How can you profit by the functionality* of BPL? - C&EN Global

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How can you profit by the functionality of BPL? Celanese beta-Propiolactone's four-membered ring structure offers rapid, versatile reactivity to a wide variety o f c h e m i c a l substances—as well as self-polymerization.

Applications for Celanese BPL are wide-open. Its rapid reactivity with a large group of other chemicals has already made it an important starting material for intermediates. Commercially available Celanese BPL is suggested as being potentially useful in paints, textiles, detergents, lubricants, adhesives and starches. The extremely wide variety of BPL reactants includes alcohols, amines, sulphur compounds, organic acids, and water. Products include vinyl-type 1 monomers, esters, amides, and mercapto BETA PROPIONIC ACID DERIVATIVES


*"Difunctionality" is a result of BPL's unique chemical structure. The opening of the ring may occur on either side of the bridge oxygen, to produce various important derivatives.

compounds. Celanese will gladly help determine how you can profit by using BPL. As a start, send for Bulletin No. N-61. Celanese Chemical Company, a Division of Celanese Corporation of America, Dept. 65 1-11,180 Madison Ave., New York 16. Canadian Affiliate: Canadian Chemical Company Limited, Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver Export Sales: Amcel Co., Inc., and Pan Amcel Co., Inc., 180 Madison Avenue, New York 16.
