(DMF)(a(C12),-CT), 90838-17-8; Fe"(DMF) (a (C 12),-AT), 908 38- 18-9; Fe"(DMF) (a(C 12) AC), 90898-43-4; Fe"(DMF) (aPF), 90838- 19-0; [Fe'(TPP)]-, 54547-68- 1; [Fe'(a(C 12),-CT)]-, 90838-20-3; [ Fe1(a(C12),-AT)]-, 90838-21-4; [ Fe'(a(C 12),-AC)]-, 90898-44-5; [ Fe'(aPF)]-, 90857-60-6; [Fe'. (TPP)12-, 90838-22-5; [Fe1.(a(Cl2),-CT)l2-, 90838-23-6; [Fe'.(a(C12),-AT)I2-, 90838-24-7; [Fe1.(a(C12),-AC)I2-, 90898-45-6; [Fe'. (aPF)I2-, 90838-25-8; LiC104, 779 1-03-9; NBu4BF,, 429-42-5; chlorine, 7782-50-5.


Hemocyanin Models: Synthesis, Structure, and Magnetic Properties of a Binucleating Copper( 11) System Vickie McKee, Maruta Zvagulis, Jeffrey V. Dagdigian, Marianne G. Patch, and Christopher A. Reed* Contribution from the Department of Chemistry, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90089. Received December 29, 1983

Abstract: A model compound approach to oxidized hemocyanin is described. The essential structural features of diamagnetism, 3.6-A copper-xpper separation, approximate tetragonal stereochemistry, imidazole ligation, and bridging groups are reproduced in the azide complex [Cu2(L-Et)(N,)] [BF4I2. HL-Et is the septadentate binucleating ligand N,N,N',N'-tetrakis(2-(1ethylbenzimidazolyl))-2-hydroxy-1,3-diaminopropane prepared in good yield via condenbation of 1,2-diaminobenzene with 2-hydroxy- 1,3-diaminopropanetetraaceticacid. Related complexes [Cu2(L-Et)XI2+where X- = OAc-, HCOO-, NO2-, and pyrazolate have quite different magnetic properties. The acetate is ferromagnetic (J N + 12 cm-') while the nitrite is antiferromagnetic ( J = -1 39 cm-I). Crystal structures of the weakly coupled acetate complex [Cu,(L-Et)(OAc)] [ClO,], (monoclinic, P2,/n, a = 14.190 (3) A, b = 22.707 (4) A, c = 15.883 (4) A, fl = 97.20 (2)O, Z = 4) and the diamagnetic azide m / m , a = 19.082 (3) A, b = 23.896 (3) A, c = 13.230 ( 2 ) A, @ 2 116.21 (l)', complex [ C U , ( L - E ~ ) ( N ~ ) ] [ B(monoclinic, F~]~ Z = 4) suggest that these differences have their origin in the orientation of the u magnetic orbitals with respect to the bridging where it is supported by an alkoxide bridge from ligands. The particular mode of 1,3-bridging azide in [Cu,(L-Et)(N,)]", L-Et, has not been previously observed. It allows close approach of the copper(I1) atoms (3.615 (3) A) and thus becomes a viable stereochemistry for metazidohemocyanin. The present studies support the idea that tetragonality of the copper(I1) stereochemistry is important for attaining diamagnetism in oxy- and methemocyanins and that alkoxide from serine or threonine would be well suited to the role of a bridging endogenous ligand.

A long-standing problem in bioinorganic chemistry is understanding how hemocyaninl functions as an oxygen carrier. The operative states of this dinuclear copper protein are the colorless &(I) deoxy form, Hc, and the blue Cu(I1) oxy form, H d 2 . Their structures are modestly well-defined by a recerit accumulation of chemical and spectroscopic data such that Scheme I, with some caveats, can be adopted as a working model. For the deoxy state, the essential spectroscopic invisibility of Cu(1) leaves mainly EXAFS studies2s3 and its reactivity with carbon monoxide4 as a guide to structure. While the precise (1) For reviews on hemocyanin see: (a) van Holde, K. E.; Miller, K. I. Q. Rev. Biophys. 1982, 15, 1-129. (b) Lontie, R.; Witters, In "Inorganic

