Hydrodynamic and Chemical Factors in Clogging by Montmorillonite

Denver and Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado. JAMES R. HUNT ... by deposition of colloidal particles in porous media, or clogging, is important...
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Environ. Sci. Technol. 2007, 41, 5666-5671

Hydrodynamic and Chemical Factors in Clogging by Montmorillonite in Porous Media DAVID C. MAYS* Department of Civil Engineering, University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado JAMES R. HUNT Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, California

Clogging by colloid deposits is important in water treatment filters, groundwater aquifers, and petroleum reservoirs. The complexity of colloid deposition and deposit morphology preclude models based on first principles, so this study extends an empirical approach to quantify clogging using a simple, one-parameter model. Experiments were conducted with destabilized suspensions of sodium- and calcium-montmorillonite to quantify the hydrodynamic and chemical factors important in clogging. Greater clogging is observed at slower fluid velocity, consistent with previous investigations. However, calcium-montmorillonite causes 1 order of magnitude less clogging per mass of deposited particles compared to sodium-montmorillonite or a previously published summary of clogging in model granular media. Steady-state conditions, in which the permeability and the quantity of deposited material are both constant, were not observed, even though the experimental conditions were optimized for that purpose. These results indicate that hydrodynamic aspects of clogging by these natural materials are consistent with those of simplified model systems, and they demonstrate significant chemical effects on clogging for fully destabilized montmorillonite clay.

Introduction Permeability reduction caused by deposition of colloidal particles in porous media, or clogging, is important in numerous environmental processes, including water treatment (e.g., 1), aquifer storage and recovery (e.g., 2), surface water-groundwater interaction (e.g., 3), formation damage in petroleum reservoirs (e.g., 4, chapter 8) and the influence of earthquakes on hydrology (e.g., 5). Filtration theory (6-8) assists in understanding particle clogging, because it predicts the porosity reduction that results from particle accumulation. However, filtration theory is not sufficient to predict clogging because there is no unique relationship between porosity and permeability (9). The thrust of this study is to investigate the factors that control the degree of clogging for a given quantity of deposited particles. This focus makes the present study distinct from, but complimentary to, parallel approaches that predict permeability from the geometry of the porous medium in the absence of particles (e.g., 10), and from network models that predict permeability from an assumed porosity-permeability relationship in elements with particle accumulation (e.g., 11). * Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]; phone: (303) 352-3933; fax: (303) 556-2368. 5666



Clogging is known to depend on physical factors, which control hydrodynamic effects, and on chemical factors, which control the colloidal stability of the particles (12). To investigate hydrodynamic effects on clogging, Mays and Hunt (13) analyzed published data sets from constant-flow filtration experiments that measured particle accumulation and head loss over a range of fluid velocities. Data were analyzed using a one-parameter clogging model based on the work of O’Melia and Ali (14), who predicted clogging based on the surface area within the porous media, which increases with particle deposition:

∆H ) (1 + γσ)2 ∆Ho


where ∆H is the head loss, ∆Ho is the clean bed head loss, σ is the specific deposit, defined as the dimensionless ratio of deposit volume to total filter volume, and γ is an empirical clogging parameter that quantifies clogging per specific deposit. Because of the difficulty in measuring specific area (15), this model requires an empirical approach. The fact that γ is not constant reflects the important role of deposit morphology. One physical interpretation of γ is that its inverse is a critical specific deposit such that for σ > 1/γ, deposited particles contribute most of the surface area within the porous medium, resulting in greater clogging per unit of additional particle accumulation. The analysis of published clogging data by Mays and Hunt (13) revealed a power-law correlation between the empirical clogging parameter and the Peclet number of the flow, γ ) 106NPe-0.55 ( 0.09, consistent across the various data sets, that indicated greater clogging at smaller Peclet numbers, where the Peclet number is defined as

NPe )

udc Dp


and Dp is the particle diffusivity given by

Dp )

