Homogeneous Catalysis. 111. Isomerization of ... - ACS Publications

J. F. Harrod and A. J. Chalk. Contribution from the General Electric Research and Development Center,. Schenectady, New York. Received January 4,1966...
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Homogeneous Catalysis. 111. Isomerization of Deuterio Olefins by Group VI11 Metal Complexes J. F. Harrod and A. J. Chalk Contribution f r o m the General Electric Research and Development Center, Schenectady, New York. Received January 4,1966

Abstract: Vinyl- and allyl-deuterated 1-olefins were isomerized by homogeneous metal-complex catalysts, both alone and in the presence of unlabeled olefin. Movement of deuterium in the pure deuterio olefins, and between deuterio olefin and unlabeled olefin, was followed as the isomerization proceeded. Isomerization of deuterio olefins by rhodium trichloride was found t o be accompanied by a redistribution of deuterium onto all of the carbon atoms of the allylic system. Also, with this catalyst a facile intermolecular exchange of deuterium was demonstrated, the exchanging deuterium appearing on all of the carbon atoms of the allylic system of the initially unlabeled olefin. These results are rationalized in terms of a reaction mechanism involving a rapid, reversible addition of hydride to coordinated olefin. Results obtained with a bis(benzonitrile)dichloropalladium catalyst differed significantly from those obtained with the rhodium catalyst. I n the palladium-catalyzed reaction the double-bond shift seemed t o occur by a shift of deuterium, or hydrogen, from CBt o Cl. Although intermolecular deuterium exchange occurred, the extent was only about half that observed with the other catalyst, and very little of the exchanging deuterium became attached t o doubly bonded carbon atoms. A modified *-allyl mechanism is proposed t o explain these results.

n the II-olefins

first part of this series' we described some qualitative observations on the isomerization of by a variety of metal complexes. Both before and since2-' the publication of part I of this series, the accumulation of such qualitative information has been considerable, but no mechanism has yet been proposed for these reactions that may be unequivocally substantiated by the available experimental evidence. The migration of a double bond in an olefin involves the net movement of a hydrogen atom, or hydrogen atoms, from one carbon atom to another. However, the various plausible mechanistic routes available for such a net movement of hydrogen predict quite different relocations of hydrogen atoms, either within an olefin molecule, or between olefin molecules. In order to trace the fate of specific hydrogen atoms during metal ion catalyzed olefin isomerization, we have made studies on the isomerization of olefins substituted with deuterium at specific points in the molecule. The present paper describes the results of these experiments and their application to interpreting the mechanism of the catalyzed isomerization of olefins. Experimental Section Preparation of Deuterio Olefins. (i) l-Pentene-1,2-d~. I-Pentene was deuterated using the hydrogenation catalyst described by Lindlar.8 After the theoretical amount of deuterium had been consumed the reaction vessel was attached to a vacuum transfer line; the product was distilled through a column of activated alumina and condensed in liquid nitrogen. This technique allowed the separation of quite small quantities of deuterio olefin from the quinoline solvent, an important factor since a minute quantity of quinoline is an effective inhibitor of the isomerization reactions under investigation. (1) J. F. Harrod and A. J. Chalk, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 86, 1776 (1964). (2) N. R. Davies, Australian J. Chem., 17, 212 (1964). (3) D. W. Aubrey, A. Barnatt, and W. Gerrard, Polymer Leifers, 3, 357 (1965). (4) G. C. Bond and M. Hellier, J. Catalysis, 4, 1 (1965). (5) M. B. Sparke, L. Turner, and A. J. M. Wenham, ibid., 4, 332 (1965). (6) G. C. Bond and M. Hellier, Chem. Ind. (London), 35 (1965). (7) R. E. Rinehart and J. S. Lasky, J. Am. Chem. SOC., 86, 2516 ( 1964). (8) H. Lindlar, Hela Chim. Acra, 35, 446 (1952).

The deuteriopentene produced in this reaction was found to contain more than two deuterium atoms per molecule by H/D mass spectroscopic analysis. Analysis by nmr showed the surplus deuterium to be present at the terminal vinyl methylene group, usually to the extent of 0.2 to 0.3 atom of deuterium. No other exchange occurs during this hydrogenation. The lack of exchange at the allylic methylene, a critical factor in the interpretation of the isomerization results, was established in the preparation of 1heptene-3-dz. (ii) 1-Heptene-3-dz. This olefin was prepared in a four-step synthesis, each step giving a yield in excess of 90%. The steps were as follows.