Biochemistry"; Eichhorn, G. L., Ed.; Elsevier: New York, 1973; Vol. 1, Chapter 12; (c) Lontie, R.;Vanquickenborne, L. In "Metal Ions in Biological Systems" Siegel, H.,Ed.; Marcel Dekker: New York, 1974; Vol. 3, pp 183-200. (d) Senozan, N. M. J. Chem. Educ. 1976, 53, 684-688. (e) Solomon, E. I. In "Metal Ions in Biology"; Spiro, T. G., Ed.; Wiley-Interscience: New York, 1981; Vol. 3, pp 41-108. (0 Bonaventura, J.; Bonaventura, C. Am. Zml. 1980,20,7-17. (g) Owen, C. A. 'Biochemical Aspects of Copper"; Noyes: New Jersey, 1982; pp 41-48. (2) (a) Brown, J. M.; Powers, L.; Kincaid, B.; Larrabee, J. A.; Spiro, T. G. J. Am. Chem. SOC.1980, 102, 421C-4216. (b) Woolery, G. L.; Powers, L.; Winkler, M.; Solomon, E. I.; Spiro, T. G. Ibid. 1984, 106, 86-92. (3) Co, M.S.; Scott, R.A.; Hodgson, K.0.J . Am. Chem. SOC.1981,103, 986-988. 0002-7863/84/1506-476.5$01.50/0

Scheme I. Possible Structures for Various States of Hemocyanina His


I R I - _cuI,--o--I I









II .0


His '

cu I I








His yuII.o.cuII

I '






metHcX a Dashed lines are used to indicate uncertainty in coordination number.

coordination number and stereochemistry are unknown, it is known that there are a t least two histidines per copper and some form 0 1984 American Chemical Society


J . Am. Chem. SOC.,Vol. 106, No. 17, 1984

of stoichiometric control that allows binding of only one C O per dicopper(1) site in HcCO. An appealing proposal to account for this is based on the observation that CO binding occurs much more readily to three-coordinate copper(1) than to two-coordinate ~ p p e r ( I ) . Also ~ from model compounds, bis(imidazo1e) ligation about copper(1) seems to show a predilection for an approximately linear orientation?*’ RO- is a possible endogenous bridging ligand for copper(1) whose presence, or that of a different third ligand, would rationalize the longer average Cu-N bond length (1.95 (2) A) in H c compared to cationic bis(imidazole)copper(I) complexes (1.87-1.92 A).’ Thus,the indicated structures for H c and HcCO in Scheme I are reasonable, but by no means exclusive, representations of the copper(1) coordination chemistry. Dioxygen binding involves dinuclear copper(I1) chemistry. Resonance Raman studiess indicate symmetrically bridging peroxide ( ~ ( 0 ~ 745 )cm-l) and the collective evidence from magnetic? chemical, and electronic datal0 suggests the structure for HcO, shown in Scheme I. Diamagnetism, approximate tetragonal stereochemistry and an endogenous protein bridging ligand, RO-, are key features of the proposed structure. Displacement of peroxide by various anions X- = N 3u(I)) in the range 28 3.5-45' R(F) 9.6 R(wF) 10.7


3 XgxlO'

(cgsul 2


.. .. ..


Table 111. selected bond distances

[CW--Et)(NdI [BF412

C2/rn,monoclinic 19.082 (3) 23.896 (3) 13.230 (2) 116.21 (1) 4 5412 (1) 1631 independent reflctns (I > 2u(I)) in the range 28 = 3.5-45' 9.5 7.9

and angles tdee)


