How do you measure traffic-marking paints? If you only want a fast-drying paint, most any low-cost resin solution will do. If you only want a wearing paint, and don't care how slowly it dries and how much it smears, a little bit of white portland cement in an ordinary house paint might do the job.
There is one hest answer, and one o n l y . . . That's a traffic paint, made by a reputable company, under adequate technical supervision, using Parlon® chlorinated rubber as the film-forming fortifier in a good oleoresinous varnish or alkyd resin vehicle.
BUT, if you want a paint that... 1. Dries in 10-12 minutes to a hard no-pickup point . . . 2. Stays bright and reflective for months under heaviest traffic wear . . .
Want proof? Now is the time to find o u t . . . Before the heavy-travel months begin. Write for your copy of CSL-147, "Summary of 3-year Investigations of Fast-Drying Traffic Paints."
Parlon® is a product of
Polymers Department · Hercules Tower, 910 Market Street · Wilmington 99, Delaware QR62-2