High Performance Chemistry: Scientists in the Fast Lane

Oct 10, 2008 - Figure 1. A typical Indy car. Today, scientists-in-training might dream of ... latest medical breakthroughs or solving the puzzle of a ...
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High Performance Chemistry: Scientists in the Fast Lane by Timothy Ruppel and Joseph Turpin

Brief History The Indy Racing League traces its beginnings to the Indianapolis 500 mile race that was created in 1909 by three investors interested in developing a facility where automobile manufacturers could test their products in a competitive fashion (1). The first race in 1911 was won by Ray Harroun in a field of 40 automobiles at an average speed of 74.6 mph. The facility was eventually purchased in 1945 by Anton “Tony” Hulman, Jr. and developed into what is known today as the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, home of the Indianapolis 500 (2). Today, 33 cars compete at speeds in excess of 225 miles per hour. Fuel and Oil Testing In 1964, a fiery crash during the Indianapolis 500 took the lives of drivers Eddie Sachs and Dave McDonald. A year later, the fuel for all Indy cars was switched from gasoline to methanol to improve safety conditions and to help prevent similar deaths, since methanol fires could be better extinguished with water. In 2007, in a move to become “green”, the Indy Racing League switched the fuel again, this time to ethanol denatured with a small amount of gasoline. In the 1970s, under the auspices of the U.S. Auto Club (USAC), PerkinElmer Corp. began supplying laboratory equipment for the Indianapolis Motor Speedway; several Indianapolis-area scientists volunteered their time to conduct regular on-site testing of fuel and lubricants for Indianapolis 500 pre-race qualifications and for the race itself. As the sanctioning body at the time, USAC wanted to provide an event that promoted the skills of the drivers and pit crews, and the design, 1316

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Today, scientists-in-training might dream of researching the latest medical breakthroughs or solving the puzzle of a murder as a crime scene investigator. Many, as the authors will attest, might not even realize that “gearheads” and “techies” have joined to create another potential path for a scientist—working with the high performance technology known as open wheel automobile racing. The scientists involved with these racing athletes range from physicians to chemists to physicists to engineers. They are usually classically trained, but are performing their activities in an atypical fashion. In our case, we’re interested in the combination of athletic performance with technology designed to withstand speeds in excess of 225 miles per hour and g-forces comparable to those experienced by fighter pilots and astronauts. The sport of open-wheel automobile racing with the Indy Racing League is a world of high technology paired with speed, performance, strategy, and a fair amount of luck. In connection with the American Chemical Society’s 2008 National Chemistry Week theme of sports and chemistry, this article shares information about open wheel racing. It discusses the cars themselves, fuel and oil testing performed at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway (Indy), the challenges that face drivers, and the safety measures used.

Figure 1. A typical Indy car.

engineering, and manufacture of automobiles. Specifications on the weight and dimensions of cars were set, and for safety reasons, aerodynamics. In 1995, the authors, who are involved in the development of rapid separations, updated the testing methodology with more efficient methods, allowing for more rapid mitigation of potential violations. Chromatographic theory was used to select the appropriate stationary phase, film thickness, column length, and diameter to provide an efficient separation of potential volatile compounds. The new method combined two methods, each with analysis times of 20 minutes, into a single method that could be completed in less than five minutes. All cars receive fuel from a central source. During pre-race qualifications and the race itself, fuel is delivered to each team’s pit fuel tank. Each tank is sealed to prevent tampering. Fuel is delivered by gravity feed, and each tank’s leveling adjustments are fastened to prevent adjustment of the tank to a steeper angle, which would accelerate the delivery of fuel (the time needed to refuel is part of the race time). Fuel is sampled from the central supply prior to pit tank filling, and a sample is taken from each car upon pre-race qualification and race completion. The samples are analyzed on-site by gas chromatography, with an analysis time of under five minutes. Chromatographic profiles from the cars must match the tank profile. Any discrepancies are further investigated, and may result in disciplinary action. The tests monitor for potential additives that could boost performance and grant an advantage over teams using the sanctioned methanol fuel. The additives tested for are deliberately kept secret. Drivers Indy car drivers have been compared to distance runners (3). A driver’s body temperature may climb as high as 103 °F due to layers of protective clothing—fire-retardant suits, gloves, shoes, and helmets. Dehydration can be a problem during a race,

Journal of Chemical Education  •  Vol. 85  No. 10  October 2008  •  www.JCE.DivCHED.org  •  © Division of Chemical Education 

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Figure 2. Aerodynamic ridgeline (extending down through the center of the “98”).

Figure 3. High-tech steering wheel.

which typically takes 2–3 hours of non-stop activity. Drivers can lose several pints of water during that time. Heart rates may reach 150–200 beats per minute. During acceleration, they experience 0.7 to 1.6 gs. During cornering, lateral forces may reach 5 gs. They are also subject to mental stresses such as the need to be constantly attentive, and continual shifting and steering. An extreme level of concentration on multiple tasks is required while traveling in excess of 200 miles per hour in traffic situations more congested than your morning commute. Between the race start and finish, the teams “settle into” strategic manipulations, much like a finely tuned ballet. Miscalculations can be costly. With the combination of these physical and mental stresses, Indy car drivers demonstrate their level of athleticism.

rpm, and oil, gearbox, and engine temperatures. A pit speed limit button automatically reduces speeds in the pit lane and a new paddle shifter on the steering wheel itself eliminates the need to remove a hand from the wheel to shift. A new assisted steering system reduces steering stress on the driver during sharper turning.

