Human Medicinal Agents from Plants - American Chemical Society

provided 100% protection against the cytopathic effects of HIV-1 infection over a broad range of concentrations (up to 10 /xM). Across the same concen...
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Chapter 15

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National Cancer Institute Intramural Research on Human Immunodeficiency Virus Inhibitory and Antitumor Plant Natural Products John H. Cardellina II, Kirk R. Gustafson, John A. Beutler, Tawnya C. McKee, Yali F. Hallock, Richard W. Fuller, and Michael R. Boyd Laboratory of Drug Discovery Research and Development, Developmental Therapeutics Program, Division of Cancer Treatment, National Cancer Institute, Frederick, MD 21702-1201 The natural products drug discovery program of the United States National Cancer Institute (NCI) was dramatically reorganized and revitalized during the mid-to-late 1980's. One component of the overall strategic approach was the creation of the first-ever intramural, interdisciplinary research unit, the Laboratory of Drug Discovery Research and Development (LDDRD), with a central focus on natural products. L D D R D scientists identify leads from extracts housed in the NCI Natural Products Repository and screened in the high throughput in vitro antitumor and AIDS­ -antiviral bioassays, isolate and identify the antitumor and/or antiviral agents through bioassay-guidedfractionationand spectral analyses, and examine in detail the biological activity of the isolated compounds. This report focuses on some selected illustrative examples of L D D R D research on HIV-inhibitory and antitumor plant natural products. The primary mission of the NCI's intramural Laboratory of Drug Discovery Research and Development (LDDRD) is the discovery and chemical and biological characterization of new antitumor and anti-HIV drug development leads from natural products. The specific discovery strategy is based upon the application of novel screening models to the bioassay-guided isolation and structure elucidation of active constituents from extracts of diverse terrestrial, marine and microbial organisms. The concepts, rationales, historical background and technical details of the primary screening models currently used by L D D R D are reviewed elsewhere (1-5). These screening models, which were substantially developed by L D D R D scientists, are now operated on a very large scale by the NCI extramural service screening program for testing of tens of thousands of pure synthetic and naturally-occurring compounds submitted annually to NCI by investigators worldwide. This chapter not subject to U.S. copyright Published 1993 American Chemical Society

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HIV-Inhibitory ami Antitumor Plant Products



The main source of extracts for L D D R D research is the NCI Natural Products Repository. This is a key component of a radically restructured and revitalized NCI natural products drug discovery program, launched during the mid-to-late 1980's (2-7). Other new components, in addition to the two major new primary screens, include the extensive extramural, contracts-based collections network (described by G. Cragg et al., elsewhere in this volume), a centralized extraction facility, an unprecedented new extramural grants program (National Cooperative Natural Products Drug Discovery Groups), and the firstever NCI intramural, interdisciplinary research unit (LDDRD) with a central focus upon natural products. The NCI Natural Products Repository is a unique resource for the broader scientific research community. There is considerable optimism that the continuing development and application of a great variety of novel screening models and research strategies to samples now or eventually to be contained in the repository will lead to important new drug discoveries. Our experiences using the two new NCI primary screening models, which have provided our particular focus to date, lend support for such optimism. Some selected recent examples follow. Preliminary Evaluation of New Leads Avery substantial number of initial leads issuing from the two primary screens, particularly the anti-HIV screen, necessitated the development of a preliminary evaluation stage prior to full-scale fractionation efforts. Our goals at this stage are the dereplication of known antiviral or antitumor compounds, the prioritiz­ ation of surviving leads for detailed study, and the gaining of some preliminary insight into the chemical class(es) and chromatographic behavior of the active constituent(s). In the case of antitumor leads, the dereplication problem encompasses the large number of cytotoxic agents previously reported from natural sources over the past three decades. Careful study of the literature on the genus or family usually provides some indication of whether known cytotoxins might be present A small-scale (-200 mg crude extract) preliminary fractionation followed by biological testing and H N M R analyses of the resulting fractions frequently provides evidence to corroborate the results of the literature search. Aqueous extracts are distributed between n-BuOH and H 0 , while organic extracts are subjected to a four-step solvent partitioning scheme modified from a procedure popularized and employed by the Kupchan group some years ago (8). A n additional key ingredient in this analysis is the application of the computerized Compare pattern-recognition algorithms (2-4,9% which correlate similar patterns of differential cytotoxicity produced by extracts, fractions and pure compounds tested in the NCI 60 cell line panel. This analysisfrequentlyprovides biological support that the cytotoxicity expressed by an extract is likely due to a known class of compounds. !


