I Individualized Chemistry Through IAC- The Racine Experience

the Individualized-IAC classroom at Case High School in of making chemistry interesting ... ualized chemistry program based on these learning theory c...
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Ervin L. Forgy a n d Minard E. Bakken J. I. Case High School 7345 Washington Avenue Racine. Wisconsin 53406


Individualized Chemistry Through IACThe Racine Experience

"Are you going to talk today, or can we get right t o work?!" This comment is typical of the students entering the Individualized-IAC classroom a t Case High School in Racine, Wisconsin. The students consider lectures, however short, to be an infringement of their individual learnine time. Thev would rather soend their time doine -exneri. rnents, getting assignments checked, getting help on one of their own specific questions, or even taking a quiz. These students are the product of an individualized approach to chemistry using IAC modules developed a t J. I. Case High School in Racine, Wisconsin.


rial was developed by a group of dedicated educators a t the University of Maryland, addressing themselves to the ideal of making chemistry interesting to more people. The early trial versions were adapted to an individualized program during the summer of 1972 and the program initiated that fall. The IAC Program Marjorie Gardner, Director of IAC, describes the program in the following paragraphs from the preface to "Reactions and Reasons," An Introductory Chemistry Mod..la 3

Philosophy and History The authors of this naner became convinced of the unique value of individualized instruction through their experience with solid sample qualitative a n a l y ~ i s ?Student ~~ enthusiasm indicated that this individualized approach embodied some basic learnine theorv conceDts that mieht be applied to enrich the quality of the entire chemistry course. As identified and formulated these concepts are


The IAC program is investigative, flexible, relevant, interdisciplinary, innovative, and fun. Its primary objective is to popularize chemistrv and to reach out to a much lareer audience of students. The ihterchaneeahle instructional mod;les lend themselves to mini-courses and self-pacing, as well as to conventional teaching systems. With IAC in the classroom, students and teachers themselves can make decisions which relate to content and curriculum development. The intruductury module. "Reactions and Reasons," introduces basic roncaots and skills of rhemstrs. Each subrequcnt module reinforces'and extends the concepts and skills first encountered in the introductorv module. As students oroceed from one module to the next, they will gain understanding of the m i fying concepts which relate the vnrlous areas uf urcanir rhrmictry, inorganic chemistry, biochemistry, nuclear chemistry, physical chemistry,and environmental chemistry. ~

1) the student must be involved.

2) the teacher must answer the questions that the student is



3) the student learns within a unique frame of reference.

In order to become realistically involved, a student must have more lab activities and unstructured work. Further, even though it means answering the same question several times, individual or small group discussion must almost completely replace classroom lectures. Finallv. -.the teacher must eo where the individual student is, rrcugniling that each student comes to the class with n unque background of rxprrienrer, and that meaningful eduratmn is accomplished hy hu~ld~ng un t h ~ fuundafiun. s ~






A declining chemistry enrollment, fewer high school graduates attending college, and society's developing negative attitudes toward science made the implementation of this program more imperative. With the measurahle ohjectives established, and because of the pressure of required standardized testine. -. the selection of suitable readine- and lahoratory material became critical. The "textbook" had to be readable, descriptive, stimulating to the student, and still contain all of the major concepts developed in a traditional chemistry course. The IAC (Interdisciplinary Approaches to Chemistry) modules seemed to fulfill these criteria better than any other textbook-laboratory manual combination available. This mate-



The IAC material is available from Harper and Row in seven individual modules. "Reactions and ReasonsH-AnIntroductory Chemistry Module "Communities of Molecules"-A Physical Chemistry Module "Form and Function"-An Organic Chemistry Module "Diversity and Periodicity"-An Inorganic Chemistry Module "The Heart of Matter''-A Nuclear Module "The Delicate Balance2'-An Environmental Module "Molecules of Living Systems"-A Biochemistry Module

The goal then hecame the implementation of an indi.vidualized chemistry program based on these learning theory concepts. T o determine the degree of success in this implementation, a list of measurable objectives was established. Stimulate student interest and improve student attitude toward chemistry. Increase success in chemistry for wider range of student abilities. Increase chemistry enrollment. Stimulate student use of "textbook." Stimulate development of student responsibility for learning and student self-discipline. Maintain or imorove the coenitive skills as measured hv the Anderscmfisk stnndnrdiwd chemistry test. Improvement in laboratory skills.


Characteristics of the Individualized-IAC Program The Assignment Sheet

An assignment sheet, covering an entire IAC module (about 6-9 weeks work), is handed out with each module. T h e assignment sheet effectively divides the module into a series of short (3-5 davs) - . conce~tualassienments. which is the management h measure men;^ unit of ;;ur indi"idua1ized nrorrarn. The individual assienment sheet includes: (11 ohjectives (attitudes, skills, miknowledge) and (2) activities which will heln the student satisfv the ohiective. As an example



"Reactions and ReasonsM-anintroductory chemistry module.'