+ TsCl-










C4H9CDzC&H HZ+C~HSCDZCH=CH~ (iv) en = ethylenediamine, Ts = ptoluenesulfonyl The final hydrogenation was carried out by the same technique as described above for the deuteration of 1-pentyne. The olefin product was found to contain less than 0.10% (based on total protons) of protons in the allylic methylene position, thus confirming that negligible exchange occurs at this position during the hydrogenation, or during the preceding synthetic steps.10 The remaining protons were also found to be present in the correct stoichiometry. Isomerization Reactions. A typical procedure in the case of the rhodium trichloride catalyzed reactions was to place a sample of olefin (0.5 ml) in a standard nmr sample tube and run a high-resolution spectrum with a Varian HR-60 spectrometer. The rhodium trichloride was then added as an isopropyl alcohol solution ( 5 111, 0.1 M), and with the spectrometer tuned for low resolution, spectra were scanned at suitable time intervals. The lower resolution was used to facilitate planimetric integration of the spectra. In practice it was found that the vinyl and allylic methylene protons could be consistently measured to within ca. 0.02 proton of the true value for the pure starting materials. However, after the onset of isomerization the broadening of the spectrum, resulting from the new species, led to a progressive deterioration in resolution so that after about 80% reaction the estimated error in the measured values of vinyl and allylic methylene protons was ca. iz0.05and iz0.1 proton, respectively. (9) R. E. A. Dear and F. L. M. Pattison, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,85, 622 (1963). (10) A similar conclusion was deduced for the gas phase deuteration of 1-butyne by E.F. Meyer and R. L. Burwell, ibid., 85, 2881 (1963).

Harrod, Chalk

Isomerization of Deuterated Olefins by Metal Complexes



Table I. Isomerization of C&CH2CH~CD=CDI.2Ho.8 by RhCII 3HzOn t,





0 5 7 12 16 25

3.02 i0.1 2.95 2.98 3.09 3.01 3.00

2.00f0.1 1.90 1.82 1.85 1.80 1.78

2.00f0.1 1.89 1.87 1.82 1.87 1.85



Number of protons per average molecule Wc) Wd)




0.80f0.05 0.50 0.42 0.19 0.17 0.12

7.82 7.80 7.79 7.86 7.88 7.89



0 f 0.05 0.27 0.58 0.86

0.85 10.05 0.64 0.52 0.38



7.85 7.81 7.84 7.80 I 8n

0.00 =k 0.05 0.56 0.70 0.91 1.03 1.14

[Rh] = 0.005 M , 38".

Table 11. Isomerization of CHaCHZCH2CD=CDl JSHO .M by (CeHSCN)zPdC12a t,

min 0 5

10 15 25

Number of protons per average molecule Wc) H(d)


H(a) 3 . 0 0 i 0.1 3.00 2.80 2.60 2.46

Wb) 2.00f0.1 2.06 2.14 2.21 2.42

2.010.1 1.84 1.80 1.75 1.43


[Pd] = 0.005 M , 55". Nomenclature as for Table I. Table 111. Isomerization of CaH9CDzCH=CHzby RhCI3.3H20" t,




0 32 65 81 180

8.97 i0.1 9.20 9.30 9.50 9.50




Number of protons per average molecule H(i)

