High-Throughput Characterization of Surface Segregation in Cu

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High-Throughput Characterization of Surface Segregation in CuxPd1x Alloys Deepika Priyadarshini,†,‡ Petro Kondratyuk,†,‡ Yoosuf N. Picard,§ Bryan D. Morreale,† Andrew J. Gellman,†,‡ and James B. Miller*,†,‡ †

National Energy Technology Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15236, United States Department of Chemical Engineering and §Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213, United States

ABSTRACT: A high throughput methodology for the study of surface segregation in alloys has been developed and applied to the CuxPd1x system. A novel offsetfilament deposition tool was used to prepare CuxPd1x composition spread alloy films (CSAFs), high throughput sample libraries with continuous lateral composition variation spanning the range x = 0.050.95. Spatially resolved low energy ion scattering spectroscopy (LEISS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) were used to characterize the films’ top-surface and near-surface compositions, respectively, as functions of alloy composition, x, and temperature. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) was used to identify the bulk phases in the CSAF as a function of alloy composition, x. Films equilibrated by annealing at temperatures g 700 K displayed preferential segregation of Cu to their top-surfaces at all bulk compositions; segregation patterns did not, however, depend on local structure. The LangmuirMcLean thermodynamic model was applied to segregation measurements made in the temperature range 700900 K in order to estimate the enthalpy (ΔHseg) and entropy (ΔSseg) of segregation as a function of bulk CuxPd1x composition. Segregation measurements at x = 0.30 on the CSAF compare well with results previously reported for a bulk, polycrystalline Cu0.30Pd0.70 alloy, demonstrating the utility of the CSAF as a high throughput library for study of segregation.

1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Surface Segregation in Alloys and Other Multicomponent Materials. Metallic alloys often display properties that

are superior to those of their individual components, accounting for their widespread use in applications as diverse as catalysis, corrosion control, and separations. The composition of the alloy surface is a key determinant of processes that take place at the surface. However, the surface composition of an alloy often differs significantly from its bulk composition because of preferential segregation of one component to the surface.119 Thus, characterization of surface segregation is critical to understanding, controlling, and optimizing the properties of alloys relevant to their various applications. As an example, Pd alloys have been studied extensively as membranes for separation of hydrogen from mixed gas streams such as those encountered in coal and biomass gasification processes.2023 In this application, molecular hydrogen dissociatively adsorbs on the membrane surface, producing hydrogen atoms that penetrate and diffuse through the bulk of the membrane. Recombination and desorption of molecular hydrogen on the opposite surface of the membrane results in hydrogen separation with nearly perfect selectivity.2428 In this sequence of elementary steps, the bulk alloy composition controls the rate of diffusion through the membrane, but the surface composition, r 2011 American Chemical Society

which differs from bulk composition, determines rate of dissociative hydrogen adsorption.2931 In practical implementation, Pd is alloyed with Cu or Ag to improve mechanical robustness.27,3234 Furthermore, alloying of Pd with Cu can impart tolerance to the sulfur containing contaminants commonly found in coal-derived gas streams.22,3537 Contamination of the membrane surface by sulfur is one of the critical impediments to the effective implementation of Pd based membranes for hydrogen separation from coal-derived gas mixtures. Thus, understanding surface segregation in CuxPd1x alloys and its impact on sulfur tolerance is important to understanding CuxPd1x alloy performance for hydrogen purification. Segregation in an alloy such as CuxPd1x is described by the thermodynamic relationship θCu(x;T,P) between the surface composition, θCu, and the bulk composition, x. Fundamentally, surface segregation results from the balance between the chemical potentials of the atoms in the bulk and those at the surface.3840 Thus, surface segregation is a complex function of bulk composition and environmental factors such as temperature, pressure, and the presence of adsorbed species. Received: February 23, 2011 Revised: April 20, 2011 Published: May 03, 2011 10155

dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp201793d | J. Phys. Chem. C 2011, 115, 10155–10163