Figure 4. Raw xg data for two different preparations of [Cu2(LEt)(N,)I [BF4]2. Data on the acetate complex [Cu,(L-Et)(OAc)] [C10412are displayed as a Curie plot in Figure 2. xo T I P was -449 X lo4 cgs units. The positive intercept a t 0 = 8.87 K from extrapolation of the linear portion of the data (70-300 K) is indicative of a weak ferromagnet. From the approximation 0 = J / 2 K that is valid for small and positive values of J , we calculate J N +12 cm-'. A more detailed treatment was not attempted because exchange anisotropy as well as intermolecular effects and impurity effects are expected to significantly complicate any interpretation of the low temperature data. Data for the nitrite complex [Cu2(L-Et)(NO,)] [C104]2-H20 are displayed in Figure 3. When the raw data were plotted as gram susceptibilities xg vs. temperature, a maximum near 240 K indicated a moderately strong antiferromagnetic exchange. A steep rise in xg a t very low temperatures suggested the presence of a small amount of a paramagnetic impurity. Consequently, data were corrected for 4.7% of a paramagnetic impurity, assuming it to be [Cu,(L-Et)(H,O),] [C1O4I4.H20, a likely contaminant from the synthetic method. A residual curvature of the lowtemperature data having a peak a t about 40 K was removed by further subtraction of 3.75% of an antiferromagnetic impurity with J = -18 cm-' and g = 2.1. These percentages were derived by trial and error with three variables (two percentages and J) using a series of computer-generated data points. The criterion of best fit was approximate constancy of the corrected xg values between 6 and 40 K having magnitudes typical of TIP. The corrected xM data are displayed in Figure 3. The solid line is a theoretical fit using g = 2.08 and J = -139 cm-'. xBdata for two representative preparations of the azide complex [Cu,(L-Et)(N,)] [BF,], are displayed in Figure 4. As in the case of the nitrite complex, a steep rise in xg a t low temperatures for both samples was indicative of small amounts (1-4%) of paramagnetic impurities. These impurities are not Curie-Weiss law behaved. Further, the two-impurity correction model used above on the nitrite complex was unsuccessful in rendering either data set satisfactorily linear. However, regardless of the interpretation of the nature of these impurities, which can amount to only a few percent, the value of xg = -2.607 X lo-' cgs units a t 300 K in the purest sample indicates that the azide complex is diamagnetic. Data were collected on the pyrazolate complex [Cu(L-Et)(pyl)] [C104].H20but while they were qualitatively recognizable as arising from a weak antiferromagnet the presence of paramagnetic impurities made a quantitative treatment unreliable.


X-ray Structure Determinations Data were collected a t room temperature on crystals of [Cu,(L-Et)(OAc)] [C104]2and [Cu2(L-Et)(N3)][BF,], by using a Syntex P2, diffractometer with Mo K a radiation up to a 20(max) of 45'. Both structures were solved by Patterson and difference Fourier techniques; the crystallographic data are summarized in Table 11. The acetate structure was refined

[CW--Et)(OAc)l[C10412 Bond Distances Cul-cu2 3.459 (2) c u 1-02 1.89 (1) Cu2-02 Cul-Nl 2.13 (1) Cu2-N6 Cul-N2 2.03 (1) Cu2-N7 Cul-N4 2.03 (1) Cu2-N9 CUl-01 1.93 (1) Cu2-03 c2-01 1.22 (2) C2-03 Bond Angles C U ~ - O ~ - C U ~i3a.6 (5) 02-C~l-Nl 84.2 (4) 02-Cu2-N6 02-C~l-N2 122.7 (4) 02-Cu2-N7 02-Cul-N4 128.4 (4) 02-Cu2-N9 N2-Cul-Nl 81.2 (4) N7-Cu2-N6 N2-Cul-N4 103.3 (4) N7-Cu2-N9 Nl-Cul-N4 80.9 (4) N6-Cu2-N9 02-Cui-01 95.2 (4) 02-C~2-03 N2-Cul-01 96.2 (4) N7-Cu2-03 Nl-Cul-01 176.4 (4) N6-012-03 N4-Cul-01 102.2 (4) N9-Cu2-03 C~l-ol-cZ 133.7 (9) Cu2-03-C2 01-C2-03 129 (1)

cu-CU' cu-02 CU-N 1 CU-N~

CU-02-CU' 02-Cu-Nl 02-Cu-NZ 02-Cu-N4 N2-CU-Nl N2-Cu-N4 Nl-Cu-N4

[Cu2(L-Et)Nd [BF412 Bond Distances 3.615 (3) CU-N~ 1.944 (8) CU-N~ 2.06 (1) N6-N7 2.00 (1) Bond Angles 136.9 (6) 02-Cu-N6 85.9 (5) N2-Cu-N6 143.8 (4) NI-CU-N~ 114.2 (4) N4-Cu-N6 83.4 ( 5 ) N6-N7-N6' 98.6 (5) Cu-N6-N7 82.6 (5)

1.92 (1) 2.08 (1) 2.06 (1) 2.05 (1) 1.91 (1) 1.23 (2) 84.2 (4) 119.4 (4) 121.6 (4) 81.7 (4) 113.5 (4) 80.5 (4) 95.7 (4) 98.3 (4) 179.8 (4) 99.7 (4) 133.1 (9)

