Nov 4, 2010 - HIGH MELTING POINT WAX. Chem. Eng. News , 1944, 22 (7), p 561. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v022n007.p561. Publication Date: April 10, 1944...
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11 ΙΟΙ! MELTIMG POIMT WAX For Synthetic W a x

w i t h a high melting point consider ACRAWAX C What is DISTINCTIVE aboui ACBMWMX C? A C R A W A X C has a high melting point and is not brittle. Where ordinary w a x e s are unsuitable, A C R A W A X C has b e e n found indispensable.

Where is it being used? Because of resistance to steam and high pressures plus its excellent lubricating qualities, ACRAWAX C makes an ideal impregnating agent for flax mechanical packings. As a mold lubricant in manufacturing plastics or sintered bearings of metallic powders, ACRAWAX C keeps the finished bearing from blocking, sticking i n the mold. ACRAWAX C used with plastics as a protective coating in welding electrodes for underwater use is resistant to salt water, protects welding coatings. A s a c o a t i n g on paper or w i t h textiles, ACRAWAX C decreases moisture permeability, resists boiling wafer. ink and paint manufacturers find ACRAWAX C improves pigment suspension. ACRAWAX C added to marine paints, lacquers, varnishes, resists the effects of salt spray. Optical Lens manufacturers use ACRAWAX C to seal out air, moisture, dust. Other uses include: ACRAWAX C with asphalt melts increases the flow point without raising the brittling point; ACRAWAX C as a candle w a x ingredient g i v e s candles a non-drip quality; ACRAWAX C makes "Koroseal" more acid-resistant. A G R A M i J Œ G is available in solid and powdered form. M i l A W l i ^ C i s a m e i ^ Family. Other important Glyco products are described in the latest catalogue, "Chemicals fay G l y c o / ' W e shall be happy to send your copy by return mail. Write Department 6, Glyco Products Co., Inc., 26 Court St., Brooklyn 2, Ν. Υ.

With whatsit ©OJBjpeiMw© « ACRAWAX C is compatible with paraffin * x , camauba w a x , candelilla wax, rosin It is also compatible and easily used, with any of the following: Rubber, burgundy pitch, ethyl cellulose, tallow, acrylic resins, polystyrene and chlorinated paraffin,



Λ mWwmÊSÊm A W MBS wmm£%w*£*mfw£*& Φ m Sr Sr ^ ^ ^ F o m . . . . Hard, brown w a x ' J-ustre «*gn Melting Point 137439 C. Flash Point 285 C. (open cup) Specific Gravity (25°C.) . 0.975 Specific Gravity at M. P. 0.83 n

Water ***** Naphtha Toluol Turpentine



SOLUBILITY Insoluble " .Insoluble Complete jhot ; Complete (hot) Complete (hot) Gels on cooling



22, N O . 7 » » m A P R I L

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