Hydroxycinnamic Acids as Off-Flavor Precursors in Citrus Fruits and

separation of the five cinnamic acids: caffeic, coumaric, sinapic, ferulic and cinnamic. .... 29 days with and without addition of 10 mg/L ferulic aci...
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Chapter 14

Hydroxycinnamic Acids as Off-Flavor Precursors in Citrus Fruits and Their Products Downloaded by UNIV OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR on February 18, 2015 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: October 1, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1992-0506.ch014




Michael Naim , Uri Zehavi , Steven Nagy , and Russell L. Rouseff



Department of Biochemistry and Human Nutrition, Faculty of Agriculture, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Florida Department of Citrus, Citrus Research and Education Center, Lake Alfred, F L 33850 Citrus Research and Education Center, University of Florida, Lake Alfred, FL 33850 2


During maturation, processing and storage of fruits and vegetables, hydroxycinnamic acids may become potential precursors for a variety of vinyl phenols which contribute desirable or objectional aroma to important food products. In citrus juice, 4-vinyl guaiacol (PVG) is a major detrimental off-flavor with a taste threshold of 0.075 ppm. Research conducted at our laboratories in recent years has revealed that in grapefruit and oranges, hydroxycinnamic acids occur mainly in bound forms. The peel contained the major portion of these acids compared to the endocarp, and the flavedo contained higher concentrations than the albedo. In most cases, hydroxycinnamic acids content was in the following order: ferulic acid > sinapic acid > coumaric acid > caffeic acid. P V G was produced in citrus juice from degraded free ferulic acid which was released from bound forms during processing and storage. Aroma quality of stored orange juice was related to changes in free ferulic acid and P V G content. Bound or conjugated forms of ferulic acid differ significantly in their ability to serve as precursors for ferulic acid, and this ability depends on the type of linkage with ferulic acid. Although the content of free ferulic acid in citrus fruits may decrease during the season, that present at the end of the season still exceeds the threshold level of PVG. Phenolic acids have been implicated as possibly influencing the toxicological, nutritional, color, sensory and antioxidant properties of foods with which they are associated (1-3). They have been shown to be directly involved in the 0097-6156/92/0506-0180$06.00/0 © 1992 American Chemical Society In Phenolic Compounds in Food and Their Effects on Health I; Ho, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

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Hydroxycinnamic Acids in Citrus Fruits

biosynthesis of coumarins, flavonoids and lignin (4). Hydroxycinnamic acids (HCA), a major class of phenolic acids, occur naturally as either free or in a wide range of bound or conjugated forms containing organic acids, sugars, amino compounds, lipids, terpenoids and other phenolics (4, 5). Ferulic and coumaric acids were reported (6, 7), although apparently not yet found in citrus, to be covalently attached to polysaccharides. The release of free ferulic acids from these polymers could be similar to the release of other bound hydroxycinnamic acids. Questions concerning the mode of linkage between phenolic acids and carbohydrates in plant cell walls have attracted considerable attention in recent years. These acids are considered to be present as phenolic - carbohydrate esters because they are released following alkaline hydrolysis (8, 9). Modern chemical and physical (particularly N M R and MS) methods (5, 8, 9) have been extensively employed in structure elucidation of phenolic - carbohydrate esters. Vinyl phenols are produced from free HCA's in fruits, vegetables and their products and contribute to either desirable or objectionable aroma of important food products, such as fried soy products, cauliflower, cooked asparagus, tomato, roasted peanuts, cooked corn, and dried mushrooms (see reference 1 for detailed references). H C A and their derivatives, the potential precursors of vinyl phenols, are present in all plant-derived food systems and in most diets. Their levels may vary dramatically and are affected by factors such as germination, ripening, storage and processing (1). The occurrence of vinyl phenols in citrus products during processing and storage may be particularly significant with regard to their possible role as off-flavors. Some objectionable volatiles of citrus products can significantly affect acceptance since they reach their flavor threshold levels under typical processing and storage conditions, whereas other volatiles may be irrelevant as off-flavors (10). In stored orange and grapefruit juices, P V G is a major detrimental compound with a flavor threshold of 0.075 ppm (11). Distribution of Phenolic Acids in Citrus Fruit and Juice HCA's and their bound forms are found in most citrus fruit parts, and their extraction and isolation are mainly based on polarity, acidity and hydrogen-bonding capacity of the hydroxyl group(s) attached to the aromatic ring. A variety of solvents are used for extraction, but with the exception of H C A bound to insoluble carbohydrate and protein, the vast majority of H C A may be extracted with methanol and/or ethanol mixtures. Following extraction, the preparation is filtered, reduced in volume and, generally, purified by extraction with ethyl acetate and passed through a silica gel column by the procedures of Naim et al. (12). The column eluate is concentrated to a small volume and subjected to HPLC analysis. Optimum HPLC conditions have been developed by Rouseff et al. (13) for the separation of the five cinnamic acids: caffeic, coumaric, sinapic, ferulic and cinnamic. Figure 1 demonstrates a separation using an Alltech Adsorbosphere HS, 5μ C-18 column, 25 cm χ 4.6 mm i.d. and eluting with C H C N buffered at pH 2 under gradient conditions (20% to 90% CH CN) over 30 minutes (13). 3