0.00* 0.1

0.49 0.75 0.92 1.65

1.02 f 0.05 0.86 0.74 0.65 0.53




2.06 f 0.05 1.56 1.19 0.90 0.29

12.05 12.11 11.98 11.97 11.97

0.001 M , 38"

A slight modification of the above technique was used in the case of bis(benzonitrile)dichloropalladium(II)-catalyzed reactions. The palladium catalyst was first dissolved in perdeuteriobenzene (0.5 ml.), and this solution was then added to the olefin (0.5 ml) in an nmr sample tube. After the first spectrum had been recorded the sample was removed from the spectrometer and placed in a constant temperature bath at 55". The sample was periodically replaced in the spectrometer for recording the spectrum. The latter procedure was necessary since the rate of the palladiumcatalyzed reaction was very slow at the spectrometer cavity temperature (38"), in the range of catalyst concentration (0.01 to 0.001 M ) of interest. Exchange Reactions. In the exchange reactions, the reaction mixtures were the same as described in the previous section except that instead of 0.5 ml of olefin, a mixture of 1-pentene (0.5 ml) and 1-heptene-3-d2(0.5 ml) was used and the palladium was run in ordinary benzene. After completion of the reaction the mixed olefins were fractionated chromatographically into pentenes and heptenes on a 20-in. P$'-oxydipropionitrile column. Infrared spectra were measured on a Perkin-Elmer Model 337 grating spectrometer. Deuterium analyses were performed mass spectrometrically by J. Nemeth, University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. Materials. All olefins were Phillips Research Grade and were always passed over activated alumina before use. The latter was important because of severe peroxide inhibition of rhodium-catalyzed isomerizations. Lithium acetylide-ethylenediamine was a product of Foote Mineral Co. Rhodium trichloride was the commercial trihydrate. Solutions were analyzed by reduction with hydrogen and weighing the precipitated metal. The benzonitrile-palladium complex was the same as used previously.

Results Isomerization of Vinyl-Deuterated Pentene. The results of an isomerization of l-pentene-l-dl.2,2dlby RhC13.3Hz0 are shown in Table I. The results show the changes in the numbers of various protons as the double bond moves from the terminal to the internal Journal of the American Chemical Society



position. The protons, as measured by nmr, are labeled as follows: aliphatic CH3, H(a); aliphatic CHz allylic CHI, H(b); allylic CH2, H(c); nonterminal vinyl, H(d); terminal vinyl, H(e). The numbers for specific protons are an average value for the various components of the isomerizing mixture. The results of a similar experiment, using a (CaH5CN)zPdC1zcatalyst, are listed in Table 11. These data were derived from spectra such as those shown in Figure 1. The change in 1-pentene concentration, calculated on the assumption that it is proportional to the number of terminal vinyl protons, is compared to the concentration calculated from infrared measurements of the terminal >C=C< stretching absorption in Figure 2. The two measurements correspond reasonably well up to about 70% reaction, but beyond this there is a significant deviation between the two sets of measurements. In the case of the palladium-catalyzed reaction no deviation between the two types of measurements was observed. Isomerization of Allyl-Deuterated 5-Heptene. The results of some isomerizations of 1-heptene-3-4 by rhodium and palladium catalysts are shown in Tables 111 and IV. The protons are labeled thus: aliphatic and allylic CH3 and aliphatic CHZ, H(f); allylic CHz, H(g) ; nonterminal vinyl, H(i) ; terminal vinyl, HCj). A comparison between 1-heptene concentrations calculated from nmr and from infrared data is shown in Figure 3 for the rhodium-catalyzed reaction. Again there appears to be a deviation at high conversion, but in the opposite direction from that observed with the pentene isomerization. Similar measurements on the palladium-catalyzed reaction showed no deviation.

August 5, 1966


3493 PPM(8)

6.0 (C)
















15 t (mind




Figure 2. Comparison between nmr and infrared determination of l-pentene-d2.2concentration (RhCl8 3H20catalyst).


Figure 1. Nmr spectra of deuterated pentenes: (a) l-pentene-ld1.,,2-dL(inset: methyl resonance of rhodium-catalyzed pentenes at ca. 50% reaction); (b) pentene-d2.2,after ca. 8 0 z reaction, catalyzed by RhCla.3H20; (c) pentene-dz.2, after ca. 80% reaction, catalyzed by (C&CN)zPdCln.

Table IV. Isomerization of C~HQCDZCH==CH~ by (C&CN)zPd5 t,

min 0 14 28 48

---Number of protons per average moleculeH(f) H(g) H(i) H(j) H(tota1) 9.00 8.70 8.72 8.60

0 0.67 1.20 1.92

0.9 1.14 1.11 1.05

2.04 1.39 0.95 0.32

11.94 11.90 11.98 11.89

[Pd] = 0.001 M y55'.

