HF won't bite... if you treat it right - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

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H l·F

iff you treat it right

won't bite... Careful control is the answer

Pennsalt specializes in HF. We've pioneered and led in fluorο-chemistry for over 40 years . . . have continuously developed ways t o produce, ship, and handle i t better a n d safely. Pennsalt® H F , quality controlled to m e e t or b e t t e r your process needs, is available in cylinders and t a n k cars of convenient sizes.

Hydrofluoric acid can be a s safe as many other

active chemicals commonly used today . . . when it's handled right. And it offers new economies a s a raw material, catalyst, solvent, and reaction medium. Consider H F when you contemplate expansion or new, improved processes. Pennsalt will help you make HF safer through control. We're ready t o give you expert technical aid on handling and storing HF . . . help you set up employee training programs . . . answer your questions on piping, valves, and other equipment and materials that are best for H F service. We know how t o make this useful chemical safer because we've been working with it for years.

Here's an example o f HF economy—the use of

H F in the alkylation of isoparaffins with olefins pays off in lower catalyst cost per barrel of alkylate through shorter reaction time, econom­ ical catalyst recovery, elimination of spent acid problems. You, too, can get benefits like these from H F . Call or write Pennsalt today. See our Catalog in CMC

I N D U S T R I A L .




Penn Center, Philadelphia 2 , Pa.

PennsaIt Chemicals ESTABLISHED 1850

Chicago · Detroit · New York · Philadelphia · Pittsburgh · St. Louis · Appleton · Cincinnati · Atlanta Airco Company International, New York · Pennsalt Chemicals of Canada Ltd., Oakville, Ontario In the West, Pennsalt inorganic chemicals are available through Pennsalt of Washington Division, with plants at Tacoma, Washington and Portland, Oregon.


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