κT 3πµdp


where κ is Boltzmann’s constant, T is temperature, µ is dynamic viscosity, and dp is the primary particle diameter. Three of the data sets analyzed by Mays and Hunt (13) used kaolinite clay, but with a relatively small range of velocity. The most extensive data set analyzed was Veerapaneni’s (16, chapter 5), who used a velocity range of almost 2 orders of magnitude, but these results were for latex microspheres depositing on glass beads. Considering these limitations, the first goal of the present study was to investigate whether the power-law correlation between clogging and hydrodynamic loading reported by Mays and Hunt (13) also extends to clogging by natural materials conducted over a wide range of velocity. With regard to chemical effects, cation valence is known to affect the permeability of soils containing clays (e.g., 17, 18) and to influence the morphology of clay aggregates (e.g., 19-21). However, experiments using soils or cores make it difficult to quantify the relationship between chemical conditions, permeability, and deposit morphology for clays because of two confounding factors: First, with soil or core samples, one cannot quantify particle accumulation by mass balance on the influent and effluent suspensions, which prevents the analysis of clogging for a given specific deposit. This is important, because knowing the specific deposit is 10.1021/es062009s CCC: $37.00

 2007 American Chemical Society Published on Web 07/21/2007

required to determine the role of deposit morphology. Second, most studies on soil permeability focus on the dramatic effects that result when chemical changes, illustrated on Quirk-Schofield diagrams (22), create newly stabilized or newly destabilized particles. This focus on chemical changes makes it difficult to isolate the role of cation valence for a given degree of particle stabilization. Accordingly, the second goal of this study is to isolate the effect of cation valence on clogging during filtration experiments using a fully destabilized natural clay mineral. A third goal of this study is to investigate long-term clogging. The conventional application of filtration theory to granular filters, which are frequently backwashed, provided little incentive to consider long-term effects. In contrast, these effects are important in natural environments where backwashing is not possible. Particle transport and clogging may be conceptualized as a dynamic feedback process between fluid flow and particle deposition: Flow transports particles, which form deposits, which cause clogging, which reduces or redirects subsequent fluid flow. Although classic filtration studies simultaneously modeled particle transport and clogging (14, 23), contemporary studies on environmental particle transport seldom address clogging. However, an appreciation for the feedback process between fluid flow and particle deposition is demonstrated by reports showing that fluid shear (24) or hydrodynamic drag (25) can mobilize previously deposited particles (26, 27). As long-term deposition proceeds under constant flow conditions, one might expect this dynamic feedback process to approach a limit, or steady-state condition, in which the average deposition rate matches the average mobilization rate, with constant permeability and specific deposit. Steady-state conditions could then be used as a baseline from which to evaluate permeability changes resulting from hydraulic, mechanical, or chemical perturbations. In the filtration literature, several reports document either permeability (28) or specific deposit (29) approaching a constant value, but simultaneous observations of steady state for both variables have not been reported. The third goal of the present study, therefore, was to investigate the potential for steady-state clogging in longterm experiments.

Materials and Methods The apparatus was designed to promote rapid achievement of steady state, with large approach velocities and concentrated influent suspensions to maximize particle delivery, destabilized particles to maximize particle accumulation, a short column to minimize the volume in which deposition and mobilization must reach equilibrium, and durations of tens of thousands of pore volumes. The filter column had a diameter of 1.4 cm, a length of 2.0 cm, and was packed with Clementine silica (Prime Equipment, South San Francisco, CA), with density 2.65 g/cm3, passing a #80 (177 µm) mesh and retained on a #100 (150 µm) mesh, resulting in a geometric mean diameter of 163 µm. Sieved sand was rinsed with and then stored in distilled water. The column was wetpacked in short lifts and a carbon dioxide flood was used to remove trapped air bubbles. The porosity was 0.35 and the pore volume was 1.09 cm3. The sand was kept in place by a stainless steel mesh at the top and bottom of the column. Pressure ports were installed at the top, bottom, and an intermediate location 0.7 cm from the top. No samples were collected from the intermediate pressure ports, since such an effort would have disturbed the deposits (23). The head loss across the entire filter and across the top section was measured with Validyne DP15 pressure transducers (Validyne Engineering, Northridge, CA). Montmorillonite was selected as a model particle because it is a common clay mineral that is present in soils from temperate regions, sedimentary rocks, and poorly drained

