His name is Stephanoceros. He lives in water. And he eats things you

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His name is Stephanoceros. He lives in water.




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And he eats things you caul imagine. *

He's a rotifer. No bigger than a pin point. But his immediate family * numbers in the millions. And they eat things called aerobic bacteria by the billions. Now all this is good. Because if something doesn't control the population of these aerobic bacteria, they keep multiplying until they use up all the oxygen. Then they die. Then anaerobic bacteria (the kind that cause pollution) take over. Because they don't need oxygen. Put more oxygen in the water and there's no problem. No more pollution. We've been putting oxygen into all kinds of things ever since we've been in business. Now we're using what we've learned to solve some difficult water pollution problems. Like in Port Arthur, Texas where we're bubbling oxygen into sewage and reducing biochemical oxygen demand by 30 percent. It doesn't cost a fortune so everybody's happy. Especially the citizens of Port Arthur. If you'd like to know more about how oxygen can be used to stop water pollution, call (201 -464-8100) or write Steve Varga. Airco Industrial Gases, 575 Mountain Ave., Murray Hill, New Jersey. Producers of oxygen, nitrogen, argon, n, A carbon dioxide, helium, hydrogen, and rare and specialty gases.

y\mco Industrial Gases