Indy Cars Indy cars are marvels of modern technology, often compared to an F-14 fighter jet. The aerodynamics are designed to provide downforce, which is the opposite of the lift aerodynamics of airplanes. This applies a vacuum that causes the 1530-pound cars to experience roughly 5000 pounds of downforce. This downforce is critical in keeping a car on the track. If a speed of 220 miles per hour is maintained, Indy cars could drive upside down. Tremendous aerodynamic research and testing are conducted to maintain safe operation under high speeds, while meeting height, length, and weight specifications. During testing in 2003, Mario Andretti survived a harrowing airborne escapade caused by lift from the right side of his car. As a result, a small ridge was installed in the centerline of subsequent cars to reduce lateral lift (Figure 2). This small ridge provides enough force to the side of the car to prevent air from lifting the car from underneath. The cars are capable of generating more than 650 horsepower on ethanol fuel. The chassis are constructed of carbon fibers over an aluminum honeycomb frame. This material makes the cars extremely sturdy for their weight. Additionally, the cars fragment on impact, transferring the energy of the crash away from the drivers. Ironically, this spectacular display of fragmentation greatly reduces injuries. Indy car steering wheels (Figure 3), which cost approximately $60,000, provide an impressive array of technology at a driver’s fingertips. Displays include fuel usage, lap times, engine

Safety The hallmark of Indy car racing is safety. Amazingly, drivers may crash at speeds in excess of 225 miles per hour and walk away unharmed. This is accomplished through several safety technologies. Drivers wear Nomex-lined suits, gloves, shoes, and underwear to provide protection from exposure to direct flame. Helmets are a shell of fiberglass, Kevlar, or carbon fiber with internal energy-absorbing foam padding and Nomex linings. One major life-saving innovation is the HANS (Head and Neck Support) device, a passive restraint system that reduces neck shear, load, and tension as much as six fold. This device has virtually eliminated severe head and neck injuries, two of the major traumas that result from Indy car crashes. An additional device, the Delphi Earpiece Sensor System, measures the g force experienced by a driver’s head during impact. Information gathered from this device is used to assess the potential damage to the driver so proper treatment may be provided. It also supplies information for future safety improvements to the cars. This information has been utilized by automobile manufacturers and the U.S. Air Force in the design of ejection seats. Suspension Wheel/Wing Energy Management Systems (SWEMS) are restraints that prevent wheel assemblies from becoming detached at high speeds. Their use is mandatory and provides protection to drivers as well as spectators. Perhaps one of the most revolutionary safety devices is the Steel and Foam Energy Reduction (SAFER) Barrier (4), developed by the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Midwest Roadside Facility. It is constructed of extruded polystyrene over a steel support structure that provides an energy-absorbing barrier over the track’s concrete walls. These SAFER barriers are installed on all four turns at all of the IndyCar Series oval tracks. Since its installation in 2002, drivers have survived spectacular impacts with no major injuries. A team of safety personnel attends each race: three paramedics, nine firefighters with EMT

© Division of Chemical Education  •  www.JCE.DivCHED.org  •  Vol. 85  No. 10  October 2008  •  Journal of Chemical Education


Chemical Education Today

Report training, two trauma doctors, and one safety coordinator. Teams are outfitted with medical, extrication, and firefighting equipment, and spill cleanup materials. They are ready to respond immediately to any incident. Off the Track Since its inception, competitive racing has been a laboratory for technological advancements in automotive research and development. Many of the advancements that provide performance and safety for automobile racing have found their way into the manufacturing of street vehicles. Though we often overlook the science and technology behind automobile racing, these developments have provided the consumer with many improvements in safety, convenience, and fuel economy. This is a real-world laboratory that utilizes the skills of scientists and engineers from many disciplines in ways not always imagined by scientists-in-training. Literature Cited 1. Bloemker, Al. 500 Miles to Go: The Story of the Indianapolis Speedway; Coward-McCann, Inc.: New York, 1961.


2. The Indianapolis Star: Anton “Tony” Hulman. http://www2.indystar.com/library/factfiles/people/h/hulman_family/hulman_anton.html (accessed Jul 2008) 3. Official Web site of the IndyCar Series. http://www.indycar.com (accessed Jul 2008). 4. Information about the SAFER Barrier may be found on several Web sites: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SAFER_Barrier; http:// www.saferbarrierproject.com/; http://www.indycar.com/tech/safer. php (all sites accessed Aug 2008).

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http://www.jce.divched.org/Journal/Issues/2008/Oct/abs1316.html Abstract and keywords Full text (PDF) with links to cited URLs

Joseph Turpin is a chemist with Elanco Animal Health, a Division of Eli Lilly and Company, Inc., 2001 West Main Street, Greenfield, IN 46140. Timothy Ruppel is Senior GC, GC/MS Product Specialist with PerkinElmer LAS, 2000 York Road, Suite 132, Oak Brook, IL 60523.

Journal of Chemical Education  •  Vol. 85  No. 10  October 2008  •  www.JCE.DivCHED.org  •  © Division of Chemical Education