Exchange between Labeled and Unlabeled Olefins. Two experiments were performed in which a mixture of equal volumes of 1-pentene and 1-heptene-3-dz was isomerized in the presence of (i) RhCls.3Hz0 and (ii) (C6H5CN)2PdC12. The isomerizations were allowed to proceed until about 90% of the 1-olefin had been consumed and then the pentenes and heptenes were separated chromatographically. Examination of the pentenes by infrared spectroscopy showed that they had acquired considerable amounts of deuterium, in both the rhodium- and palladium-catalyzed reactions. A more careful examination of the infrared spectra revealed significant differences between the products of the rhodium- and the palladium-catalyzed reactions. The spectra of these products are shown in Figure 4. It is quite clear from these spectra that there is significantly less deuterium in the pentene product of the palladium-catalyzed reaction and also that the distribution of deuterium is quite different in the products of



Figure 3. Comparison between nmr and infrared determination of 1-heptene-dzconcentration (RhCls.3H20 catalyst).

the two reactions. In the case of the rhodium-catalyzed reaction, both the C5 and C7 fractions have bands at 2150 (methyl ?), 2210 (vinyl), and 2230 cm-l (sh) (vinyl). In the product of the palladium-catalyzed reaction, the C7fraction shows a definite strong band at 2200 cm-l attributable to vinyl deuterium, but the Cg fraction shows very little, if any, vinyl deuterium. The principal bands of the C5 and C7 fractions (2160 and 2140 cm-l, respectively) may be due to aliphatic, or allylic, methyl, or methylene deuterium. An attempt

Harrod, Chalk

Isomerization of Deuterated Olefins by Metal Complexes


0.I 0.2

3 3c


S 0.4 a 0

2 0.5 0.6



t 1





I 1

2000 2500


Y [cm-1)

Figure 4. Infrared spectra of isomerized Cg and C, olefins in the C-D stretching region : (a) palladium catalyzed, (b) rhodium catalyzed (upper spectra Cb, lower G).

to locate the deuterium on the Csfraction by nmr proton counts was inconclusive. Mass spectrometric analysis showed the CS fractions (rhodium catato have the compositions C5Hg.47D0.s3 (palladium catalyzed). The C7 lyzed) and C5H9.15D~.~5 fractions were found to be, C7H12.6D1.40 (rhodium catalyzed) and CJL2.2D1.8.

Discussion Two plausible types of mechanism have been previously discussed in attempts to explain the metal ion catalyzed isomerization of olefins. The essential difference between these two mechanisms is that one invokes a catalytic intermediate in which the olefinic residue has assumed a ?r-allylic c h a r a ~ t e r , ~and J the other an intermediate in which the olefin has assumed the character of an alkyl group. The essence of these two mechanisms may be represented schematically thus

-j& I CH




?H? p












*-allyl mechanism

- p M * CH



- rI




I 4-CH

The Rhodium-Catalyzed Reaction. In a previous publicationll we described some preliminary results obtained with vinyl-deuterated hexene. The present, more detailed study indicates that two of the observations made earlier were in fact misleading. In ihe first place, we have now established that the origin of the large difference in rate between deuterated and nondeuterated hexenes was largely due to inhibiting impurities in the nondeuterated hexene. Immediate use of the same olefins after vacuum distillation through an alumina column resulted in very similar rates of reaction for both deuterated and nondeuterated hexenes. Also, competititive isomerizations using l-pentene1,2-d~and l-heptene in one reaction and l-pentene and l-heptene in another, showed that deuterium had very little effect on the rate of isomerization. Secondly, the present study shows that our previous conclusion (concerning vinyl-deuterated hexene) that “no detectable movement of deuterium occurs during isomerization” was wrong. This erroneous conclusion was based on the use of a single analysis experiment, where the isomerization was taken to virtual completion and the proton distribution determined in the final reaction product. The continued monitoring method used in the present study shows that there is in fact an appreciable replacement of deuterium at Cz during the isomerization of vinyl-deuterated 1-pentene. We have previously observed, using I-hexenes and l-heptenes and gpc analysis, the distinctly stepwise nature of the rhodium-catalyzed reaction, a phenomenon presumably associated with a large difference between the reactivity of terminal and internal olefins. The stepwise nature of the reaction is further illustrated by the nmr results obtained with 1-pentene-1,2-dz. In the course of reaction the initial aliphatic methyl (adjacent to aliphatic methylene) resonance disappears and is replaced by a slightly lower field methyl (adjacent to allylic methylene) resonance. The sharp methyl triplet in the product indicates that there is a negligible amount of deuterium present in, or adjacent to, the methyl group (see Figure Ib), since interaction of methyl protons with deuterium would produce a more complex splitting pattern. The observation that the methyl proton count does not deviate significantly from a value of 3 (Table I) is also a consequence of the fact that a second shift of the double bond occurs to a negligible extent up to 80 % consumption of l-olefin. Given the facts that only a single shift of the double bond occurs, and that, at least initially, the terminal vinyl proton count is proportional to the concentration of 1-pentene, it is apparent from Table I that partial exchange of deuterium is occurring at the internal vinyl carbon atom. A single shift of the double bond without exchange would produce a reaction product with a single nonterminal proton. Complete exchange would produce a reaction product with two nonterminal vinyl protons, thus ka









(3) (4)

The products of reactions 3 and 4 represent an average composition, dictated by the necessity to conserve

The possible origin of the initiating hydride has been discussed previously. Journal of the American Chemical Society


1 88:15 1 August 5, 1966

(11) J.