In Phenolic Compounds in Food and Their Effects on Health I; Ho, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

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Time (min)

FIGURE 1. Chromatogram of hydrolyzed orange juice (—) and standards of equal concentration ( ). Reproduced with permission from ref. 13. Copyright 1990 John Wiley and Sons.

In Phenolic Compounds in Food and Their Effects on Health I; Ho, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

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Hydroxycinnamic Acids in Citrus Fruits


It is evident that most HCA's are found in citrus fruit parts in bound forms (12, 14). In a recent study by Peleg et al. (15), the distribution of bound and free phenolic acids in grapefruit and oranges was quantitated as noted in Tables 1 and 2. In all fruit parts, only small quantities occurred as free acids while most were present in bound forms that could be liberated by hydrolysis. In most cases, the bound hydroxycinnamic acids content was in the following order: ferulic acid > sinapic acid > coumaric acid > caffeic acid. Ferulic acid content was high compared with other acids. Values obtained for caffeic acid were apparently low due to decompositon during hydrolysis (16). Peels contained the major quantity of cinnamic acids when compared to the endocarp, and the flavedo was richer in acids than the albedo. These results were expected in view of the fact that in general, citrus peels contain higher levels of many constituents than the corresponding juice or other edible portions (17). Orange peels contained more cinnamic acids than grapefruit peels but the contents in juice sacs and endocarp of both fruits were similar. A concentration gradient of H C A was observed from the flavedo inward. Therefore, the technological processes to which fruits are exposed and, particularly, during juice extraction may affect the amount of H C A transferred into the juice; thus, affecting the amount of off-flavor precursors in citrus products. The observed concentration of bound forms of cinnamic acids in juice was not affected by the harvest date. However, a trend towards an increase in the content of bound sinapic and coumaric acids (grapefruit and orange) and caffeic (grapefruit) was suggested (15). This may be related to biochemical changes that occur when fruits reach their maximum size and growth is terminated (17). Conversely, the content of free cinnamic acids was reduced as a function of harvest time, though statistical significance was not evident for all cases. It is pertinent to note that, although the content of free ferulic acid decreased during the season, that present at the end of the season still exceeded the flavor threshold level of PVG. This indicates a continual source of potential precursors for the formation of objectional aroma components during processing and storage of juice products. Significance of Ferulic Acid as a Precursor for PVG Tatum et al. (11) identified α-terpineol, 2,5-dimethyl-4-hydroxy3-(2H)-furanone and P V G in stored juices. Detection limits for these compounds in juice were 2.5, 0.1, and 0.075 ppm, respectively (11). When the above three compounds were added collectively to freshly processed single-strength orange juice (SSOJ), they imparted an aged, off-flavor aroma, similar to that observed in stored juice. The most detrimental component was P V G which contributed an old-fruit" or "rotten" flavor to the juice. P V G accumulated during short- (12) and long-term storage of orange juice (18). The accumulation of P V G in orange juice during storage was dependent on time and temperatures. When orange juice was stored at M