~ ~ ~ ~ AdHuman n Activity ~ i ' , ~ h ~ ~ 'Bakken, M., "Investigations and Analysis," Racine: Unified District No. 2Frank,Richard, E., J. CHEM. EDUC., 34,383 (1957). aAtkinson, Gordon, and Heikkinen, Henry, "Reactions and ReaH~~~~~and Row,New York, 1974, p. 8. "IAC Project Team, “Reaction and Reasons," Teachers Guide, Harper and Row, New York, 1974, pp. 111and 112.


Volume 53, Number 5, May 1976 / 309

A) Objectives: At the conclusion of this major section of "Reae-

tions and Reasons," a student should he ahle to 1) Discuss the everyday importance of chemistry (A-I). 2) Observe physical and chemical phenomena and report accuratelv his observations (A-2). 3) ~ist&uish between observition and interpretation (A-2). 4) Classify a number of materials according to stated guidelines (A-3). 5) Devise a classification scheme for a numher of related rnaterials (A-4).

B) Activities: In order to attain the objectives listed above, the following activities are suggested 1) Read A-1. Discuss it with your teacher andlor other students. 2) Do experiment A-2. Discuss your results with your teacher

andlor other students. 3) Study A-3. 4) Do mini-erperimentA-4. Hand in summary of your results and

discuss them with your teacher andlor other students. 5) Ask your teacher for a post-test on A - l through A-4.

As indicated in the example, all activities, all reading assignments, laboratory activities, supplemental worksheets, filmstrips, and discussions are aligned with specific ohjectives. The ohiectives in turn are develo~edwithin a concentual framework. Hence, the students use the IAC module as a tool. readine" a~olicahle sections and com~letineaDDro.. priate'lahs in order to satisfy the objectives of eacg assignment. Ideally, the assignments and the ohjectives within each assignment are logical, consecutive, and conceptual. There is, however, no requirement that each activity or objective within a given assignment, (or every assignment, for that matter) he satisfied in any particular order, so long as all objectives are met prior to completion of the assignment. This allows the student honest choices about his daily activities. Parenthetically, we all have had days when we could not pour a simple solution from one test tube to the next without creating a disaster-the students do too! Within our program the student having such a day simply elects to read, write up notes, or some nonthreatening tasks without having to "fake it" for the benefit of the teacher. By the same token, when mentally and physically prepared to complete several labs, the student does not have to listen to the teacher drone on for 30 minutes before going to work. The instructor has the opportunity to become a motivator to the non-motivated student, an assistance to students with problems, and a stimulus to the students who wish to ao farther. The assianment sheet sets uo the noels and lets the instructor meet the students "wherethey're at." Classroom Management Since the instructor is not ahle to predict the individual needs of 25-30 students during each class period, a unique situation exists in providing all the chemicals, materials, and equipment needed. Having evolved through the "custodM care" stage, when we were trying to get chemicals and glassware for each student on demand, we now consider the occasional empty reagent bottle a short term nuisance. As shown in Figure 1, the chemical rack holds enough reagents to complete any four modules. T h e acids are in 250ml bottles on the slate shelf next to the chemical rack. This shelf also holds a 5-gal or 20.1 hottle of deionized Hz0 and a sink for carrying out dilutions. Each bottle has a numher corresponding to the numher on the shelf. A key-sheet of chemicals speeds the search for reagents. Periodically, the bottles are checked and refilled by either the instructor or a student lah assistant. Due to small size bottles (50-300 ml), there is less danger and/or loss due to contamination or carelessness. Glassware, graduated cylinders, TT holders, 310 / Journal of ChemicalEducation

Figure 1. Student searches chemcal rack for reagents necessary to complete a laboratory assignment

racks, etc., are maintained in a separate cabinet; to he used, cleaned, and returned by the students as needed. You can guess which of the three steps is most frequently ignored by students. The balances (which are covered and bolted to the lab stations), ring stands, and Bunsen burners are maintained a t the lab stations. In summary, while the instructor has precious little time to carry out custodial functions in any chemistry program, the problem becomes insurmountable in an individualized program unless chemicals and materials are readily available to the individual student when needed. Student Evaluation The most often asked question of this program is, "How do you grade the students in your program when they're all doing different things?" Actually, they are not doing different things. They are all doing exactly the same thinglearning chemistry-and the grade hopefully reflects how well they have done this. The significant point is that the instructors evaluation is based on the students success a t achieving the objectives stated on the assignment sheet, and the quantity of assignments completed. This evaluation consists of two mechanical elements: lab grades (andl or daily work) and tests. The vehicle for the lab or daily grade is a "lab notebook," which serves as a communication device with the instructor. In this notebook the student is required to keep a record of (1) reading notes, (2) labs and conclusion, (3) prohlems worked, and (4) notes from filmstrips, etc. In other words, it is a record of all the activities required on the assignment sheet. When the student has completed an assimment (usually 3-5 class dam) the teacher and student review the assigiment togethe; T h e student is questioned on the material relative to the stated ohjectives, and is fully aware that the teacher is making a judgment based on how well the student understands the ohiectives of the assienments. What the student does not realize is that this juigment used to he made a t the kitchen table in the evening without the student present. Whether points, letter grades, or Roman numerals are used, the significant point is that the judgment involves two-way communication a t the time the work is presented.