F.Harrod and A. J. Chalk, Nature, 205, 280 (1965).


deuterium and hydrogen. The nature of the exchange process and composition of products will be discussed in more detail below. Using the above information, one may calculate the expected proton distributions for various values of k 3 / k 4 . The results of such a calculation are shown in Table V for the nonterminal vinyl protons. From the table it is apparent that a value for k 3 / k 4= 1 fits the data very well in the initial stages of reaction.







Table V. Effect of kl/kz on the Proton Distribution in Isomerized Pentene

Terminal vinyl (exptl)

Nonterminal vinyl (calcd) kdka 0 1 2 0.00 0.75 0.95 1.53 1.60 1.70

0.80 0.50 0.42 0.19 0.17 0.12

0.00 0.56 0.71 1.15 1.20 1.28


Nonterminal vinyl (exptl)

0.00 0.50 0.64 1.02 1.07 1.13

0.00 0.56 0.70 0.91 1.03 1.14

On the basis of eq 7, we may write a mechanism for the isomerization of deuterio olefins reasonably consistent with the experimental results (see Scheme I). Scheme I. Vinyl-Deuterated Olefins




The data from the heptene-3-dz reaction (Table 111) may be treated similarly, using eq 5 and 6 . The calcu-














CHD ~ ' M H O . S D O . 6







lated values for the nonterminal vinyl protons are shown in Table VI. Again, the data agree reasonably well with a value for k s / k 6= 1.


Table VI. Effect of k3/k4on the Proton Distribution in Isomerized Heptene

Terminal vinyl (exptl) 2.06 1.56 1.19 0.90 0.29




Nonterminal vinyl (exptl)

1.00 0.76 0.58 0.44 0.14

1.00 0.88 0.79 0.72 0.58

1.OO 0.92 0.86 0.81 0.71

1.02 0.86 0.74 0.65 0.53

Nonterminal vinyl (calcd) kalks


All of the results discussed above may be rationalized on the assumption of an alkyl mechanism (eq 2) for the isomerization step, but it is also necessary to consider other hydride addition and removal steps which do not lead to isomerization. These steps may be schematically summarized by the series of equilibria shown in eq 7. Whereas, the equilibrium K 3 is the only one that results in movement of the double bond, the equilibria KI and Kz can allow exchange at C2 and C1. In addition to the equilibria shown in (7), there will be further equilibria between free and complexed olefin. The stepwise double-bond shift observed experimentally suggests that 2-olefin formed in the early stages of reaction is displaced completely by 1-olefin, before a second bond shift can occur.







Since catalyst and solvent are present in negligible amounts, the olefin is the only effective source of hydrogen in this catalytic cycle and the average stoichiometry of the olefin must be preserved. The steps k7 and k-7 provide a mechanism for exchange at Cz,but since the total amount of MH is negligible, this exchange can only proceed if there is a replenishing source of protium. In our scheme, the source of protium is the isomerization step k-s, and there are two possible schemes that will give rise to the experimentally observed 50% exchange at C2. The first possibility is that k7 = ks and secondary alkyl rarely reverts to 1-olefin. The second possibility is that k7 > ks,but displacement of 1-olefin is slow compared to ks and k+. A distinction between these two alternatives is not possible from the present study. Theoretically this question could be resolved by periodic analysis of the 1-pentene for exchange at

