Here's the Starling proof - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 4, 2010 - of viscosity compensation in flow rate measurement with the ... Chart "A" shows calibrations for water, and for oil with a viscosity of ...
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o f v i s c o s i t y compei&satioii In. £ l o w r a t e 'm.eaLjsinrem.eiiLi: wi/Cli iAte


T h o m a s Cifelli, J r . , h a s resigned h i s posit i o n w i t h t h e Office o f Alien Property Custodian i n Chicago, as o f July 1, a n d w i l l resume his duties w i t h Givandanr>eiawanna, Inc., IDelawanna, N. J . W i l l i a m D. Coolidge, vice president a n d director of research of the General Elect r i c C o . , Schenectady, N. Y . , h a s been awarded the Order of Merit of Chile for h i s many services t o civilization. H o w a r d D. Corkuzn has accepted t h e posit i o n of director of research f o r The Americaji Thread Co., Willimantic, Conn. J o h n R . Corrigan, formerly a graduate s t u d e n t in the Chemistry Department, University of Notre Dame, has been appointed a research chemist in t h e organic research division of Frederick Stearns & Co., D e troit, Mich. T i i o m a s J. D e e g a n , N. Y. City, h a s been appointed Director o f Information b y Brigadier General Robert "W. Johnson, ch.airman of the Smaller War Plants Corporation and vice chairman of t h e W a r Production Board. Edwin Dowzard, chief chemist, N e w York Quinine and Chemical Works, Inc., has r e tired, after being associated with t h e comp a n y since 1920. W h i t n e y Eastman h a s joined General Molls, Inc., a s an executive i n the field of special investigation and research. He w a s formerly vice president and director of t h e Ajrcher-Daniels-Midland Co. J o h n A . Faust has joined t h e staff of t h e Research and Development Laboratories, Bakelite Corp., Bloomfield, N". J. Frank Wilcoxon h a s resigned from t h e A.tlas Powder Co., for -which he served a s director of t h e Control Laboratory, R a venna Ordnance Plant, t o enter the employ of the American Cyanamid C o . a s group leader i n charge o f t h e Insecticide a n d Fungicide Laboratory, Stamford Research Laboratory, Stamford, Conn. M a l c o l m Fooshee has become a member of the firm of Donovan, Leisure, N e w t o n , & Xumbard, N . Y . City and Washington, D . C. Pear K. Frolich, President of t h e AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, was awarded t h e hon-

orary degree of I X E n g . by Xehigh University at i t s recent commencement exercises.


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JLRIOR t o the development of the Stabl-Vis rotameter, accurate flow rate measurement of viscous fluids was impossible except with automatic temperature control or a whole series of painstaking calibrations covering every few points of change in viscosity. Charts ""A" and "B" prove how the Stabl-Vis rotameter has removed these difficulties. Chart "A" shows calibrations for water, and for oil with a viscosity of 224 S.S.U. using a size 1W rotameter with an old style float. The average error introduced b y the change to viscous oil from water is 3 3 ^ % , based on the water flow. Chart amitz, National Varnished Products Co.^ was chosen vice president. Robert D. BoEiney* CongoleumNairn, Inc., i s the new secretary, antd Carl J. Englehardt, Brooklyn*. Varnidi IManufacturing Co., is treasures!. B. John Shepard hasjoaned tho Packing Products Co. as manager of its chemical division. He was formerly with the •Chemical Service Co., N . Y. C^ty. Leroy C . McClelland haajs been pnxmoted from first lieutenant to captain. Hie is a t present located at Camp Davis, N. C




is producing M a n y T y p e s oi Wcwest W i r e S l o t h s a n d Wire C l o t h Psrodiscts

Robert D. Thompson fcaas been jput i n charge o f the new glass products engineering division of the Tayloar InstrumeEitCo., Rochester, N . Y. Robert J3. Wilson received tlie homorary degree o f doctor of laws from. Colb;y College at i t s 122nd commencsemeot. Dar. Wilson delivered the comm^sneenaent a-ddress on "Individuals and Incesatives", stressing the necessity of maintaineing properly balanced incentives for labor, management, and capital if our past r s t e o f progress i s to b e continued. I n presenting the clegree, President Bixler gave th»e following citation: "Major in the Chemoical "Warfare Research Division during thae last Avar, director of well-known research laboratories, author, inventor, industrialist, winn«er this year of the Perkin Medal for distinguished research in chemistry, engaged ait the present time i n important work ewrfcributing to our country's defense—Colby salutes you a s the schobar int actkxn and proxidly adopts yon as h&x sora". VOLUME

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EWARK is truly o n e of the pioneering manufacturers of woven wire cloth and wire cloth products in this country having served industry continuously since 1877. But ours isn't merely a manufacturing service. It's a service to help y o u select the proper wire cloth for your screening problems — or t h e proper fabricated part for assembl n g into your equipment. W e have the plant, the equipment the stock . . . and the skilled workers . . . to help you.


WIRE CLOTH COMPANY 354 Verona A v e . , Newark, N . J.


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