HIST Award to Ursula Klein - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

HIST Award to Ursula Klein. Article Options. PDF (304 KB) · Full Text HTML · Abstract. C&EN , 2016, 94 (30), pp 41–41July 25, 2016 ...
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▸ Julius Lucks wins Young Investigator Award Julius B. Lucks, assistant professor of


chemical and biomolecular engineering at Cornell University, is the recipient of the 2016 ACS Synthetic Biology Young Investigator Award, presented by ACS Synthetic Biology. The award recognizes the contributions of a scientist who has made a major impact on the field of synthetic biology early on in their career. It consists of an honorarium of $2,000, a plaque, and coverage of travel expenses to the Synthetic Biology: Engineering, Evolution & Design conference in Chicago, where Lucks presented his research on how RNAs fold and function in living organisms.

▸ Young Innovator Award to Dan Huh Dongeun (Dan) Huh, assistant professor and Wilf Family Term Endowed Chair in the department of bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania, is the recipient of the Analytical Chemistry 2016 Young Innovator Award. The award, sponsored by Analytical Chemistry and the Chemical & Biological Microsystems Society, recognizes the contributions of an individual who has demonstrated exceptional technical advancement and innovation in the field of micro- or nanofluidics in his or her early career. Huh’s research focuses on developing microengineered models of human anatomy and physiology for a wide range of biomedical applications. He will receive the award during µTAS (MicroTAS) 2016 in Dublin, in October.

▸ Sally Peters is ▸ HIST Award to Radding Award recipient Ursula Klein Sally Peters is the recipient of the 2016 Shir-

Ursula Klein, a research scholar at the Max

ley B. Radding Award, presented by the ACS Santa Clara Valley Section to longtime members who demonstrate leadership, service, and significant contributions to industrial, applied, or academic chemistry and to ACS through elected or appointed positions at local, district, and national levels. Peters is retired from the Information Center at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, where she did literature and patent searching. Her service to the national ACS includes more than 20 years as a counselor. During that time, she served on several committees including Meetings & Expositions, Local Section Activities, and Community Activities. She has chaired the Santa Clara Valley Section as well as the committee that oversees the U.S. National Chemistry Olympiad. Through her efforts, the Meetings & Expositions Committee decided to take the national meeting to Indianapolis in 2013.

Planck Institute for the History of Science, is the recipient of the 2016 HIST Award, presented by the ACS Division of the History of Chemistry. The award recognizes outstanding contributions to the history of chemistry. It consists of an engraved plaque and a check for $1,500 and will be presented at the fall ACS national meeting in Philadelphia in August.

▸ Morley Medal to Claudia Turro Claudia Turro, a professor of chemistry at Ohio State University, is the recipient of the 2016 Edward W. Morley Medal, presented by the ACS Cleveland Section. The Morley Medal recognizes significant contributions to chemistry through achievements in research, teaching,


engineering, research administration, and public service, as well as outstanding service to humanity or to industrial progress in the Cleveland region. Turro’s research focuses on photoinduced processes of inorganic complexes crucial to solar energy conversion and photochemotherapy. In addition, she has demonstrated a deep commitment to teaching and mentoring students at all levels. She received the medal during a conference and dinner at Case Western Reserve University on May 18.

▸ National Chemical Technician Award: call for nominations Nominations are sought for the 2017 National Chemical Technician Award. Nominees must be currently employed as a chemical technician, and must have worked as a chemical technician for a minimum of five years. Nominees do not need to be an ACS member. Nomination packets must be received by the ACS Committee on Technician Affairs no later than Sept. 30. For more information or to nominate someone, visit www.acs.org/ncta. Send questions to cta@ acs.org.

▸ Call for nominations for 2016 Richards Medal Award The ACS Northeastern Section is soliciting nominations for the 2016 Theodore William Richards Medal Award for conspicuous achievement in any area of chemistry. The medal honors the U.S.’s first Chemistry Nobel Laureate and is awarded every two years. Nomination packages, consisting of a brief (no more than five pages) curriculum vitae for the nominee, a clear and concise (no more than two pages) nomination letter that outlines the candidate’s “conspicuous achievements in chemistry,” and an optional one-page supporting letter, should be submitted electronically as a single pdf file to Anna Singer at secretary@nesacs. org by Oct. 31. For more information, visit www.nesacs.org/awards_richards-medal. html, or contact Jerry Jasinski at jjasinsk@ keene.edu.

Announcements of awards may be sent to [email protected]. JULY 25, 2016 | CEN.ACS.ORG | C&EN