2.11 (1) 2.04 (1) 1.15 (2)

92.3 ( 5 ) 98.8 (5) 177.8 ( 5 ) 97.1 (5) 175 (2) 106 (1)

isotropically except for the copper and perchlorate atoms that were treated anisotropically. The azide structure was refined anisotropically except for C14 which was severely disordered. Both structures showed disorder in the N-ethyl groups and'in the anions which reduces their precision. However, since the important features of the copper coordination spheres were well-defined, no attempt was made to resolve the disorder or locate the hydrogen atoms. Interatomic distances between each cation and its anions were all >3.25 A. Selected distances and angles in the two structures are given in Table 111. The numbering schemes adopted for each complex cation are shown in diagrams I and I1 in the supplementary material. The azide complex has a crystallographic C2 axis through C 3 , 0 2 , and N7. A full listing of bond distances (Tables A and B) and angles (Tables C and D) for the acetate and azide structures, respectively, is included in the supplementary material. Final atomic coordinates of the acetate structure are listed along with their anisotropic and isotropic thermal parameters in Table

J . Am. Chem. SOC.,Vol. 106, No. 17, 1984 4169

Copper(II) Hemocyanin Models E and those of the azide structure in Table F, both in the supplementary material.

Discussion Synthesis. In general, dimeric copper(I1) complexes are readily prepared by self-assembly from monomeric components. But to achieve the degree of ligation control necessary for optimum modelling of the hemocyanin-active site, we felt that a specifically designed b i n ~ c l e a t i n g ligand ’~ would be required. The design of HL-Et


0”’ 2.




has several useful features. The bond connectivity about the central hydroxy group is well suited to securing two copper atoms in close proximity with or without an alkoxide bridge. There is a balance of symmetry and flexibility to the “arms” of the ligand that leads to readily crystallizable materials having workable solubility. The choice of benzmidazole moieties is an extension of our earlier work which showed the wide scope of the 1,2-diaminobenzene/carboxylic acid condensation reaction for producing new chelating ligand^.'^^^ The ligands prepared by Thompson?’ Reedijk: and Kida1Ibare notable in this regard. Related ligands based on appended p ~ r i d i n e and ~ ~ .p~y ~r a ~ o l e are ~ , ~also ~ proving to be useful in copper dimer formation. Apart from their ease of synthesis, benzimidazole moieties are desirable for their steric bulk, their chemical inertness (greater than that of imidazoles), and the ready variation of substituents by N-alkylation or ring substitution. They are, of course, good models for histidine residues in proteins and are excellent ligands for both copper(1) and copper(I1). The specific derivative HL-Et used in the present work was chosen for its convenient handling properties. Treatment of HL-Et with 2 equiv of copper(I1) perchlorate or tetrafluoroborate results in the formation of complexes of analytical composition C U , ( H L - E ~ ) ( H ~ O ) ~(Y( Y )= ~ C10, or BF,). The binucleating capacity of the ligand is expressed in the dicopper stoichiometry. The presence of four counterions suggests that the 2-hydroxy group of ,the binucleating ligand is not deprotonated and is therefore probably not involved in any metal-ligand bonding. Related complexes behave similarly.25 Strict Curie-Weiss paramagnet behavior down to 6 K of the green perchlorate complex (Figure 1 (e)) also suggests that bridging ligands are not present. However, a broad essentially isotropic EPR signal (g = 2.25) for both the solid and a frozen acetonitrile solution a t 16 K indicates that dipolar interactions are present and the copper (19) Fenton, D. E. In ‘Advances in Inorganic and Bioinorganic Mechanisms”; Sykes, A. G., Ed.; Academic Press: London, 1983; Vol. 11. (20) Dagdigian, J. V.; Reed, C. A. Inorg. Chem. 1979, 18, 2623-2626. (21) (a) Thompson, L. K.; Ramaswamy, B. S.;Seymour, E. A. Can. J . Chem. 1977,55,878-888. (b) Addison, A. W.; Hendriks, H. M. J.; Reedijk, J.; Thompson, L. K. Inorg. Chem. 1981, 20, 103-110. (22) Karlin, K. D.; Gultneh, Y.; Hutchinson, J. P.; Zubieta, J. J . Am. Chem. SOC.1982, 104, 5240-5242. (23) Karlin, K. D.; Hayes, J. C.; Hutchinson, J. P.; Zubieta, J. J . Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. 1983, 376-378. (24) Sorrell, T. N . ; Malachowski, M. R.; Jameson, D . L. Inorg. Chem. 1982, 21, 3250-3252. (25) Sakurai, T.; Kaji, H.; Nakahara, A. Inorg. Chim. Acta 1982.67, 1-5.

