The REPIPET Jr. reagent dispenser Unbreakable $29.50 Recommended for: aqueous solutions, water, dilute acids, oils, foods, aliphatic hydrocarbons. Not recommended for: concentrated acids, solvents, bases. The REPIPET Jr. is the most economical semi-automated precision dispenser on the market today. (Precision 0.5%, accuracy 2%.) This all-plastic instrument will serve you well when used as recommended. A chemical resistance chart is included. The REPIPET Jr. is a simple, no-maintenance dispenser with interchangeable parts. L/l supplies 5 and 10 ml sizes with 1,000 ml plastic container. CIRCLE 1 5 2 O N READER SERVICE CARD
The low silhouette REPIPET dispenser For dispensing concentrated acids-any reagent. This new low silhouette REPIPET® dispenser features a convenient 2-opening container. It is one of many L/l dispensers and dilutors entirely safe to use with any reagent except HF. Guaranteed accuracy 1 %, reproducibility 0.1 %. Price of 10 ml model shown is $66.50. CIRCLE 1 5 3 O N READER SERVICE CARD
Order from Labindustries or vour distributor.
1802 Second Street/ Berkeley, California 94710/ Phone (415) 843-0220 ANALYTICAL
C H E M I S T R Y , VOL. 46, NO. 1 1 , SEPTEMBER
1974 ·
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