Gas Chromatography for A n ElectroniK recorder designed specifically for this d e m a n d i n g application Apply ElectroniK precision a n d dependability t o your gas chromatography measurements with this highly accurate recorder. I t ' s designed specifically for gas chromatography—includes only necessary parts a n d functions. Some of its outstanding features: •
High-resolution, linear
Retransmitting slidewire . . . can be field-mounted for integrator use
Low-inertia pen carriage . . . for greater sensitivity and
Optional four-speed chart drive
Adaptable for a n y type auxiliary switch and alarm
Standard mounting feet for use on laboratory
Standard charts and scales designed specifically for chromatography
standardization slidewire
bench analysis
W i t h this recorder comes the valuable plus you get with all Honeywell instruments— prompt, expert service . . . service you can depend on, in emergencies or any time, to protect your instrumentation investment. For complete details on the gas chromatography recorder, call your nearby Honeywell field engineer. H e ' s as near as your phone. MINNEAPOLIS-HONEYWELL, Wayne
and Windrim Avenues, Philadelphia 44, P a .
Honeywell H
T^t uL· CfriïJùL S I N C E
1 8 8 5
Chart speeds: Ά, 1, l'/i and 2 inches per minute. Pen speed: Vi, 1 or 2 seconds full scale. Spans from 1 millivolt full scale.
Sales and Service offices in all principal cities of the world. Manufacturing in United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Netherlands, Germany, France, Japan.
Circle No. 184 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 33, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1961
7 A