atoms are probably >4 A apart. The presence of 1 equiv of a strong base (1,8-bis(dimethylamino)naphthalene)in the synthesis does not appear to lead to deprotonation of the 2-hydroxy group and formation of a single alkoxy bridge. This is surprising in view of the recent reports of formation of single hydroxy-bridged copper(I1) d i r n e r ~ ~and ~ - a~ single ~ alkoxy-bridged copper(I1) dimer,30but space-filling models suggest that steric crowding of the complementary ligands ( H 2 0 or C104-) might destabilize such a species. Likewise, formation of the more familar dibridged dihydroxy structureI3 is apparently thwarted by intramolecular steric effects and/or constraints from the five-membered chelate rings of HL-Et. Only with added exogenous di- or triatom bridging ligands, as discussed below, does an alkoxide bridge form between the copper(I1) atoms. One idiosyncrasy of the aquo complex is worth brief mention. Upon cooling an undesiccated sample of the green perchlorate complex to dry ice temperature, there is a reversible color change to bright blue. And a Curie plot (Figure 1 (m) of a sample loaded into the susceptometer in air shows two distinct regions of near linearity, one at high temperatures and one at low temperatures, having different slopes (Figure 1). The high-temperature data have a similar slope to the dried material ( 0 ) .It is apparent that some structural change at copper accompanies a lattice hydration reaction. It is conceptually related to the phase change observed in another copper(I1) c ~ m p l e x . ~ ’ If the metalation reaction of HL-Et is followed by the addition of potentially bridging anions X- (OAc-, HCOO-, NO2-, N3-, pyrazolate), spontaneous deprotonation of the ligand occurs to give a series of alkoxide/X- dibridged complexes:





I*+ 1

These complexes are the main subject of this paper because of their interesting structural and magnetic properties. Magnetic Studies. Simply varying X- in the series of complexes [Cuz(L-Et)X][C1O4I2 leads to quite dramatic changes in the copper-copper magnetic interactions. This was immediately evident from the room-temperature magnetic moments that range from values typical of noninteracting or weakly interacting copper(I1) atoms (1 33-1.90 pB) through to zero in the diamagnetic azide (Table I). Workup of variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility data for selected complexes reveals that the acetate complex is a weakferromagnet with J N +12 crn-l, the pyrazolate is a weak antiferromagnet, the nitrite is a moderately strong antiferromagnet with J = -1 39 cm-’, and the azide is a very strong antiferromagnet. Indeed, the lack of any tendency toward upward curvature of the high-temperature xBdata points for the azide complex (Figure 4) indicates that diamagnetism is complete, within experimental error. Thus, the error in the highest temperature point, conservatively estimated to be 550 cm-’. Magnetostructural Correlations. Magnetic interactions in binuclear species are inextricably related to structure. In order to understand the widely varying magnetic moments of the series of dimers [Cu2(L-Et)X]2+, particularly the diamagnetic azide complex (X- = N3-), it was necessary to have definitive structural information. The weakly ferromagnetic acetate complex (X- = OAc-) and the completely antiferromagnetically coupled azide complex were chosen because both formed single crystals of adequate quality for X-ray analysis and they represent extremes of magnetic behavior. Perspective views of the acetate and azide complexes are shown in Figures 5 and 6, respectively. Selected bond lengths and bond angles are listed in Table 111. Although the two structures are broadly similar, there are significant differences in the detailed coordination geometries, as illustrated in Figure 7. The stereochemistry about Cu2 in the acetate complex closely approximates a trigonal bipyramid. The alkoxy bridge ( 0 2 ) and the benzimidazoles (N7 and N9) make up the equatorial plane with bond angles that deviate from ideality by only 6.5’. The two Cu2-N(benzimidazole) bond distances are identical within experimental error (2.06 ( l ) , 2.05 (1) A). The stereochemistry about C u l is similar, but the bond angles are somewhat more distorted from ideality. By contrast, the stereochemistry about copper in the azide structure more closely approximates a tetragonal pyramid than a trigonal bipyramid. The angular deviations from idealitv are large (see Figure 7 ) , but significantly, the two Cu-N(GenzimidazoIe) bond distances differ by greater than 0.1 A (Cu-N2 =i 2.00 (1) A; C U - N ~= 2.11 (1) A). Apical bond distances typically exceed basal ones in tetragonal-pyramidal copper(I1) complexes where valid comparisons can be made. Fm example, with imidazole coordination, basal distances lie in the range 1.913