environments (30), whose morphology depends on cation valence (20; 31, chapter 10), allowing investigation of chemical effects on clogging. Montmorillonite SWy-2 was purchased from the Source Clays Repository (Clay Minerals Society, West Lafayette, IN). Clay was mixed with deionized water and then centrifuged at 100g to remove particles with equivalent diameter greater than 2 µm, assuming Stokes settling, clay density of 2.33 g/cm3, and a settling path of 7 cm perpendicular to the centrifuge axis. This method of size fractionation has been shown to be superior to membrane filtration for colloidal suspensions (32). A series of ion exchange rinses were used to convert the raw clay into Namontmorillonite or Ca-montmorillonite (33). Suspensions of 100 mg/L Na-montmorillonite or Ca-montmorillonite, with pH in the range of 6.0-6.2, were stirred rapidly and continuously to minimize aggregation, then pumped by a peristaltic pump at constant flow through the column. Destabilized conditions were imposed by using a background solution of 100 mM NaCl or 2 mM CaCl2, which are approximately 1 order of magnitude above the critical coagulation concentrations of 8 ( 6 mM for Na-montmorillonite or 0.12 ( 0.02 mM for Ca-montmorillonite (31, chapter 10). The column was flushed with at least 15 pore volumes of particle-free brine prior to each experiment, which determined the clean bed head loss ∆Ho. Ca-montmorillonite suspensions included 3 g/L of 2-chloroacetamide biocide, added as a precaution to extend the shelf life of effluent samples before turbidity measurements. This concentration of 2-chloroacetamide did not change the pH or electrical conductivity of a 2 mM CaCl2 solution, and caused no significant increase in turbidity, indicating that the biocide had no influence on particle stability. Effluent samples were collected by an automatic 25 mL fraction collector. The turbidity of these samples and the influent suspension was measured with a Hach 2100A turbidimeter (Hach Company, Ames, IA) with a nominal error of ( 0.07 NTU for 100 mg/L Na-montmorillonite and ( 0.7 NTU for 100 mg/L Ca-montmorillonite, converted to concentrations using clay-specific calibration curves, and then used to calculate the specific deposit, σ, as a function of time by mass balance. Mass recovery was determined by comparing the measured specific deposit determined by extrusion to the calculated specific deposit from an overall mass balance. The extruded sample was vigorously shaken to ensure complete clay mobilization into a particle-free brine matching that used in the relevant experiment (100 mM NaCl or 2 mM CaCl2). The contribution from suspended particles in the pore space was negligible. Preliminary experiments were conducted to confirm that flow through the filter was onedimensional, that there was no deposition in the supply tubing, that particle mobilization from the silica sand was negligible, and that the magnitude of peristaltic pulsing was within the ( 2.2 cm nominal error of the pressure transducers. Further details are available in the Supporting Information and in ref 34, chapter 4. Experimental conditions are listed in Table 1.

Results and Discussion Raw data for experiment 1 are shown in Figure 1, with corresponding results for other experiments shown in Figures S5-S12 of the Supporting Information. The first few concentration measurements indicate that breakthrough occurred rapidly, so the influent concentration was only slightly higher than the effluent during the remainder of the experiment. This observation was typical and reflects the objective of rapidly achieving steady state. The head loss, shown in the lower panel, increased with time in both the top and bottom sections of the filter. Mass balance results are discussed in the Supporting Information. VOL. 41, NO. 16, 2007 / ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY



TABLE 1. Details on the Filtration Experiments, with Influent Concentration, Co, Averaged over the Whole Experiment and Duration in Pore Volumesa general no.


1 2A 2B 3A 3B 4 5 6A 6B


Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+

u [cm/s] 0.021 0.11 0.11 0.53 0.53 0.021 0.21 0.53 0.53

whole filter

Co [mg/L] 102 101 102 101 99 102 103 106 96

lower segment





final ∆H/∆Ho

final slope

3,700 3,600 61,000 4,100 3,500 59,000 60,000 4,700 43,000

7.8 × 4.1 × 105 4.1 × 105 2.0 × 106 2.0 × 106 7.8 × 104 7.8 × 105 2.0 × 106 2.0 × 106

1,800 600 660 360 510 220 100 80 81

1.7 1.4 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.6 1.8 2.2 1.8

98 5.4

440 ( 17 34 ( 1

1.2 1.2 15 1.7 1.1 1.4

-0.056 ( 0.004 0.14 ( 0.10 1.6 ( 0.1 0.16 ( 0.02 0.065 ( 0.017 0.21 ( 0.03


a Na+ experiments used a background of 100 mM NaCl; Ca2+ experiments used 2 mM CaCl . The Peclet number, N , is defined by eq 2. The 2 Pe clogging parameter γ in eq 1 was fitted to whole filter data from the first 3500 pore volumes. On average the model differs from the data by the given factor. The final normalized head loss, ∆H/∆Ho, and final slope were determined for the lower 1.3 cm of the column, with the slope and 95% confidence interval calculated for the final 20% of each experiment. The slope has units of centimeters of head loss per ten thousand pore volumes, normalized by clean bed head loss [cm/10,000/∆Ho].

