Main entrance and administration wing, Hightstown Laboratories, National Lead Company
Hightstown Laboratories of N a t i o n a l Lead C o m p a n y is a vital link in the functioning laboratory. This is very much the case a t National Lead Company's new Hightstown Laboratories where complete analytical service is supplied t o all phases of product development, research, general customer, and manufacturing problems. The new laboratories, located on a 250-acre site a t Hightstown, New Jersey, adjacent to the New Jersey Turnpike, were officially opened in September of 1962. These laboratories conduct research and development work in the Company's major fields of interest—lead acid storage battery materials, pigments and paints, nonferrous metals a n d alloys, chemicals and stabilizers, and organic polymer materials. Functionally designed and furnished with advanced equipment, the new facilities provide an ideal setting to carry out this program together with basic research and new product development. The laboratories, the first unit of a research complex to be built on this site, provide 87,000 square feet of floor space on one level. They consist of four laboratory wings connecting to a central core area of service laboratories, an administration wing, and a cafeterialibrary wing. The main wings and core area contain over one hundred individual laboratories and offices. NALYTICAL SERVICE
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The basement of the building, in addition t o t h e areas provided for maintenance and storage facilities, contains a unique 22,000-square-foot series of tunnels which run under the laboratory areas and carry literally miles of service piping and electrical wiring. G a s , air, nitrogen, vacuum, hot, cold, and de-ionzed water are all piped to the individual modules as required and standard 110 and 220 outlets have been installed t o prevent confusion of outlets. D u e to this design, servicing and installation of general utilities can be performed in any room in the building with a minimum of effort and interruption of work in progress. T h e laboratory staff is comprised of approximately 160 technical and administrative personnel, under the supervision of a technical director and three assistant technical directors. D e p a r t m e n t heads are given considerable freedom in the development of their particular research programs. I n October 1962, ground was broken for a second laboratory building. The new two-story structure will house Titanium Division's technical service staff which provides technical service on titanium pigments to the paint, paper, plastic, and rubber industries using t i t a n i u m pigments. This building is expected to be completed in July 1963. V O L . 3 5 , NO. 4 , APRIL 1963
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Time lapse cinema photomicrography, the periodic recording of single frame exposures over many hours, automatically analyzes chemical reactions and phenomena that could not be revealed otherwise. Cyclic electrochemical reactions in lead acid storage batteries are recorded by this procedure
Polyethylene encapsulated fibers or powders require careful organic analysis and physical techniques to determine the amount, the type, and the physical structure of the polymer coating; the strength of the bond; and the degree of inertness in use
Spectroscopic analyses are continually being improved and their sensitivity increased to meet the analytical demands for higher and higher purity materials. Lead oxides are analyzed for up to 19 elements for some end uses
AGITHERM X-ray diffraction patterns provide the only positive means for identification of basic lead silico chromate pigment in paint. This is established by identity of the gamma tribasic lead silicate that is present. An x-ray method has been developed for the quantitative determination of the amount of this pigment in metal protective paints
Automotive storage batteries are shown being tested. Present day batteries have to deliver higher capacity, give better low temperature performance, and have longer life compared to batteries of ten years ago. Spectrochemical analysis and electrochemical analysis are a vital part of battery control. Through analytical control, elements which incite trouble such as manganese, tellurium, platinum, and higher amounts of iron and copper can be kept to a minimum in all active materials
The degradation of plastics is prevented by the incorporation of stabilizers. Stabilizers for insulating plastics must be practically free of metallic ions. Anal yses in the range of 100 p.p.m. are important
Hot Plate— —Magnetic Stirrer N e w low cost plus a d v a n c e d d e s i g n features Now you can heat and stir simul taneously with WACO AGITHERM. Heavy-duty individual controls allow use of either stirrer or hot plate in dependently when desired. The 500 watt hotplate can be set thermostatically at any temperature up to 600° F. Pilot light indicates when heat is on. The perforated stainless steel case assures cool operation of motor. Compact de sign, 6J^" diameter by 5" high. No. E-84500 Agitherm Stirrer Hot Plate, complete with one each glass and Teflon covered stirring bars Y% χ 1M" for 115 volt, 60 cycle, A.C $67.50. ORDER N O W ! LABORATORY SUPPLIES A N D EQUIPMENT
W I L K E N S - A N D E R S O N CO. 4525 W. DIVISION ST.
CHICAGO 5 1 , I I I .
Circle No. 103 on Readers' Service Card