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In contrast, many of the initial HIV-inhibitory leads are characterized by the presence of a few known classes of antiviral compounds which are broadly distributed within (sulfolipids, sulfated sterols) and across (anionic polysaccharides, tannins) taxonomic boundaries. Therefore, it has proved necessary to develop simple, efficient protocols to differentiate extracts for which antiviral activity is due solely to these known classes of compounds from those extracts which potentially contained other, uncharacterized HIV-inhibitory compounds. Anti-HIV active organic extracts presently undergo the same solvent-solvent partitioning analyses as the antitumor leads, but the treatment of aqueous extracts is more complex. First, an ethanol precipitation procedure is used to eliminate those extracts in which activity is due exclusively to anionic polysaccharides or other complex, high molecular weight biopolymers. At this stage, the great majority of marine and lichen extracts (85-90%) are eliminated, along with about half the cyanobacterial extracts, but only a small fraction (1015%) of the plant extracts are set aside. Plant extracts are then analyzed for tannin content; at this stage, about 95% of the remaining plant extracts are eliminated from further consideration. It should also be noted that, in our experience, the HIV-inhibitory activity of more than 50% of the plant organic extracts has been partitioned to polar phases and subsequently traced to tannins. All the active supernatant fractions are then subjected to a "chemical screen" analysis, which preliminarily examines the elution characteristics of the antiviral constituents on several chromatography media in a solid-phase extraction system. The resulting patterns of elution, which provide clues to the general chemical nature of the HIV-inhibitory compounds, have led recently to the identification of sulfated sterols as a commonly occurring antiviral constituent of sponges. The dereplication of polysaccharides (J. A Beutlertf a/., Antiviral Chem. Chemother., in press), the chemical screen protocol and tannin dereplication (J. H . Cardellina II et al, J. Nat. Prod., in press), and the identification of sulfated sterols as a recurring class of HIV-inhibitor (20-72) have all been described in detail elsewhere. Plant Antitumor Agents Our early efforts in this area focused on the investigation of the possible utility of the Compare algorithm analyses for the preliminary "biological" dereplication of extracts and fractions. This data analysis methodology had been developed for and shown to be effective in the comparison of standard antitumor agents with the activity profiles of new compounds tested in the NCI in vitro screening panel. In our pilot feasibility studies (LDDRD, unpublished data), an extract which subsequently was revealed to be from Camptotheca acuminata, was blindly selected for chemical fractionation on the basis of its screening profile which matched closely with that of known topoisomerase I inhibitors (camptothecin and derivatives). Fractionation was guided by the full 60 cell line screen to the purification of camptothecin. The Compare algorithms showed high correlations of camptothecin with the crude extract and the most potent fraction at each stage of the separation. Similarly positive feasibility results were obtained with Trewia extracts containing maytansinoids, which were tracked on the basis of a screening profile typical of microtuble-interactive antimitotics.



HIV-inhibitory and Antitumor Plant Products


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We are currently exploring the use of the Compare algorithm to select extracts for study which may likely contain new or known compounds previously unknown to have a mechanism of antitumor action of current interest. For example, using the Compare algorithms in this manner to select extracts for fractionation, we have identified centaureidin, 1, the first flavone known to inhibit tubulin polymerization (J. A . Beutler et al, BioMed Chem. Lett., in press). Organic extracts of the plant Thevetia ahouia were also analyzed by means of bioassay-guided fractionation. Three cardenolides, neriifolin, 3'-0-methyl evomonoside and 2'-acetylneriifolin, 2, were isolated and characterized as the major cytotoxins present. Of these, 2 was the most potent and was more than two orders of magnitude more toxic to certain non-small cell lung cancer cell lines than to the less sensitive lines of other subpanels (L. A . Decosterd et al, Phytother. Res., in press).

The crude organic and aqueous extracts of the monotypic plant Cedronia granatensis were selected for chemical analysis on the basis of potent cytotoxicity with a strong differential response by certain melanoma and colon tumor cell lines. Bioassay-guidedfractionationof both extracts provided sergiolide, 3, and isobrucein B as the responsible compounds. Sergiolide, which has a cyclopentenone ring annulated to the quassinoidframework,was two orders of magnitude more potent than isobrucein B against the more sensitive tumor cell lines (13).



