identification of an elusive component, the. HP 5985B GC/MS gives you dependable results like these, even from trace amounts of difficult samples. Thi...
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Analysis of a low nanogram mixture C2e-C40 hydrocarbons made possible by fused silica "open split" interface and the HP 5 9 8 5 Β .





Need fast, precise, identification of pollutants? Here, measured with HP 5 9 8 5 B according to new EPA isotopic dilution procedures, is a composite mix­ ture of volatile a c i d / base neutrals and their.isotopically labelled analogs.

Excellent high mass transmission charac­ teristics of the HP5985Bshownby the large molecular derivatized ion (20ng)atm/z884. RETENTION TIME, MINUTES

It's the last word in GC/LC/Mass Spectrometers. Period. Whether it's courtroom evidence or positive identification of an elusive component, the HP 5985Β G C / M S gives you dependable results like these, even from trace amounts of difficult samples. This system is recognized worldwide for ease of use and day-to-day repeatability of results. For full data, write: U.S., Hewlett-Packard Co., Analytical Group, 1820 Embarcadero Rd., Palo Alto, CA 9 4 3 0 3 ; Europe, Hewlett-Packard Co., Central Mailing Dept., P.O. Box 529,1180 A M Amstelveen, The Netherlands; Elsewhere, HewlettPackard Intercontinental, 3495 Deer Creek Rd., Palo Alto, CA 94304. Or call: East, (215) 265-7000; West, (408) 988-7000. Midwest, (312) 255-9800; South (404) 955-1500; Canada, (416) 678-9430. HP 5985B G C / M S System

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