Figure 8. Comparison of the magnetic orbital orientations in the (dZ2)’ acetate and the (dz,2)’ azide. (7)-2.049 (2) A while an apical interaction has been observed a t 2.141 (l).32 In the azide structure, Cu-N2 has therefore been designated as basal along with the other ligating atoms: N1(amine), OZ(alkoxide), and N6(azide). The longer bond to benzimidazole, Cu-N4, is designated as apicaI and is distinguished in Figure 7 by the dashed line. W e believe that the different coordination geometries of the acetate and the azide complexes offer the most logical explanation for their different magnetic behavior. The argument rests on the notion that a strong magnetic interaction requires both good u orientation of the magnetic orbitals and good superexchange properties of the bridging atom(^).^^-^^ Neither condition is very (32) Morehouse, S. M.; Polychronopoulou, A,; Williams, G . J. B. Znorg. Chem. 1980, 19, 3558-3561. (33) Felthouse, T. R.; Laskowski, E. J.; Hendrikson, D. N. Znorg. Chem. 16,1077-1089. (34) Hay, J. P.; Thibeault, J. C.; Hoffman, R. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1975, 97, 4884-4899.

J. Am. Chem. SOC., Vol. 106, No. 17, 1984 4771

Copper(II) Hemocyanin Models well satisfied in the acetate complex. The trigonal-bipyramidal stereochemistry dictates a (dZ2)lground state and thus the major l o b of the magnetic orbital will be axially directed toward a single bridging ligand, the acetate (see Figure 8). By contrast, both conditions are optimized in the azide complex. Its tetragonality can safely be assumed to dictate a (dA9)' ground state that orients the magnetic orbital lobes toward both bridging ligands, the alkoxide and the azide. Of the three bridging ligands found in these two complexes, alkoxide is probably the best mediator of superexchange. With the large Cu-0-Cu angles in the present complexes (near 135') a strong antiferromagnetic superexchange can be expected by analogy to the nearly diamagnetic p-monohydroxy dimers having similar Cu-O-Cu angles.2629 But only in the azide complex is the directionality of the magnetic orbitals appropriate for taking advantage of magnetic exchange via the alkoxide 0 atom. There is no evidence that a single acetate group can function as a strong mediator of magnetic exchange. The well-known moderately coupled copper(I1) acetates36 usually have four acetate bridges acting in concert. 1,3-Bridging azide is frequently implicated in magnetic exchange pathways with varied magnitude and s t r u ~ t u r e . It~ ~is ~difficult ~~ to assess its precise role in the present complex other than to conclude that it may substantially augment the antiferromagnetic exchange provided by the alkoxide. The Bridging Azide Structure. Most of the structural features of the present complexes are typical of five-coordinate copper(I1). However, the particular geometry of the 1,3-azide bridge has not been observed before. Normally, a 1,3-azide-bridging mode forces the metal atoms about 6 A apart.37 The shortest Cu-Cu se aration reported in a 1,3-azido-bridged s ecies is 4.956 (2) In the present complex it is 3.615 (3) . This particular 1,3bridging mode presumably occurs to maintain the complementary alkoxy bridge and to avoid the likely steric congestion of the alternative possibility, a 1,l-bridging mode. As a consequence of the alkoxide bridge the Cu-N-N angles are abnormally acute (106 (I)'). The strain suggested by this less than optimal hybridization may be responsible for the Cz twist of the azide with respect to the copper-copper vector (-7') and the slight bending of the azide (N-N-N = 175 (2)'). Implications for Hemocyanin. The structural features of copper(I1) derivatives of hemocyanin are well replicated by the azide complex [CU,(L-E~)(N,)]~+. The requisite minimum of two imidazole ligands per copper, a Cu..-Cu separation of 3.6 A, and the diamagnetism are found for the first time in a single compound. The additional features of approximate tetragonal stereochemistry, overall five-coordination, an alkoxide bridge, and an azide bridge all lend credence to the structural picture of hemocyanin proposed in Scheme I. In particular, tetragonality of the copper(I1) coordination sphere appears to be very important for proper orientation of the magnetic orbitals to achieve diamagnetism. It is clear that the departure from ideal tetragonality can be quite great as long as the bridging ligands are part of the basal "plane". The spontaneous formation of an alkoxide bridge endorses the idea of an endogenous protein bridging ligand and demonstrates that serine or threonine is qualified for this role. The particular geometry of the azide in [CuZ(L-Et)(N3)l2+shows that a 1,3bridging mode can be accommodated within a 3.6-A Cu-.Cu separation when supported by another bridging ligand. A similar arrangement seems likely in metHc(N3) since there is considerable congruence of spectroscopic properties. Acetonitrile solutions of the azide complex show a strong UV maximum a t 364 nm (414 nm sh) (e 2340 M-' cm-I) that is not present in the acetate