We isolated cucurbitacins E and I (4 and 5, respectively) from seed extracts of Iberis amara based upon a unique pattern of selective cytotoxicity to renal tumor and melanoma cell lines (R. W. Fuller, unpublished). These compounds show nearly a three-order of magnitude differential in potency towards most cell lines in the sensitive subpanels relative to the other subpanels.

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HIV-Inhibitors from Plants To date, our laboratory has isolated and characterized from plants eight different compounds or chemical classes previously unknown to be HIV-inhibitors. A considerable diversity of chemical structures is represented by this group, which includes terpenoids, alkaloids, phenolics and compounds of mixed biogenesis. Because our efforts in this area have been reviewed recently (14), this report will focus on results obtained since that review. First among these isolates was prostratin, 6, obtained as the major AIDSantiviral constituent from the small tree Homalanthus nutans, the bark of which has been used by Samoan healers (taulesea) to treat a variety of ailments (25). Initial enthusiasm for prostratin as a possible drug development candidate was tempered by concerns that it, like other phorbol esters, might be a potent irritant and tumor-promoting agent. However, a series of experiments conducted by Blumberg's group at NCI revealed little irritancy or tumor promoting properties by this 12-deoxyphorbol, but actually instead an apparent anti tumor-promoting potential (26). Thus, prostratin may have significant promise either as an AIDSantiviral and/or as an anti tumor-promoter. Continuing research on prostratin is focused upon detailed antiviral biology and mechanism of action studies and on developing analytical methodology for preclinical toxicology and pharmacokinetics studies. In addition, since preliminary analyses of ethnobotanical preparations from H. nutans suggested the presence of prostratin (P. Cox et al, unpublished data), careful quantitative analyses of bark preparations from Samoan taulesea are being undertaken. Activity in side fractions obtained during the purification of prostratin from H. nutans led us further to isolate HIV-inhibitory atisane diterpenes; a concurrent study of the tropical plant Chrysobalanus icaco yielded HIV-inhibitory kaurane diterpenes (27). Neither plant contained potent or fully cytoprotective analogs; a survey of a dozen related diterpenes from the NCI pure compound repository provided no analog of increased potency. Consequently, further work in this area has been discontinued. HIV-inhibitory activity in several genera of trees from the family Guttiferae (Clusiaceae) has been traced to a series of chemically related prenylated benzophenones (18). Five new compounds, guttiferones A-E, and two known compounds, xanthochymol and isoxanthochymol, were characterizedfromspecies of three genera (Symphonia, Garcinia and Clusia). Guttiferone A, 7, was the most abundant of these compounds and is distinguished from previously known compounds of this type by a unique pattern of isoprenyl group substitution. The

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HIV-inhibitory and Antitumor Plant Products

guttiferones were all roughly equipotent, with screening E Q Q values of 1-10 jug/mL. However, more detailed biological evaluations revealed that, while the HIV-infected host cells remained viable in the presence of the compounds, there were no corresponding decreases in indices of viral replication. This was reminiscent of results with the peltatols (e.g., 8), which are prenylated catechol dimers of comparable molecular weight (19). An important differentiating feature, however, is that the enolized jJ-diketone of the guttiferones must be essential to their antiviral activity, since isoxanthocaymol, 9, is devoid of HIVinhibitory activity. It is intriguing, nevertheless, that both compound classes provided similar modest cytoprotection of host cells, while viral replication appeared undiminished.




A significant discovery of the past year has been the isolation and identification of the calanolides (20) as potent inhibitors of HIV in vitro. The lead compound of the series is calanolide A, 10, a new member of a rather large class of prenylated coumarins. Calanolide A exhibited an E C j of 0.1 jxM and provided 100% protection against the cytopathic effects of HIV-1 infection over a broad range of concentrations (up to 10 /xM). Across the same concentration range, calanolide A completely inhibited all indices of HIV-1 replication. Even more significant was the observation that, while inactive against HIV-2, calanolide A fully protected human lymphoblastoid target cells from the cytopathic effects of AZT-resistant and pyridinone-resistant strains of HIV-1. Evidence presented elsewhere (P. L. Boyer etal,J. Virol, in press; A Hizi et al, Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., in press) supports the view that calanolide A represents a new pharmacological class of non-nucleoside, HIV-1 specific, reverse transcriptase inhibitors.