Figure 2 . A sample or me wsr quesrmns an tarnmarea cams. Ine rest is graded immediately. If funher remediation is necessary an a particular assignment, it is initiated on the spot.

The second element in the student evaluation is a written test (Fig. 2). The test consists of five or six color-coded cards. Each color card tests a different ohjective, and five or six different cards are prepared to test each objective for a total of 25 to 30 cards for each test. Most questions test knowledge, application, interpretation, and problem solving. A few are designed to test skills as well. For example, one question on a physical chemistry test requires the student to read a barometer, a monometer, a thermometer, and then calculate the pressure inside a sealed flask. The student draws his own set of cards, one of each color. Assuming a random distribution, there is one chance in 3125 of two students getting identical tests. This element of chance stimulates interest and seems to decrease the tendency to cheat. Oh yes, students do discuss tests with classmates that have not yet taken them. Although this is not outwardly encouraged it is not discouraged, since each question is based on an ohjective previously stated on the assienment sheet and little additional information can be obtained from a fellow classmate. There are, of course, numerous activities which informally evaluate the students' understanding of concepts. For examole. the . . after the conceDt.of molaritv- is ~resented. . students are expected to prepare many of their own solutions. Solid reagent or standard solutions are made available, and the students are expected to prepare their own solution of proper molarity in the quantity needed. I t is advisable for the teacher to check the students, calculations before the solution is prepared or used. The unmotivated student or the one that just can not seem to get things done on time represents a prohlem in any type of a classroom setting. The problem has been found to be actually no greater in the individualized classroom than in the traditional setting. This type of student is more obvious in an individualized situation, and ideally, if more easily spotted, there is a better prospect for helping this student become productive. Program Evaluation

Although the three year pilot program is completed, and the course has been accepted as a part of the school district's curriculum, patterns and trends are just now beginning to emerge, and a few generalizations can be made. With respect to the measurable ohjectives established for the program, the results appear positive. Student interest and enrollment appears to have been stimulated. Enrollment in the Individualized-IAC Program has been maintained for the oast three vears; while chemistry enrollment in the rest of the districthas decreased. Student attitude has im~roved.Although the IAC attitude survey used throughok the district indicated no significant differences in student attitude, the attitudinal evaluation is based on several behavioral characteristics.

First, there are fewer "drops" from the Individualized-IAC Program than there were under the traditional program. Secondly, the counselors .at Case High have noted, both verbally and in writing,. a marked drop in the number of complaints about chemistry since switching to the Individualized-IAC Program; even though Standardized Test scores indicate that as much basic chemistry is being taught. Thirdly, the students are more open and candid about their constructive criticisms. This is interpreted to mean that the students feel free to speak their minds in a classroom situation that encourages self-expression. With resp.?ct to stimulating student use of the reading material, it was found that the FOG index scores indicated the IAC modules are significantly more readable. More significantly, students report that they do in fact read them! The Individualized-IAC chemistry program may be reaching a wider ability range of students. Although the averages IQ score of the Individualized-IAC classes is slightly lower than the district average for chemistry, it is not significantly different. All Anderson-Fisk scores for the Unified School District.No. 1 chemistry continue to he above national norms; however, as indicated in Tahle 1,success in understanding chemical concepts has significantly increased a t all student ability levels in Individualized IAC. The Individualized-IAC Program seems to impart personal responsibility, self-discipline, and improved study habits to a greater degree than other science programs the authors have taught. The authors reject the philosophy that high school chemistry should be preparation for college on several grounds (the number going to college is decreasing drastically and the philosophy of always preparing for "something else" is defeating), hut admit that increased personal responsihility, self-discipline, and good studv habfor any &dent. its are three-positive ~ducational~outcomes Sufficient content to provide a good chemistry hackeround then becomes "icing on the cake." Students in the Individualized-IAC Program score within the same confidence interval on the Anderson-Fisk Standardized Chemistry Examination as the rest of the school district. (Refer to Tahle 2. Historical data indicate that there was a significant drop in the Anderson-Fisk scores during the first year of the Individualized-IAC Program.) With respect to the rest of the school district, the most significant increases on the Anderson-Fisk Examination have occurred a t the Q1 and Q3 levels. As expected, test results are mixed, but indicate more significant improvement in laboratory skills in Individualized-IAC than in -traditional programs. (You would he amazed how fast the concept of molarity becomes operational when only solid NaOH and concentrated HCI are available after the fifth assignment in the introductory module.) Although not related to the measurable ohjectives it is to note one unexpected henefit of the Individuinteresting -ahzed-IAC . Program. The program costs less to implement and carry out than the traditional chemistry program. Apoarentlv there is less waste of chemicals. and less duolicaLion of iab material and glassware. Table 1.