(35) Girerd, J. J.; Kahn, 0.;Verdaguer, M. Inorg. Chem. 1980, 19, 274-276. (36) Doedens, R. J. Prog. Inorg. Chem. 1976, 21, 209-231. (37) (a) Felthouse, T. R.; Hendrikson, D. N. Inorg. Chem. 1978, 17, 444-456. (b) Barraclough, C. G.; Brooks, R. W.; Martin, R. L. A m . J. Chem. 1974, 27, 1843-1850. (c) Comarmond, J.; Plumere, P.; Lehn, J.-M.; Agnus, Y.; Louis, R.; Weiss, R.; Kahn, 0.;Morgenstern-Badarau, I. J. Am. Chem. SOC.1982, 104, 6330-6340. (d) Kahn, 0.; Sikarav, S.; Gouteron, J.; Jeannin, S.;Jeannin, Y. Inorg. Chem. 1983, 22, 2877-2883 and references within these papers. (38) Zido, R. F.; Gaughan, A. P.; Dori, Z.; Pierpont, C. G.; Eisenberg, R. Inorg. Chem. 1971, 10, 1289-1296.

complex. A vis maximum is present a t 695 nm ( 6 195). By comparison to bands of very similar energy in metHc(N3) (Busycon canaliculatum) at 360 ( 6 -1500) and 710 nm (e -200),39 they are assigned to azide L M C T and d-d, respectively. The asymmetric azide stretching frequency in the I R spectrum of the complex appears a t 2020 (s) cm-I in Nujol or KBr and 2037 (s) cm-2 in CH3CN. In metHc(N,) the corresponding band is at 2042 cm-1.40 The compatibility of structure A with metHc(N,) is very R