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Preclinical Development Once the initial isolation and identification of a new chemical entity representing a new legitimate antitumor or AIDS-antiviral drug development lead has been accomplished, critical additional challenges for successful development of a natural product as a drug must be confronted. Prerequisite to the necessary preclinical toxicology, pharmacokinetics, metabolism and chemical studies to be performed on any new natural product drug development candidate, the supply problemfrequentlyis most formidable. Our recent experiences with three new leads is illustrative. Michellamine B, 11, is a unique dimeric naphthalene-tetrahydroisoquinoline alkaloid which we recently reported from a tropical liana tentatively identified as Ancistrocladus abbreviatus (21). Michellamine B subsequently was selected by NCI as a high-priority candidate for preclinical development. When we set out to isolate additional supplies (100-200 g) of 11 for developmental research we were stunned to find no michellamine B or any other related dimeric alkaloids in collections of A. abbreviatus from any locations at or near the original collection site in Cameroon. Careful reexamination of the original voucher specimens and comparison with numerous herbarium specimens indicated that the original michellamine-containing vine from Korup Forest in Cameroon was a previously undescribed species (D. Thomas, unpublished data). Extensive field surveys in Cameroon have suggested a limited distribution of this new species. Fortunately, michellamine B is a major constituent of the leaf extracts; so, for the short term at least, the natural source of michellamine B should be adequate for preclinical research needs. Supplies of 11 are currently generated in our laboratory by means of a scale-up of our original separation protocol. Utilization of a 1.5 liter centrifugal partition chromatograph and preparativescale (4 x 25 cm column) HPLC is currently providing 1-2 g michellamine B per week. In the meantime, studies have been initiated to determine whether the liana can be brought into cultivation. The absolute configuration of michellamine B has been determined recently (G. Bringmann et al,Angewandte Chemie, submitted) via ruthenium-catalyzed oxidative degradations (22).

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HIV-inhibitory and Antitumor Plant Products

The case of the calanolides is even more challenging and complex. Since the original collections were made from a rather large tree from a well-characterized species (Calophyllum lanigerum var. austrocoriaceum), we initially felt that supply would not be a substantial problem. To our dismay, the tree which provided the original 1 kg collection of leaves, twigs and fruit had been cut down some time before the NCI field collectors returned for a resupply. Even worse, other trees in the general area, field-identified as the same species, proved to be devoid of calanolides A or B when extracts were analyzed in our laboratory. Subsequently, a number of trees, carefully identified as the species in question, were sampled from several locations, but not a single one contained calanolides A or B (D. Soejarto, unpublished data). As a result, preclinical development of this very important lead compound must await resolution of the supply problem, either through total synthesis or by location of a reliable natural source of the calanolides. A third example, one representing a novel antitumor agent, is that of halomon, 12, from the marine plant Portieria hornemannii (23). This pentahalogenated monoterpene produces a unique pattern of differential cytotoxicity in the NCI 60 cell line human tumor screening panel. In particular, brain tumor cell lines exhibit strong sensitivity to halomon. The original collection site, near Batan Island in the northern Philippines, is not readily accessible throughout the year due to stormy seas. Efforts to secure reasonable




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supplies of the red alga in other areas of the Philippines have met with success, but 12 has not been found, even in minor amounts, in five different collections. A reexamination of Hawaiian P. hornemannii has also failed to provide useful supplies of halomon. A recollection from the original site was successfully made in early 1992 and a 1.1 g sample of 12 was isolated from the extracts. Marine plants, particularly the red algae which produce halogenated monoterpenes, have long been noted for tremendous variation in secondary metabolite content from site to site, and over time at the same site. Conclusion These, and other recently reviewed (14) examples from L D D R D research, support the view that empirically-based discovery of novel drug development leads from natural products remains a fruitful pursuit. However, from any new lead discovery, the formidable challenges unique to successful drug development from natural products will inevitably follow. Acknowledgments We thank G. M . Cragg and K. M . Snader for coordinating the collections, T. McCloud for extractions, L. Pannell and G. Gray for mass spectral analyses, J.R. Dai, H . Bokesch, J. Lind and J. Collins for technical assistance, A Monks, D. Scudiero, O. Weislow and D. Clanton for screening data, and J. McMahon, M . Currens, R. Gulakowski, R. Moran, P. Staley, R. Shoemaker and T. Prather for biological and mechanistic data. Literature Cited 1. 2. 3.


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HIV-Inhibitory and Antitumor Plant Products


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R E C E I V E D March 26, 1993