HEWLETT PACKARD - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 29, 2012 - HEWLETT PACKARD. Anal. Chem. , 1983, 55 (3), pp 465A–465A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00254a809. Publication Date: March 1983. ACS Legacy ...
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The HP 8451 provides flexibility in many dimensions. The full wave­ length range (190-820 nm) can be scanned in 0.1 sec and repeated every 0.7 sec, or up to 25 individual wavelengths can be monitored every 0.1 sec.

Built-in printer/plotter is standard; it adds con­ venience, keeps bench uncluttered. (This graphic plot took only 30 seconds.)

The I IP 845 ΙΛ Diode Array Spectre^ ^ _ photometer opens the d o o r to significant savings in time, savings that become even m o r e d r a m a t i c $fpH|H as sample complexity increases. K^fH With its advanced diode array detector able to perform UV/VIS measurements in only 0.1 sec, the H P 8 4 5 1 A m a k e s light w o r k of most analytical problems, including kinetics analyses, dissolution studies and LC detection. Because of its diode array detector, multiple wavelength ratios are easily calcu lated. A n d , on t o p of all that, the H P 8 4 5 1 A does all these things automatically, m a k i n g it ideal for u n a t t e n d e d opera­ tion, high volume sample analyses, a n d quality control operations. Because it supports several interfaces ( R S - 2 3 2 C , HP-IB, BCD, G P I O [16-bit |), the H P 8 4 5 1 A is compatible w i t h a w i d e variety of peripherals and c o m p u t e r s . In addition to its U V / V I S capabilities, the H P 8 4 5 1 A and optional key­ b o a r d will function as a stand-alone d e s k t o p c o m p u t e r capable of running most of the H P 8 5 Applications Pacs. For the full story call y o u r local Hewlett-Packard sales office and ask for an Analytical representative, or write: Hewlett-Packard C o . , Analytical G r o u p , 1820 Embarcadero Rd., Palo Alto, ^ ^ ^ ^ ™ CA 94303.

Each scan takes only 0.1 sec. Data printout is fast (this sample took 2 seconds to calculate, 5 seconds to print out) allowing instant evaluation of your multicomponent analyses.

The new H P 8451A can do a UV/VIS analysis this complex every seven seconds all day ...everyday. Circle #96 for literature.

Circle #97 for an HP representative to call.

$13,500 1 U.S. list price.

that function inter­ actively with instrument measurements.


When performance must be measured by results