I Qualitative Detection of Ba, Sr, and Ca Ions

The alkaline earth group is dificult to separate because the similarity of properties of Ba++,. Ca++, and Sr++ make detection difficult. The follow- i...
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Richard Pariza Route 2, Box 41 Hartland, Wisconsin


Qualitative Detection of Ba, Sr, and Ca Ions

The alkaline earth group is dificult to HISiFe is also available commercially. If Ba++ is separate because the similarity of properties of Ba++, present, a precipitate will form. Filter or centrifuge Ca++, and Sr++ make detection difficult. The followthe BaSiFe, and add 1 M (NHP)$04 to the filtrate. ing procedure was developed which works well with If a precipitate forms which does not dissolve in one Ba++, Ca++, and Sr++ in pairs or combination of the drop of concentrated HCI, Sr++ is indicated. By three. filtering off the SrS04and adding 10 drops of 2 M NH4F With a slight excess of (NH4)2COathe alkaline earths to the filtrate, a cloudy precipitate of Ca++mill form. will precipitate. This precipitate should be washed in dilute INHA)COI. -, - Place 3&50 me: in a small test tube. EDITOR'SNOTE. The author of this note worked out the and d&solve with dilute HCI, aiding an extra d r o ~ : while 8, sophomore in Arrowhead High School, Hart~ d 10 d drops 1 M (NH&S~F~ &d ( N H ~ ) ~ s ~ F scheme ~ land, Wisconsin. He will be a senior in the fall of 1963. His is available commercially but may be made by reacting home laboratory is busy with experiments under on a11 excess of Si with H F to form HzSiFe and then neuadsorption, electrolytic reactions and plans for using CL4-tagged tralizing with NHdOH. The intermediate product gibberellins in a project an plant cancer.

Volume 40, Number 8, August 1963