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C A complete description of surface segregation requires that surface composition be understood as a continuous function of bulk composition. Segregation in most alloys has, however, been examined only at a very limited number of discrete compositions.3,4143 Surface segregation has been characterized experimentally in a number of binary alloys.15,10,4147 CuxPd1x alloys have received significant attention from both experimental and computational research groups because of their importance in the hydrogen purification application.1,2,4,5,22,48 We have reported the experimental characterization of segregation in a polycrystalline Cu0.30Pd0.70 alloy, showing that Cu preferentially segregates to the top-surface of the alloy over a wide temperature range, leaving a Cu-depleted subsurface region.1 Other researchers have reported similar results for the Cu0.50Pd0.50(110)5,44 and Cu0.85Pd0.15 (110)45,46 single crystal surfaces. Theoretical studies of CuxPd1x alloys suggest that segregation patterns can vary with bulk composition12,49,50 and predict a top layer that is Cu-rich with a second layer that is Cu-depleted with respect to the bulk composition.51,52 We have also shown that adsorption of sulfur onto the Cu0.30Pd0.70 surface causes “segregation reversal”, creating a top-surface that contains only Pd and S atoms.2 All prior studies have focused on segregation in CuxPd1x alloys of a single, discrete composition, x. Here we report the first application of a high throughput approach to the study of surface segregation in CuxPd1x alloys across a wide, continuous region of the binary alloy composition space, x = 0.050.95. 1.2. High Throughput Characterization of Surface Segregation. The traditional approach for study of segregation over a range of alloy compositions is to prepare and carefully characterize a set of single composition samples. However, even for a binary alloy, this strategy is very time-consuming because of the large number of discrete alloy samples that must be prepared and characterized to sample composition space with high resolution. Because of this challenge, only simulations have, to the best of our knowledge, been applied to the study of segregation over a continuous range of bulk composition.5355 Efficient experimental characterization of segregation over all possible alloy compositions requires accelerated, parallelized methods of sample preparation and characterization. To enable high throughput study of segregation and other alloy properties, we have developed tools and methodologies for deposition and characterization of composition spread alloy films (CSAFs). CSAFs are high throughput libraries that contain all possible compositions of a binary (or higher order) alloy deposited onto a single compact substrate.5660 Films with lateral composition gradients are formed by depositing alloy components onto substrates from two or more chemically distinct sources. Spatially resolved characterization techniques are used to measure the film’s properties as a function of location on the substrate surface, that is, as a function of bulk composition. Having all possible alloy compositions present in one CSAF library allows study of segregation over a continuous range of compositions with a composition resolution that is limited primarily by the spatial resolution of the characterization tools. CSAFs are ideally suited to the study of surface segregation and enable a dramatic increase in the throughput of materials evaluation over conventional studies of a series of single-composition samples. In this paper, we describe our preparation of CuxPd1x CSAFs on a Mo(110) single crystal substrate using an offset filament deposition tool. We apply electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) to determine the local structure (bulk phases) of the alloy film as a function of location on the substrate, that is, bulk alloy composition, x. We apply spatially resolved X-ray photoelectron


Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the evaporation geometry used for preparing CuxPd1x CSAFs. The Pd and Cu evaporative line sources (normal to the plane of the figure) are offset from the center of Mo(110) substrate but close enough to create a gradient in flux across the substrate surface.

spectroscopy (XPS) and low energy ion scattering spectroscopy (LEISS) to determine the near-surface composition, θns Cu(x;T), and top-surface composition, θtop Cu (x;T), of the alloy film as functions of bulk alloy composition, x, and temperature, T. Finally, we use a simple thermodynamic model to extract enthalpy (ΔHseg) and entropy (ΔSseg) of segregation as functions of bulk composition at temperatures (700900 K) where the bulk, near-surface, and topsurface are in equilibrium.

2. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES Experiments were carried out in a stainless steel ultrahigh vacuum chamber with a base pressure of 2  1010 Torr.1 The chamber is equipped with a monochromated X-ray source (VG Scientific), a Heþ ion gun for LEISS (Specs IQE 12/38), and a hemispherical electron or ion energy analyzer (Specs PHOIBOS 150MCD). In addition, the chamber has an ion gun (Physical Electronics) which was used to sputter clean the substrate surface prior to film deposition. The Mo(110) substrate (12 mm diameter, Monocrystals Company) was attached to a sample holder by spot-welding Ta wires across its back. The sample holder was mounted on a manipulator that allows motion in four degrees of freedom (x, y, z and θ rotation about the z-axis). The substrate was resistively heated while in thermal contact with a liquid nitrogen reservoir to access a temperature range of 801400 K. Once in the chamber, surface carbon was removed by heating the substrate at 1300 K in an atmosphere of oxygen (∼108 Torr) for several hours. After the oxidation process, the Mo(110) substrate was cleaned by repeated cycles of 1 keV Arþ ion sputtering at 300 K and annealing to 1300 K to remove other impurities to 0.68. In principle, the segregation properties of the CuxPd1x alloy are sensitive to the bulk phase of the alloy and this might be explored by studies of segregation at the surface of the CuxPd1x CSAF. EBSD was used to characterize the structure and crystallographic texture of a 100 nm thick CuxPd1x CSAF that was first equilibrated by annealing at 800 K and then cooled to room temperature. EBSD images of the CuxPd1x CSAF were acquired at 12 different compositions ranging from x = 0.09 to 0.95. Orientation maps for three of the 12 compositions are shown in Figure 6a. The colors in the figure represent the different grain orientations in the fcc and B2 phases; blue, red, and green correspond to (111), (001), and (101) orientations, respectively, as represented by the crystallographic triangle (inset). At both high (x = 0.95) and low (x = 0.09) bulk Cu composition, grains are preferentially oriented near the (111) direction (blue), which is expected for the fcc phase. In contrast, at intermediate bulk Cu content (x = 0.62), grains are randomly oriented. Figure 6b shows the phase maps derived from the orientaion data. The fcc phase (red) clealy dominates at x = 0.09 and 0.95; B2 (green) dominates at x = 0.62. Figure 7 compares the film structure, calculated from the phase maps obtained at each of the 12 compositions across the film’s surface, to the bulk structure at 800 K as reported in the published CuPd phase diagram. We note that while the effective temperature at which the structure of the CSAF has been frozen in during cooling is not well-defined, it must be 875 K. Our EBSD results show that the expected phase changes do take place across the CSAF. However, the effect of phase changes is not reflected in our measurements of either the top-surface or the near-surface compositions (Figure 8), both of which vary smoothly with film composition, x. This result indicates that segregation is insensitive to bulk structure. Segregation is a thermodynamic property of an alloy. In other words, the composition of the topmost layer is a thermodynamic function of the bulk alloy composition, temperature, and pressure (weak), θtop Cu (x;T,P). An important goal of this work is to determine this function over a significant range of bulk composition. In the energy-driven temperature regime, g700 K, equilibrium segregation can be described by the LangmuirMcLean formulation of the Gibbs isotherm:38,42,7173   top ΔGseg θCu xbulk Cu ¼ exp top RT xbulk θPd Pd   top ΔGseg θCu x exp top ¼ ð1  xÞ RT ð1  θCu Þ   top ΔHseg ΔSseg θCu x exp þ ¼ ð5Þ top ð1  xÞ RT R ð1  θCu Þ In this equation, ΔGseg, ΔHseg, and ΔSseg are the free energy, enthalpy, and entropy of segregation for Cu, respectively. ΔGseg is usually described as having contributions from the difference in the surface free energy of the two components, strain effects arising from different atomic sizes, and the interactions between the two components.38,40,71 The thermodynamic quantities that describe segregation of Cu to the topmost atomic layer of the CuxPd1x alloy can be determined from the temperature dependence of the top-surface compositions, illustrated in Figure 9. Figure 10 shows ΔHseg (a) and ΔSseg (b) as functions of bulk composition, estimated by application of the LangmuirMcLean equation to segregation data for T g 700 K. Consistent with the observed preferential segregation of Cu to the top-surface, ΔHseg is negative over the entire range of bulk compositions. At the lowest bulk Cu contents, ΔHseg is relatively insensitive to bulk composition, possibly due to fewer opportunities for interaction among Cu atoms. As the bulk alloy composition approaches x = 1, both ΔHseg and ΔSseg tend toward zero, reflecting the approach of the alloy to ideal behavior (θtop Cu ∼ x, Figure 8b) at the highest bulk Cu concentrations. The values of ΔHseg and ΔSseg near x ∼ 0.3 are consistent with those of our previous chracterization of segregation on a single composition Cu0.30Pd0.70 sample, represented by the solid circle (b) in Figure 10a and b.1 The ability to use the CuxPd1x CSAF to successfully replicate segregation measurements made on a bulk material illustrates the value of the CSAF 10161

dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp201793d |J. Phys. Chem. C 2011, 115, 10155–10163

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C sample library for high-throughput characterization of segregation behavior in alloys across composition space. While many other researchers have reported segregation of Cu to the surfaces of CuPd alloys in vacuum,5,4446 few have used their data to estimate the thermodynamic parameters ΔHseg and ΔSseg. Two mid-1980s studies described application of Auger spectroscopy and XPS for characterization of segregation and estimation of the thermodynamic parameters for polycrystalline ∼Cu90Pd10 samples.10,74 Consistent with our results, both groups reported preferential segregation of Cu to the alloy surface. However, using an approach similar to the one we describe, both groups extracted positive ΔHseg; we estimate 2 kJ/mol in the same composition region (Figure 10a). (In these papers, ΔHseg is reported with respect to Pd segregation and is negative; for comparison with our figures, which are with respect to Cu segregation, the sign must be reversed.) The reasons for the difference are unclear. However, we note that one of these reports includes a calculation of ΔHseg performed by summing contributions of component surface free energy, energy of mixing, and lattice strain.74,75 The result of the calculation for Cu90Pd10 is 3 kJ/mol, which compares well with our measurement.

5. CONCLUSION A novel offset filament deposition tool was used to deposit CSAFs for the study of surface segregation in the CuxPd1x system throughout a composition space continuum between x = 0.05 and 0.95. EBSD characterization showed that the local structure across the CuxPd1x CSAF matched that of the published phase diagrams for bulk CuPd. The near-surface and bulk compositions of a 100 nm thick CuxPd1x CSAF attain equilibrium on annealing at temperatures in the range 700 to 900 K. Preferential segregation of Cu to the top-surface of the CSAF was observed at all bulk compositions. The LangmuirMcLean thermodynamic model was applied to estimate the enthalpy, ΔHseg, and entropy, ΔSseg, of segregation as a function of bulk CuxPd1x composition, for x = 0.050.95. At x ∼ 0.30, CSAF segregation results compare well with those previously reported for a bulk, polycrystalline Cu0.30Pd0.70 alloy. Surface compositions varied smoothly with bulk CSAF bulk composition, suggesting that segregation is insensitive to changes in the local structure of the alloy. Our results demonstrate the utility of the CSAF platform as a high throughput sample library for study of surface segregation and structure of multicomponent materials. ’ AUTHOR INFORMATION Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected].

’ ACKNOWLEDGMENT This technical effort was performed in support of the National Energy Technology Laboratory’s ongoing research in Computational and Basic Sciences under RDS Contract DE-AC2604NT41817 and RES contract DE-FE0004000. ’ REFERENCES (1) Miller, J. B.; Matranga, C.; Gellman, A. J. Surf. Sci. 2008, 602, 375. (2) Miller, J. B.; Morreale, B. D.; Gellman, A. J. Surf. Sci. 2008, 602, 1819. (3) Yi, C. W.; Luo, K.; Wei, T.; Goodman, D. W. J. Phys. Chem. B 2005, 109, 18535. (4) Loboda-Cackovic, J. Vacuum 1997, 48, 913.


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dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp201793d |J. Phys. Chem. C 2011, 115, 10155–10163