Alabama Pol~technicInstitute, Auburn, Alabama THE advantages of the boiling-point apparatus designed by Cottrell' and improved by Washburn and Read2 and Davisa are generally recognized, hut the high cost of the apparatus is a serious drawback to its use by classes in physical chemistry of the average college. A "home-made" device which the writer's students have used with gratifying results converts a simple, side-arm boiling vessel into a fairly satisfactory substitute for the more expensive apparatus. This device is shown in its relation to the boiling vessel and thermometer in the accompanying sketch. The construction of the branched pump-tube with unsymmetrical bell is self-evident. The points AA a t which the boiling liquid is thrown from the pump-tube may be adjusted to the desired level by pushing the tube up or down in the stopper. If it is desired to surround the pump-tube and thermometer with a sheath, as in the modifications by Washburn and Read2 and D a ~ i s this , ~ may be accomplished by cutting a wide test-tube to the desired length and inserting it as a t BB.