FIGURE 2. Normalized increase in head loss versus specific deposit for experiments with u ) 0.021 cm/s. Experiment 1 (Na+) is shown with solid circles. Experiment 4 (Ca2+) is shown with open squares. For each, the solid line is the fitted clogging model, and the dashed lines are plus or minus one root mean squared error (RMSE). The critical specific deposit occurs at 5.6 × 10-4 with Na+ and at 4.5 × 10-3 with Ca2+.

FIGURE 1. Effluent concentration (top) and head loss (bottom) versus pore volumes eluted, experiment 1. The influent concentration, Co, is shown as a solid line with an error of one standard deviation shown by dashed lines. The error bars on the head loss data, which were selected to display only 40 measurement times, are smaller than the plotted symbols. Head loss measurements in the top section were discontinued when the head loss exceeded the transducer capacity at approximately 100 cm. Montmorillonite Clogging in Silica Sand. Clogging data were analyzed by plotting the normalized increase in head loss, ∆H/∆Ho-1, versus the specific deposit, σ, for the first 3500 pore volumes of each experiment, both averaged over the whole filter. This duration provides a uniform basis to compare results across experiments, and eliminates the effect 5668



of head loss through the cake deposit that formed in experiments operated beyond 5000 pore volumes, which is modeled differently (35). Results for Na-montmorillonite with u ) 0.021, 0.11, and 0.53 cm/s are shown in Figures 2-4, respectively. To illustrate the profound effect of cation valence, Figure 2 also shows results for Ca-montmorillonite at u ) 0.021 cm/s. The Na-montmorillonite results in Figure 2 correspond to the data of Figure 1. For clarity in this and similar figures, data were selected to display up to 25 points, but all concentration data and their corresponding head loss data were used for model fitting by least-squares. Error bars were estimated using the method described in the Supporting Information. Figure 2 also shows the fitted clogging model, which on average differs from the data by a factor of eRMSE, where RMSE is the root mean squared error, defined in the Supporting Information. For experiment 1, RMSE ) 0.52, so on average the model differs from the data by a factor of e0.52 ) 1.7. During the first 3500 pore volumes, the critical specific deposit σ ) 1/γ was exceeded only for experiments 1, 2A, and 4, shown as dotted vertical lines in Figures 2 and 3. Fitted parameters for all experiments are given in the “whole filter” column of Table 1, and results for Ca-montmorillonite at u ) 0.21 and 0.53 cm/s, which maintained essentially clean

FIGURE 3. Normalized increase in head loss versus specific deposit for experiment 2. The bold line is the fitted model and the dashed lines are ( RMSE for replicate A; the regular line is the fitted model and the dotted lines are ( RMSE for replicate B. Rapid clogging in experiment 2A is expected above the dotted vertical line at σ ) 1/γ.

FIGURE 4. Normalized increase in head loss versus specific deposit for experiment 3. The bold line is the fitted model and the dashed lines are ( RMSE for replicate A; the regular line is the fitted model and the dotted lines are ( RMSE for replicate B. bed conditions, are shown in Figures S13 and S14 of the Supporting Information. Although the fitted models do not replicate the observations in detail, they do provide an average description that can be used to parameterize hydrodynamic and chemical effects. For a given specific deposit, the data clearly show major differences in clogging. The model serves to quantify those differences, because its single parameter is uniquely defined by the given data. The fitted values of γ are plotted against Peclet number, NPe, in Figure 5 along with a powerlaw correlation for Na-montmorillonite and for Ca-montmorillonite, assuming primary particle diameter dp ) 1 µm, consistent with the clay preparation procedure. The uncertainty of the power-law exponent is a 95% confidence interval calculated using the standard error for the slope of the linear regression of ln(γ) versus ln(NPe). The resulting exponents are significantly different from 0 and -1, but not significantly different from each other. The first goal of this study was to determine whether clogging by natural materials is consistent with the empirical correlation reported in Mays and Hunt (13), shown in Figure 5. Both Na- and Ca-montmorillonite have power law

