Nov 6, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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S 1ILPOXVL AT P ^ Whether you use these chemicals as reducing agents or bleaching agents, you will like the high quality that Nopco builds into them and the service that accompanies them. Better laboratory control, better production control combine to give you better performance. And now, with a vastly increased staff, we are in a position to serve an ever-broadening group of industries.

Hydrozln® • Stripping agent for wool and synthetics • A component of the oxidation-reduction pairs used in emulsion polymerization of polyvinyl acetate


Sodium Hydrosulfite • A bleaching agent for kaolin clays • Also a most economical agent for bleaching mechanical pulps • A reducing agent for vat dyeing • An oxygen scavenger in synthetic rubber polymerization

6 0 Park Place, N e w a r k , N . J .


Plants: H a r r i s o n , N.J. • C a r l s t a d t , N.d. • R i c h m o n d , Calif. C e d a r t o w n , Ga. • L o n d o n , Canada • M e x i c o , D.F. • C o r b e i l , France • S y d n e y , A u s t r a l i a

Manufacturing 26

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Licensees Throughout the World

Sodium Formaldehyde Sulfoxylate (AWC) • Redox component for emulsion polymerization of synthetic rubber • Used for application printing of vat colors and discharge printing on all textiles • Stripping agent for acetates and woolens