High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Separation of Steroidal

Apr 13, 1981 - Department of Applied Microbiology, The Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School,. P.O.B. 1172 ... suspension cultures, and we are cur...
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HIGH-PERFORAIXSCE LIQCID CHROAIATOGRAPHIC SEPARATIOS OF STEROIDAL SAPOGENINS BEAJ.I\II~ TALand ISRIEL GOLDBERG* Depnrttiient of d p p l z e d Microbiolog?, The Hebrew L-m; ersifp-Hadassnii Jfedzcal School, P . 0 B . 1172, J e r u s n l e m , Isriiel

The field of plant cells in suspension cultures i q one v-hich is undergoing rapid expansion. mainly in connection with its actual use for plant propagation and breeding, but a1.o becauqe of its potential for the production of secondary metabolites (I). The greatest interest has been