FIGURE 5. Fitted clogging parameter γ versus Peclet number for Na-montmorillonite (circles) and Ca-montmorillonite (squares). Note there are two squares at NPe ) 2 × 106. The dashed line is the empirical correlation reported by Mays and Hunt (13), which summarized the effect of fluid velocity on clogging in six previously published data sets. exponents that are comparable to previously reported results. This analysis indicates that the hydrodynamic effect on clogging is also applicable to natural materials, which supports the apparently general nature of this scaling relationship for porous media clogging by destabilized, abiotic particles at constant flow. This empirical relationship is consistent with simulations predicting that at higher flow rates, the resulting ballistic deposits will be more streamlined, and therefore require more colloids in order to exert the same drag on the fluid (36). Cation Valence. The second goal of this study was to isolate the effect of cation valence on clogging with a fully destabilized clay. As shown in Figure 5, the Peclet number scaling is consistent across data sets, but the magnitude of the clogging parameter depends strongly on cation valence. Assuming that the biocide did not affect the Ca-montmorillonite experiments, which is reasonable given that it was non-ionic and had no significant impact on turbidity, Figure 5 shows that Na-montmorillonite causes approximately 20 times more clogging per mass of deposited clay than Camontmorillonite. This difference is consistent with the known swelling behavior of Na-montmorillonite (30) that would cause increased clogging per mass of clay, and with the formation of multi-plate quasi-crystals by Ca-montmorillonite (20) that would cause decreased clogging per mass of clay. The formation of quasi-crystals results from the outersphere complexation of Ca2+ between two opposing siloxane cavities on the montmorillonite surface, resulting in a characteristic plate spacing of approximately 2 nm (31, chapter 10). A speculative interpretation of this 20-fold difference in clogging is that quasi-crystal formation by Ca-montmorillonite increases the effective particle size from the perspective of clogging. Specifically, if characteristic particle size for Camontmorillonite were 100 times larger than Na-montmorillonite, then the calculated Peclet number would shift to the right by 2 orders of magnitude, yielding a more consistent correlation for γ. Steady State. To investigate the potential for steady-state clogging, the raw head loss data were analyzed for the full duration of each experiment. To eliminate clogging by cake deposits, only data from the lower 1.3 cm of the filter were considered, which prevented inclusion of experiment 2B, for which no intermediate head loss data were available. The VOL. 41, NO. 16, 2007 / ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY



TABLE 2. Average Shear Rate, G, Calculated with Eq 4 for the Lower 1.3 cm of the Filter, and Corresponding Shear Stress, τ, Assuming a Dynamic Viscosity of µ ) 0.01 g/cm-s (Results in the “Clogged” Column Were Calculated at the Termination of Each Experiment) general

clean bed



u [cm/s]

Go [s-1]

τo [dyn/cm2]

G [s-1]

τ [dyn/cm2]

1 2A 3A 3B 4 5 6A 6B

0.021 0.11 0.53 0.53 0.021 0.21 0.53 0.53

100 700 3000 3100 100 1400 3200 3500

1 7 30 21 1 14 32 35

1000 1600 3200 3300 400 1700 3200 4100

10 16 32 33 4 17 32 41

final slope was determined by linear regression of head loss versus pore volumes for the final 20% of each experiment, with a 95% confidence interval determined from the standard error of the estimated slope. The 20% interval was arbitrary, but was chosen to focus on the final slope while avoiding erroneous results caused by noise in the final few head loss data. The results, given in the “lower filter” column of Table 1, indicate that only experiments 1, 2A, and 4 had significant particle accumulation that exceeded the critical specific deposit of σ ) 1/γ. These experiments were associated with low fluid velocity (u e 0.11 cm/s) and large final head loss (∆H/∆Ho > 5) that was still increasing upon termination (slope >1 cm/10 000/∆Ho), indicating a lack of steady state. Minimal deviation from clean bed conditions was observed in the remaining experiments: high fluid velocity (u g 0.21 cm/s) appears to have prevented significant deposit accumulation (σ < 1/γ during the first 3500 pore volumes), resulting in small final head loss (∆H/∆Ho < 2) with minimal head loss increase at termination (slope