henry troemner, inc. - ACS Publications

Oct. 16 to 19—Second International Vacuum Congress, Sheraton Park Hotel, Wash- ington, D. C. Sponsors: ... Garrard Blvd., Richmond, Calif., has made...
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NEWS Oct. 9 to 10—International Commission on Analysis of the Comité International de la Detergence, Paris, France. Contact: Comité International de la Detergence, 70, Champs Élyseés, Paris, 8*, France. Oct. 9 to 12—llth Annual Instrument Symposium and Research Equipment Exhibit, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. Contact: Dr. Julius Sendroy, Jr., Naval Medical Research Institute, Bethesda 14, Md. (Program) ; Mr. Louis Heiss, American Instrument Co., 8030 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring, Md., (Exhibit). Page 58 A, June. Oct. 10 to 12—Fifth Conference on Analytical Chemistry in Nuclear Reactor Technology and Second Conference on Nuclear Reactor Chemistry, Gatlinburg, Tenn. Sponsor: Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Contact: W. R. Grimes, re Reactor Technology and C. D. Susano re Analytical Chemistry, both at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P . O. Box X, Oak Ridge, Tenn. Page 54 A, June. Oct. 16 to 18—Ninth Detroit Anachem Conference, Association of Analytical Chemists, Detroit. Contact: P. N. Burkard, Program Chairman, Wyandotte Chemicals Corp., Wyandotte, Mich. Pages 43 A, Feb.; 54 A, April; 50 A, July. Oct. 16 to 19—Second International Vacuum Congress, Sheraton Park Hotel, Washington, D . C. Sponsors: International Organization for Vacuum Science and Technology and the American Vacuum Society. Contact: L. E. Preuss, Edsel B. Ford Institute for Medical Research, Detroit 2, Mich. Page 54 A, Feb. October 20—Fifth Annual Symposium on Advances in Tracer Methodology, Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D . C. Sponsor: New England Nuclear Corp. Contact: New England Nuclear Corp., 575 Albany Street, Boston 18, Mass. Page 61 A, June. Nov. 1 to 3—Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference, Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh. Sponsor: Mellon Institute. Contact: D . L. F . Vassamillet, Mellon Institute, 4400 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh 13, Pa. Page 46 A, July. Nov. 2 to 3—Tenth Instrumentation Conference, Louisiana Polytechnical Institute. Contact: J. M. Malone, Louisiana Polytechnic Institute, Ruston, La. Nov. 6—9th Hot Laboratory and Equipment Conference, Chicago, 111. Part of joint winter meeting of American Nuclear Society, Atomic Industrial Forum, Atomic Fair Nuclear Industry Exhibit. Contact: American Nuclear Society, 86 E. Randolph St., Chicago 1, 111. Page 50 A, M a y . Nov. 15 to 17—Eastern Analytical Symposium and Exhibit, Statler Hilton Hotel, New York. Sponsors: ACS, SAS, and Metropolitan Microchemical Society. Contact: Program: Dr. E. J. Rosenbaum, Drexel Institute of Technology, Philadelphia 4, Pa.; Exhibits: Norman Gardner, General Telephone and Electronics Laboratories, Bayside, L. Ι., Ν . Υ. Page 56 A, April. Nov. 21 to Dec. 1—Radioisotopes in Animal Biology and Medical Sciences, Mexico City, Mexico. Sponsor: International Atomic Energy Agency. Contact: Office of Public Information, United Nations, New York. Page 54 A, June. Nov. 27 to Dec. 1—28th Exposition of Chemical Industries, The Coliseum, New York City. Contact: Ε. Κ. Stevens, Exposition Manager, 480 Lexington Ave., New York 17, Ν. Υ. Page 60 A, June.

A NEW HEAVY ALUMINUM CASE and other improvements make this popular heavy-duty balance better t h a n ever !

Troemner Model 195-B. Sensitivity 0.1 gram; capacity 3 kilograms. $100.

TROEMNER ewly redesigned for all-around laboratory use, T r o e m n e r Models 195-B and 2-89B are now set in a very s t u r d y a l u m i n u m case with chemical-resistant blue-gray finish. Choose according to desired capacity a n d sensitivity: Model 195-B has capacity of 3 kg., sensitivity of 0.1 g.; price $100. Model 2-89B has 6-kg. ca­ pacity, 0.2-g. sensitivity; price $115. Weigh beams on b o t h models are graduated either in grams or in ounces. P a n s or flat plates are of polished stainless steel. A m o d e r n index tower protects t h e easy-read­ ing pointer. Sliding a n d locking t a r e weight. F o r fast, a c c u r a t e day-to-day deter­ minations, these balances belong in every m o d e r n research laboratory. See y o u r dealer or write us for information. Research Specialties Co., 2000 So. Garrard Blvd., Richmond, Calif., has made a mobile demonstration laboratory using a 35-foot bus. Major items shown include the Robot Chemical System, a modular gas chromatograph system, and equipment for paper and column chromatography and electrophoresis.

HENRY TROEMNER, INC.,22nd&MasterSts.,Phila.21, Pa. Circle No. 96 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 33, NO. 8, JULY 1961

47 A