In Phenolic Compounds in Food and Their Effects on Health I; Ho, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

In Phenolic Compounds in Food and Their Effects on Health I; Ho, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

31.8 2.0 29.8 3.5 5.1

Peel Albedo Flavedo Juice sacs Endocarp

155.5 24.9 130.6 27.8 24.5

24.3 6.6 17.7 16.7 2.5

10.1 5.8 4.2 11.1 9.8

1.7 1.4 0.3 0.7 1.8

Caffeic Bound Free

Fruits harvested randomly (mid season) from various sections of 4 trees to provide 1 kg material. Values derived from HPLC analyses (300 nm). Flavedo values were calculated.

2.4 1.0 1.4 1.5 0.9

Coumaric Bound Free

Copyright 1991.

4.9 1.5 3.4 0.5 0.3

Ferulic Bound Free

Reprinted with permission from ref. 15.

2.1 1.2 0.9 0.7 0.3

Sinapic Bound Free

Fruit parts

Table 1. Content (mg/kg) of hydroxycinnamic acids (bound and free) in grapefruit

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In Phenolic Compounds in Food and Their Effects on Health I; Ho, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

95.1 46.2 48.9 8.6 10.8

5.4 0.1 5.3 0.1 0.1

Sinapic Free Bound 178.4 27.2 151.8 28.0 21.3

76.7 5.1 71.6 5.3 4.4

7.3 3.5 3.8 3.1 1.8

0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0

Caffeic Bound Free

Fruits harvested randomly (mid season) from various sections of 4 trees to provide 1 kg material. Values derived from HPLC analyses (300 nm). Flavedo values were calculated.

0.5 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0

Coumaric Bound Free

Copyright 1991.

3.2 0.5 2.2 0.1 0.1

Ferulic Free Bound

Reprinted with permission from ref. 15.

Peel Albedo Flavedo Juice sacs Endocarp

Fruit parts

Table 2. Content (mg/kg) of hydroxycinnamic acids (bound and free) in oranges

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elevated temperatures (e.g., 50°C) for more than 3 months (18), P V G decreased, presumably due to its transformation to dimer and trimer forms (19). We have hypothesized that P V G is formed in citrus products from free ferulic acid following its release from bound forms (12). A mechanism by which cinnamic acids are decarboxylated to vinyl phenols has been proposed (20, 21). Laboratory pasteurization of SSOJ increased the content (p < 0.05) of free ferulic acid from 185 μζ/L to 316 ^ g / L (12). Similarly, free ferulic acid content in commercial, pasteurized samples of SSOJ following incubation (28 days) was temperature dependent: 2.9, 3.7, and 9.5 mg/L at 4°, 35°, and 50°C, respectively. These data provide evidence that ferulic acid in orange juice was released from bound forms during storage, and pasteurization of fresh juice accelerates this release. About 200 ppb P V G (more than twice the detection threshold) can be found in commercial single strength orange juice following pasteurization (Figure 2). As little as 14 days of storage of single-strength juice at 35°C resulted in P V G accumulation of more than 3-fold threshold levels. Furthermore, P V G accumulation in stored orange juice was accelerated by the addition of exogenous ferulic acid (Figure 2). Degradation of ferulic acid under similar conditions was evident in model solutions of orange juice (MOJ) incubated with added ferulic acid (12). Concomitantly, the addition of ferulic acid to orange juice resulted in a reduction of aroma quality, most probably due to the accelerated accumulation of P V G (Figure 3). Source of Free Ferulic Acid in Citrus Juice and Mechanisms For Its Release and PVG Accumulation Potential sources of free ferulic acid in oranges and grapefruit are bound forms of the acid; five of them are currently known, namely, feruloylputrescine, feruloylglucose, feruloylglucaric, diferuloylglucaric and feruloylgalactaric acids (see Figure 4) (8, 9, 22, 23). Bound or conjugated forms of ferulic acid, however, depending on the type linkage with ferulic acid, may differ significantly in their ability to serve as precursors for ferulic acid and the resulting objectional aroma of P V G (24). Employing feruloylputrescine and feruloylglucose in MOJ revealed (Figure 5) that the release of ferulic acid following incubation was observed in both cases, but the rate of release was significantly higher during incubation of feruloylglucose. This was anticipated for a glucosyl ester compared to an amide under acidic conditions. It is apparent that in relation to its concentration, feruloylglucose may be particularly important in releasing free ferulic acid and, subsequently, the production of P V G in stored citrus juice. It should be noted that the conversion of the recently isolated feruloylglucaric, diferuloylglucaric or feruloylgalactaric acids (6,7) to free ferulic acid and then to PVG shown in Figure 4 has yet to be demonstrated. Evidence that P V G is formed from ferulic acid was recently provided with MOJ incubated with ferulic acid (25). P V G was not found in M O J