Andeman-Fisk Chernirtv Testa

Dirrrict Distribution case High Disteburion


Dgta+ourtery of the instructional Division. Research and Development Department of the Unified School District No. 1 of Racine County. a ~ q u i v a l e n tnational percentile rank by year.

Volume 53, Number 5. May 1976 / 311

Table 2.

1Q and Anderron-Firk Chemistry Test Results Expressed as T-Smrer Reported in Relation to National Norms

Table 3. Chemistry Enrollment during the Yaan of misStudy year

1972-73 Data -


l a DATA

95% Confidence School

Average 10



District case


49.2 47.3




End o f Course Chemistry Results District


30.1 26.3

53.0 48.9

52.1-54.0 47.4-50.5

1 9 7 s 7 4 Data l a DATA

95% Confidence School

Average 10









49.2-5 1.2 47.6-50.9

~ n of d Course Chemistry Rerultr District

care 1974-75 Data l a DATA School

Average I D


District Case

118.2 117.6

50.3 49.7

95% Confidence interval

49.2-51.4 48.1-51.3

~ n of d Course cnemlrtry Rerultr District Case

31.0 31.1

54.0 54.3

53.0-55.0 52.6-55.6

~ata-Courtesy of the lnrtructional Division, Research and Deveiopment Department of the Unified School District No. 1 of Racine C6unt~.

Care H.5. School District Total Care % of District Total



159 432 37%

150 390 38%

74-75 164 359 46%

75-76 205 429 48%

is practical, serious consideration is presently being given to the possibilitv of offerine more student choice in selecting the modules and the amount of time spent on them. The class would begin with an introductory period of three to four weeks on the module, "Reactions and Reasons." The purpose of this period of time would he to acquaint the student with the course and menare him for the individualization to come. After doing additional work on the introductorv module. the student would then choose anv of the other four modkes currently being used. He woild also have the o ~ t i o nof spending as much time on each module as he chooses. The &me g&ding procedure would be used which recoenizes both the auality . - and the auantitv of work cornpleted~ Some work has already been done in preparing worksheets, tape and slide programs, and other materials that can he prescribed to correct specific deficiencies. Additional work in this area is underway, and more is planned. A good testing program should provide evaluation, diagnostic .information, immediate feedback to the student, and in general be a good learning experience. The testing program should evaluate skills as well as knowledge. The present program is doing a reasonable job of meeting many of these ohiectives. but other an~roaches. includine comnuter as.. sisted testing, are being considered. Additional-refinement is also needed in evaluating the program. In the area bf student attitudes, a more q u a k t a tive evaluakion would be desirable. With a more careful use of controls, and more frequent administration, the IAC attitude survev mav be helpful. To evaluate the academic achievement of the students a follow-up-study should he conducted to determine the kind of success they are having in their post high school chemistry. This kind of a study could provide a far more significant evaluation than any standardized test.

Plans for Additional Refinement


At present all students work on the same module for approximately the same amount of time. Some work faster and cover more material; others work slower and cover less. The consequence of this is reflected in the student's grade as discussed earlier. Ideally, much more student choice in picking the module to be studied, the prescription of different materials for different students through the use of various diagnostic instruments, a class size of 20 to 24, and an individualized grading system, measuring a student's performance against ability and aptitude, would all be very desirable. However, the authors realized very early in this experiment that what is ideal must be considered in light of what is practical and feasible. Therefore, in terms of what

The teacher who is knowingly not meeting sienificant individual needs in the classroo% must question his teaching methods. However, before any teacher considers an individualized approach to any course of instruction, he must first be convinced that it is indeed a better way to teach. Regardless of the curriculum used, it will not he successful unless the teacher is enthusiastic and committed. Success in individualization first requires a strong conviction and commitment to the concept of individualization, then the selection of appropriate materials, and finally, a strong desire to make the program work by developing the creative and innovative details needed to make the program work in a particular school or setting.

312 / Journal of Chemical Education