Harrod, Chalk

I Isomerization of Deuterated Olefins by Metal Complexes

3496 C1 and C2 during the reaction, but we were unable to do this with the small quantities of material and the equipment available to- us. With allyl-deuterated Scheme 11. Allyl-Deuterated Olefins

be due to a progressive underestimation of the overlap between the allylic methylene and allylic methyl peaks of the nmr spectra; i.e., our estimate of the error in this measurement may be too small. In a recent paper,12J2aCramer has presented detailed evidence that the reversible addition of a proton to a Rh(1)-olefin complex occurs thus



s R h l






This author also mentioned unpublished results which indicated that isomerization proceeds via the same type of process. The Palladium-Catalyzed Reaction. It has been observed both by ourselves and by several other workers2r4 that the isomerization of I-olefins by palladium complexes results in the simultaneous appearance of all possible internal isomers at roughly comparable rates. This behavior is quite different from isomerizations with rhodium trichloride, with which double-bond migration occurs in a distinctly stepwise fashion. With the deuteriopentene used in our experiment, the possibility exists for producing four distinct 2-pentene isomers by single and double shifts of the double bond, thus










CH3CH,Rh"' e





olefin (Scheme II), the isomerization step (k+') provides a supply of deuterium, which may then exchange at Cz through reactions k7' and k--?'. Further evidence in favor of this mechanism is provided by the magnitude of the allylic methyl peak in the isomerized pentenes (Figure lb). Owing to coincidence between the allylic methyl and aliphatic methylene peaks, an accurate measurement of the former is not possible. However, the value is undoubtedly quite close to 1.5 protons, as would be expected from roughly equal contributions from the products of reactions 3 and 4. Finally, the infrared evidence (Figure 4b) that intermolecular exchange leads to the appearance of deuterium on all the carbon atoms of the allylic system, and in an amount corresponding to equilibration of one deuterium atom between the labeled and anlabeled olefins, may also be taken as supporting evidence for the proposed mechanism. In the catalytic cycle, as written above, we have made no allowance for reversion of secondary alkyl to primary olefin. Such a process would permit exchange at the terminal carbon atom, and the fact that such exchange was not observed as a major reaction suggests that the forward reaction of equilibrium K 3 is faster than the back reaction of equilibrium K2. A small amount of this type of exchange could explain the deviations between nmr and infrared determinations of 1-olefin concentration, shown in Figures 2 and 3. The proposed mechanism does not provide a simple explanation for the apparent decrease in allylic methylene protons (Table I). If this decrease is real there must be exchange processes occurring other than those accounted for in the proposed mechanism. However, we are inclined to believe that the decrease may in fact Journal of the American Chemical Society






We have been unable to fit the experimental results to any model which assumes significant contributions from (9a) or (9b). Proton distributions calculated on the assumption that the reaction product contains equal contributions from (8a) and (8b), and none from (9), give reasonable agreement with experiment. The calculated values are listed in Table VII. The different Table VII. Calculated Proton Distributions for Palladium-Catalyzed Pentene Isomerization


We), exptl


Calculated valuesH(b) H(c)


0.85 0.64 0.52 0.38 0.11

3.00 2.88 2.80 2.73 2.57

2.00 2.13 2.20 2.28 2.44

0 0.37 0.59 0.83 1.30

2.00 1.87 1.82 1.73 1.53

behavior of H(a), (b), and (c) protons in the rhodiumand palladium-catalyzed reactions are readily explained by the assumption of eq 8a and 8b for the latter. Also, in Figure IC, the large allylic methyl peak and the more complex splitting of the aliphatic methyl group should be noted. Although an accurate estimate of the former (12) R. Cramer, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,87, 4717 (1965). (12a) NOTE ADDEDIN PROOP. In a more recent paper (R.

Cramer, ibid., 88,2273 (1966)) convincing evidence is presented in support of a mechanism involving protonation of a Rh(1) olefin complex for the isomerization reaction.

August 5, 1966

3497 is not possible, it is fairly certain that there is a minimum of two allylic methyl protons, a significantly larger value than that obtained with the rhodium catalyst. The complex splitting of the aliphatic methyl peak may be due to the presence of at least two types of methyl, one with deuterium and one without, as expected from eq 8. The methyl resonance in Figure IC may be compared with the methyl resonance of the rhodium-catalyzed mixture after about 50 % reaction (inset, Figure la). The latter also shows two types of methyl groups, attributable to methyl adjacent to aliphatic and allylic methylene. Although the major methyl resonance in the palladium-catalyzed mixture corresponds to methyl adjacent to allylic methylene, the underlying second methyl resonance has a slightly different chemical shift from that of the 1-olefin. The results of the palladium-catalyzed 1-heptene-3-dz isomerization are also consistent with a mechanism involving C3+ C1 hydrogen shifts. It may be noted that in the case of allyl deuteration even two shifts of the double bond still result in only a single nonterminal vinyl proton by a CS-t C1 mechanism; thus C~H~CHZCD~CH=CHZ +CsHiCHzCD=CHCHzD + CsHiCH=CDCHzCHzD

