Identification of Common Glycosides - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

Ind. Eng. Chem. Anal. Ed. , 1934, 6 (5), pp 382–382. DOI: 10.1021/ac50091a039. Publication Date: September 1934. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Ind. ...
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Vol. 6, No. 5



termination of oxygen and nitrogen (as ammonia) can be arranged because of the activity of the cracking surface in liberating nitrogen in difficultly reducible form, probably m free nitrogen, from the compounds studied. More stable nitrogenous compounds may prove an exception, since Smith and West (4), who have obtained excellent results in the nitrogen analysis of organic compounds containing nitrogen in the ring, and also of nitrogen derivatives of chaulmoogric acid by catalytic hydrogenation ( g ) , have found it desirable to preheat strongly the gases evolved from the

heated sample before passing them over the nickel catalyst. It is proposed t o study this situation further,

LITERATURE CITED (1) Meden, H.ter, Rec. truv. chim., 43, 899-904 (1924). (2) Meulen, H. ter, and Heslinga, J e t “Nouvellea MBthodes d’Andyse Chimique Organique,” pp. 22-31, Dunod, Paris, 1932. (3) Russell, w. w., and Fulton, J. w., IND. ENQ.CREM.,Anal. Ed., 5,384 (1933). (4) Smith, F. L.8 and West, A. p-3 Philippine J . Sei., 31, 265-73 (1926). RECEIVED July 16, 1934.

Identification of Common Glycosides KIRBYE. JACKSONAND WILLIAMM. DE”,


HEREAS many individual tests for the glycosides are

found in the literature, hitherto they have not been applied to all glycosides and no systematic method for their identification has been available. The authors have found that known reactions, modifications of known reactions, and new color reactions with simple reagents will enable one to identify the more common glycosides. The glycosides in Table I are best identified in the order

University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. given. (Picrotoxin, a compound closely related to the glycosides, is included in this study.) In all cases a few milligrams of each are treated at room temperature for about 2 hours with the reagents shown in Table 11, so that effects of all reagents used on these glycosides are now determined and disclosed. (For various confirmatory tests, see especially Merck’s Reagenzien Verzeichnis, 1924.)


Phlorhizin Arbutin, Digitonin Picrotoxin Colocynthin Soillit oxin Amygdalin Salicin Strophanthin Digitalin Convrtllarin Savonin sapotoxin Convallamsrin Absinthin B1 = blue Bk black Br = brown Small letters =






Br Br Y Y Cr brBk dkG brR brBk Blood R dkBr Br Br brY


Ca = carmine Cr = crimson Ch = cherry lighter shades: dk

f Y Y Br Y rBr Br



rBr rBr rBr rBr rBr Y

a Y BrG



g -

Ca Y chR Y


pink pink







k 1



ItY Or, rBr Or,’BrBk


ItY Br


R rBr Br R P R R Ca R rY V Y B ~ R rBr brY

= = =

PER C EIT ~ O F RE- LITERATUR5 RBMARKE REAQENT SOLVENT AGENT (4) Phlorhizin dye8 silk yelDil. AcOH 1 to 5 HIOs low to blood red HzO 1 (11 ) Arbutin becomes blue FeCls (13) Precipitates ad.ditiye comCholesterol Alcohol 10 pound of digitonin Positive in 2 hour8 for Dil. K 3 Fehling’s picrotoxin colooynthin, tartrate and scillitAxin Colore in few minutes Has04 0.5 9) Colors in few minutes Hz0 92 Over HzS04 containing AoOH Trace (8) trace of FeCla /n\ Hz0 26 HNOs l oI (10, 18) Solution in AozO over 100 AcaO conod. Has04 ( 5 ) 1 hour’s standing HzO 85 HaPOi ZnCh 15 per cent H C1 3 ( 1 , 7) Immediate oolors HzSO4 0.05 Immediate colors Urotropin



Br BrR brG


green R = red orange V = violet P purple Y = yellow = dark; It = light: comma = changing to G Or






PERUUSES NEW METHODOF EXTRACTING QUININE FROM CINCHONA.Some publicity has recently been given by the Callao-Lima press t o a more economic method of extracting quinine from the bark of the cinchona plant, which is found in abundance in the jungle regions of Peru. Experiments conducted by Sefior Franciles Zamorra Silva in the laboratories of Sefior Hersino V. Sanchez, at Monzon, Peru, have resulted in a new process of obtaining quinine alkaloids and salts which may greatly affect the local production and exportation of this drug.

LITERATURE CITED Pharm., (3)19,63 (1881). .,25,193(1901);Chem. News, 73,271(1901). Dragendorff, Arch. Pharm., 234,72 (1896). Evans and Deha, J . Am. Chem. SOC.,52,3648(1930). Fltickiger, Jahresber. P h a m . , 39,129 (1911); Merck’s Ber., 51 (1911). Formanek, 2. anal. Chem., 36,409(1887). Jorisaen, Ibid., 19,268 (1871). Keller, Ibid., 36,72 (1887); 38,54 (1889). Mandelin, Ibid., 23,235 (1874). Sagel, Pharm. Zentralhalle, 55,268 (1914). Schiff, Ann., 154, 246 (1870). Venturoli-Veroi, Boll. chim. furm., 48,713 (1909). Windu, 2. physiol. Chem., 65, 110 (1910). RECEIV~PD June 16, 1934.

The production of quinine salts and alkaloids from cinchona bark produced in Peru during the past few years is not e ual t o the local demand. The public health statistics indicate t%at an average of over 2000 cases in the charity hospitals of the city of Lima alone are annually treated with quinine, and epidemics of malaria necessitating its use occur frequently throughout the provincial districts of the Republic. Any method leading to the greater economic production of this drug receives the attention of the Peruvian Government.