A attractive, but the 1,l-bridging modes B and C should be considered as possible alternatives. However, the 3.1-A Cu-Cu separations of 1,I-azido-dibridged species41are incompatible with the 3.66-A Cu.-Cu separation in metHc(N3), making structure B very unlikely. The possibility that metHc may be simply a monobridged hydroxy species with no endogenous bridging ligand from the p r ~ t e i n ~ leads ~ . * ~to consideration of structure C for metHc(N,). Triangulation calculations using reasonable Cu-N bond lengths of 2.1 f 0.1 A and Cu-Cu separations of 3.6 f 0.1 8, lead to not unreasonable Cu-N-Cu bridging angles of 120-135'. A potential model for C has been reported,29 but it shows very little magnetic coupling. Since the magnitude of J will be very dependent upon the bridgehead Cu-N-Cu angle, one should be cautious about eliminating C solely on magnetic grounds. However, exogenous monobridged formulations for the closely related metHc(0Ac) and H c 0 2 are unlikely on both geometric and magnetic grounds and we do not believe structure C is likely in metHc(N,). Moreover, new titration evidence for dibridged rather than monobridged metHc(N3) has recently been presented.42 In conclusion, the essential features of the active site structural chemistry of methemocyanin can be reproduced in an appropriately chosen model compound. The spectroscopically effective structurele is seen to be entirely consistent with the intrinsic dinuclear coordination chemistry of copper(II), and the model compound [Cuz(L-Et)(N3)]2+ provides an excellent reference point for further structural refinement and reactivity studies. In the absence of a high-resolution X-ray crystallographic structure for hemocyanin43 the model compound approach is turning out to be a useful probe of its coordination chemistry.44 Acknowledgment. The assistance of Professor Robert Bau in solving the crystal structures, Drs. Frank DiSalvo and Joseph Waszczak (Bell Labs) in early magnetic studies, and useful discussions with Dr. Jean-Marc Latour (CENG) are greatefully acknowledged. This work was supported by the N I H (Grant AM 30801) and, in part, by the N S F (Grant C H E 8026812 and Squid Instrumentation Grant C H E 821 1349). Registry No. HL-Et, 79724-80-4; [Cu2(HL-Et)(H20)4][C10,]4, 90991-14-3; [CU~(HL-E~)(H~O),][BF~]~, 90991-15-4; [Cu,(L-Et)(OA~)][C104]2, 79736-52-0; [Cu,(L-Et)(N,)] [C104]2, 90991-17-6; (39) Himmelwright, R. S.;Eickman, N. C.; LuBien, C. D.; Solomon, E. I. J . Am. Chem. SOC.1980, 102, 5378-5388. (40) Solomon, E. I., personal communication. (41) Karlin, K. D.; Hayes, J. C.; Hutchinson, J. P.; Zubieta, J. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. 1983, 376-378. (42) Wilcox, D. E.; Long J. R.; Solomon, E. I. J. Am. Chem. SOC.1984, 106, 2186-2194. (43) van Schaick, E. J. M.; Schutter, W. G.; Gaykerna, W. P. J.; Schepman, A. M. H.; Hol, W. G. J. J. Mol. Biol.1982,158,457-485. Gaykema, W. P. J.; van Schaick, E. J. M.; Schutter, W. G. J.; Hol, W. G. J. Chem. Scr. 1983, 21, 19-23. (44) For related model compound approaches see: Nelson, S.M.; Esho, F.; Lavery, A,; Drew, M. G. B. J. Am. Chem. SOC.1983, 105, 5693-5995. Sorrell, T. N.; Jameson, D. L.;O'Conner, C. J. Inorg. Chem. 1984, 23, 190-195. Agnus, Y.; Louis, R.; Gisselbrecht, J.-P.; Weiss, R. J. Am. Chem. SOC.1984, 106, 93-102 and references within these papers.

J . Am. Chem. SOC.1984, 106, 4772-4183


[Cu,(L-Et)(N,)I [BFdI,, 79736-45-1; [C~~(L-E~)(PYI)I [CQ12, 7973648-4; [Cu2(L-Et)(NO2)1 [C10412, 79736-50-8; [Cu2(L-Et)(HC00)1[C1O4I2,90991-19-8; 1,2-diaminobenzene7 95-54-5; 2-h~droxy-1J-diaminopropanetetraacetic acid, 3 148-72-9. Supplementary Material Available: Atom numbering schemes

(diagrams I and 11) and tables of bond lengths (Tables A and B), bond angles (Tables C and D), and final atomic coordinates and thermal parameters (Tables E and F) for the acetate and azide complexes, respectively (19 pages). Ordering information is given on any current masthead page.

Thermal and Light-Induced Reduction of Ru( b ~ y ) in ~ ~ + Aqueous Solution Pushpito K. Ghosh, Bruce S. Brunschwig, Mei Chou, Carol Creutz,* and Norman %tin* Contribution from the Department of Chemistry, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973. Received August 22, I983


Abstract: The spontaneous reduction of R ~ ( b p y ) to ~ ~Ru(bpy)?+ + in aqueous solutions yields only trace 0, and is accompanied by degradation of 10%of the tris(bipyridine) complex. Carbon dioxide (5-6 mol of COz per 100 mol of R ~ ( b p y ) ~taken) ~+ is produced over the entire pH range, 0 to 12. In addition, modified Ru(bpy)32+-likecomplexes whose yields (0.2-5.9 mol + are a function of p H have been identified as products by high-performance liquid of R u per 100 mol of R ~ ( b p y ) , ~taken) chromatographic analysis of the product solutions. The latter have been partially characterized by electrochemical and spectroscopic techniques and are not formed when sufficient C O ~ +(which ,~ catalyzes O2formation) is added to the reaction mixture. At pH 7, near stoichiometric O2formation is found for (0.01-1.0) X lW3M initial Ru(bpy):+ when the Co(I1) catalyst concentration is -0.1 [Ru(III)], and added [Ru(II)] is