In Phenolic Compounds in Food and Their Effects on Health I; Ho, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.


Hydroxycinnamic Acids in Citrus Fruits I

1 — ferulic acid


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+ ferulic acid








Figure 2. PVG content in single strength orange juice incubated for 14 and 29 days with and without addition of 10 mg/L ferulic acid. (Adapted from ref. 12.) [EMPERAIURE (°C) 35






Figure 3. Hedonic scores given to the aroma of single strength orange juice incubated with and without addition of ferulic acid (F). A value of 1 was assigned for objectional aroma, 5 for the most pleasant, and numbers in-between for other preferences. Values are the mean and SEM of 44 replicates for each data point. *Indicates a significant difference between scores given to samples incubated with ferulic acid versus those incubated without addition of ferulic acid. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 12. Copyright 1988 Institute of Food Technologists.) In Phenolic Compounds in Food and Their Effects on Health I; Ho, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.


Col CH OH 2




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Feruloylglucaric acid


c - OH


Feruloylgalactaric acid OH

coo - c - H I H - C - OH I COOH

Diferuloylglucaric acid


Ferulic acid

FIGURE 4. Possible pathways for the release of free ferulic acid from its bound forms in citrus juice and the degradation to either P V G or vanillin. Dotted lines indicate hypothetical pathways. * Could not be demonstrated in our MOJ experiments.

In Phenolic Compounds in Food and Their Effects on Health I; Ho, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

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Hydroxycinnamic Acids in Citrus Fruits


incubated without ferulic acid. Vanillin, another ferulic acid degradation product, was also detected. A recent study (26) indicated the presence of vanillin in processed orange juice. It has been suggested (20), that upon the decarboxylation of ferulic acid, the obtained P V G is further oxidized to vanillin (Figure 4). However, since vanillin was not produced in MOJ incubated with added PVG, but which did not contain ferulic acid (Peleg et aL, unpublished), one may hypothesize that in citrus juice, ferulic acid is converted to vanillin (retro-aldol) via a direct route without intermediate P V G formation (Figure 4). More importantly, P V G can be formed from ferulic acid under nitrogen atmosphere (20). Nitrogen atmosphere and the presence of butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) did not appear to significantly inhibit P V G accumulation in stored MOJ containing ferulic acid, although the formation of browning products were significantly reduced (25). Further, the presence of C u ions did not stimulate, but rather inhibited P V G accumulation (though stimulated vanillin formation). One may, therefore, hypothesize that P V G is formed from free ferulic acid in citrus juice mainly by ionic mechanisms and factors which affect P V G formation may be different from those of sugar degradation during storage of orange juice. + +

FIGURE 5. Ferulic aid content in model system of orange juice solutions incubated with either feruloylputrescine ( · ) or feruloylglucose (o). Adapted from ref. 24.

Acknowledgments This work was supported by Grant No. 1-1528-88 from BARD, The Untied States - Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund. The collaboration by Mrs. Hanna Peleg, Dr. Benjamin J. Striem, Dr. Joseph Kanner and Dr. Hyoung S. Lee is acknowledged. We thank Dr. Erwin Glotter for helpful suggestions.

In Phenolic Compounds in Food and Their Effects on Health I; Ho, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



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