How to encourage catalyst sprawl

so much active mate rial. The catalyst is spread on the ... Select from: A wide choice. Photo shows fused aluminum ... choice of shapes, por osities, ...
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How to encourage catalyst sprawl A glance through the micro­ scope shows why this inert catalyst carrier can hold so much active mate­ r i a l . T h e c a t a l y s t is spread on the avail­ able intricate surface which results in max­ imum amount of active material being exposed to reacting chemicals. Π Carborundum offers a com­ p l e t e line of i n e r t , c e r a m i c b o n d e d crystalline materials t h a t resist attrition. Select from: A wide choice

of materials including alumi­ num oxide, silicon carbide, silica, mullite. · A wide choice of shapes, por­ osities, structures. · A wide choice of sizes — f r o m p o w d e r to %-inch bonded granu­ lar pellets. Free test kit and brochure. A test kit w i t h s a m p l e s of m a n y types of material is avail­ able to users of catalyst carriers. Please write to us on your letterhead. Literature available on request. ®


RefractoriesDiv.,Dept.AC-6, Latrobe.Pa.

Photo shows fused aluminum oxide magnified 80 times. Circle No. 52 on Readers' Service Card

MULTiPLE-SPINDLE MAGNETIC STIRRER Eberbach Multiple Spindle Magnetic Stirrer POWER UNIT shown here gives you 4 stirring positions for greater capacity con­ stant speed magnetic stirring for tissue culture applications, fermentation studies and general purpose stirring. You can add 2 four position slave units and water baths in a building block concept giving a total capacity of 12 stirring positions. Variable speeds of 150 to 900 rpm. Measures 24" long, 16%" wide, 1%" high. For 115 volt, 60 cycle AC. Catalog No. 7605 $250.00 com­ plete with 4 vertical rods. Request Bulletin 690

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