Nevertheless, we expect the double bond to move farther along the chain, and the fact that the number of nonterminal vinyl protons does not increase significantly above one is rather puzzling. This observation may indicate significant movement of deuterium along the chain as the reaction progresses, or alternatively there may be some feature of kinetic origin which limits migration of the double bond to the 3 position. The appearance of the 3-heptene is reflected in a decrease in the H(f) (aliphatic methyl and methylene and allylic methyl) protons and an excess of H(g) (allylic methylene) protons over that expected for a single migration of the double bond. Also, although the various protons grouped together as H(f) cannot be resolved accurately in the nmr spectrum of the mixed heptenes, they are well enough resolved to clearly show that there are more aliphatic methyl than aliphatic methylene protons in the palladium-catalyzed reaction product. This is only possible if the 3 isomer is present. Since there is a simultaneous appearance of products in which the double bond has moved through one and more positions in the palladium-catalyzed reaction, the results are less easy to interpret than in the case of the rhodium-catalyzed reaction. Nevertheless, there is little doubt that the isomerization proceeds predominantly via a C3 + C1 shift of hydrogen, and that there is significantly less intermolecular hydrogen transfer than in the case of the rhodium-catalyzed reaction. By far the simplest explanation of the C 3+ C1 shift is the n-allyl reaction (I), since this mechanism does not require the breaking of the C-H bond at Cz, even when the double bond moves from the 2 to 3 position. Based on the fact that n-allyl complexes of palladium

were not catalytically active, we have previously rejected the possibility of a n-allyl mechanism. l 1 This rejection is not necessarily valid, however, since the intermediate species in eq 1 contains a proton which is not available in complexes such as bis( n-allyl)-p-dichlorodipalladium (11). Cramer has shown1*that rhodium(1)-olefin complexes, which we found inactive as isomerization catalysts, 1 are active in the presence of acid. We do not find this t o be the case with allylpalladium complexes, and consequently the simple reversible protonation of a n-allyl complex still does not seem to provide an adequate mechanism for the isomerization reaction. On the basis of the present evidence, we are inclined to believe that the inherent stability of the palladium-n-allyl system may play a role in assisting a C3 + C1 proton shift, but the details of how the C3+ C1 shift and the intermolecular hydrogen transfer occur must await the results of further experiments. The infrared evidence, from the intermolecular deuterium exchange experiment (Figure 4), also suggests different mechanisms for the reactions catalyzed by rhodium and palladium complexes, both with regard to quantity and location of exchanged deuterium. Whereas most of the exchanged deuterium appears on the vinyl position with the rhodium catalyst, there is very little vinyl deuterium in the pentene product of the palladium-catalyzed reaction, although the heptene still contains a considerable amount of vinyl deuterium. This result can only be explained on the assumption that exchanging deuterium is being transferred almost exclusively to the terminal vinyl carbon atom of the 1-pentene. In fact, the results of the palladium-catalyzed reactions could be explained by a reversible alkyl hydride, provided addition of palladium hydride to terminal olefin led almost exclusively to the formation of a secondary alkyl. Although such a possibility is not completely without precedent,'3 we do feel that it is sufficiently improbable to be regarded with considerable scepticism. In conclusion we would like to emphasize that the present study indicates that different catalyst systems may utilize different mechanistic routes to effect the isomerization of 1-olefins, but it must also be borne in mind that different substrates, or different reaction media, may cause changes in mechanism for the same metal-ion catalyst. Thus, certain olefinic compounds may prefer such as allylbenzene, l 4 or cyclo~ctadienes,~ a n-allylic mechanism, by virture of their forming a particularly stable .rr-allylic ligand system. Also, the use of a basic, hydride-donor solvent such as an alcohol may promote a quite different mechanism from a relatively inert hydrocarbon solvent, or an acidic that can inhibit the proton abstraction necessary for n-allylic ligand formation. (13) M. L. H. Green and P. L. I. Nagy, J. Organometal. Chem., 1, 58 (1963). (14) L. Roos and M. Orchin, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 87, 5502 (1965).

Harrod, Chalk

Isomerization of Deuterated Olefins by Metal Complexes