Thunder and lightning did not trouble their hearing. Good and evil did not bother their hearts. Mountains and peaks did not l~ivdrr their steps. I:or ...
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HU.ASG-TI, THE IXGEND;\RY FOL'SDER 01: ALCHE31Y The picture, reproduced from the Lieh IiJien Ch'unn chum






that Hit& he had received the instructi&-"1n the daytime his spirit visited the country of the Hua-h~u-thih. I t was situated west of Ye-ehou and north of T'ai-chou. I t was tens of thousands of miles away from the Middle Empire. The actual distance was not known for it could not be reached by wheel or by boat or even on foot. One could get there only in spirit. The country was without rulers. I t s people had no indulgences. Thev aid not love to live, nor did they loathe to die. And so they did not die untimely deaths. They did not hold themselves dear and they showed indifference to things. And so thq did not have love and hatred. They did not turn against those who opposed them or favor those who agreed with them. And so

the were not concerned with losses and gains. The were witKout love and favor. They were free from fear and (atred. They were not wet b water nor heated by fire. They were wont to stsy in space as i?it were solid end to lie in emptmess as if it were a bed. Clouds and fogs did not interfere with their power. Thunder and lightning did not trouble their hearing. Good and evil did not bother their hearts. Mountains and peaks did not l~ivdrrtheir steps. I:or it wtas the spirit t11:~tw a m;wingnllout." ~ .At a later time Hu.,ng./i prxwrecl cqqwr, filrhioncd it into a Tins , furnncrr. and er;endcd the dracon with - (. t r i ~ o dslchrrni.A some seventy members of his co&t and household. Wci Po-ynng mentions Hunng-ti as one of the masters of alchemy, and designates the a r t by the name of Huong-Lao, a word =om ounded from the names of Huanp-ti and Lao-Du, the founder o f ~ a o i s m . (Contri6uted by Tcnney L. D a v i ~ . Tmn+ A

hfion by Lu-Ch'inng Wu.)