LOW COST Van de Graaff® NEUTRON SOURCE FOR ACTIVATION ANALYSIS 10 n/sec from D-T Reaction N E U T R O N ACTIVATION is becoming of increasing importance in quantitative analysis. The extreme sensitivity of this method to trace amounts, the speed and simplicity with which samples can be analyzed, and dependence only on simple radiation counting and measuring equipment to assure accuracy, makes it suitable for microanalysis where chemical methods are inadequate or for macroanalysis with production rapidity. _
THE HIGH VOLTAGE MODEL AN-400 positive-ion accelerator is the lowest-priced source of intense neutrons on the market. Operated at 400 kev, its full beam current of 150 microamperes is effective in producing neutrons from a thin tritium target. It is compact (about 10 square feet of floor area) and mobile and is designed for safety, with all high voltage fully insulated. Based on the proved designs and experience of High Voltage Engineering Corporation in building and installing more than 250 particle accelerators.
I N NUCLEAR ENGINEERING, the Model AN-400 is a useful experimental apparatus for studies of transient and steady-state effects in sub-critical assemblies and for teaching physics and reactor technology. May be equipped for pulsed operation or electron outputs if desired.
NEW BULLETIN AN-4 —Describes specifications and performance in detail. Write Technical Sales for your copy.
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