JUNE 13, Afternoon—J. E. POWERS, Chairman. 10. Donald F. Othmer andHung-Tsung Chen, “Correlating and Predicting Thermodynamic Data—...
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Nineteen papers are scheduled for presentation at the Fourth State-of-the-Art Summer Symposium sponsored by the I&EC Division, Washington, D.C., the Carnegie Institution. Titles and authors for the papers are listed below. Abstracts of the papers will be published next month. Preregistration forms with attendance fees indicated may be found on page 14 of this issue. Make your plans now to attend an outstanding symposium. JUNE 12, Morning-J. J. MARTIN, Chairman 1. H. C. Van Ness, “Thermodynamic Excess Properties of Binary Liquid Mixtures-The

Role of Empiricism” 2. Riki Kobayashi and Harry A. Deans, “Physico-Chemical Measurements by Gas Chromatography” 3. R. H. Jacoby and L. Yarborough, “PVT Measurements on Petroleum Reservoir Fluids and Their Uses’, JUNE 12, Afternoon-J, C. MELROSE, Chairman 4. J. S. Rowlinson, “Molecular Theories of Liquids and Mixtures” 5. Charles A. Eckert, “Molecular Thermodynamics of Chemical Reactions” 6 . J. P. O’Connell and J. M. Prausnitz, “Applications of Statistical Mechanics: Configurational Properties of Fluids and Fluid Mixtures” TUNE 13, Morning-DONALD F. OTHMER, Chairman 7. Joseph J. Martin,“Equations of State” 8. G. M. Wilson, R. G. Clark, and F. Hyman, “Thermodynamic Properties of Cryogenic Fluids-Survey of Existing Data” 9. V. F. Yesavarre. A. E. Mather, D. L. Katz, and J. E. Powers. “EnthalDv of Fluids at Elevated Pressures and Low Tegperatures” JUNE 13, Afternoon-J. E. POWERS, Chairman 10. Donald F. Othmer and Hung-Tsung Chen, “Correlating and Predicting Thermodynamic DataUsing Reference Substance’’ 11. C. H. Deal and E. L. Derr, “Group Contributions in Solutions” 12. J. C. Melrose, “Thermodynamic Aspects of Capillarity” 13. James Wei, “Irreversible Thermodynamics in Engineering” I

CHAIRMAN-ELECT M. R. FENSKE Dept. of Chemical Eng. Pennsylvania State Univ. University Park, Pa.


FRANCESCO DE MARIA American Machine & Foundry 689 Hope St. Springdale, Conn. TREASURER R. N. MADDOX Dept. of Chemical Eng. Oklahoma State Univ. Stillwater, Okla. PROCRAM SECRETARY V. A. FAUVER E. C . Britton Lab. Dow Chemical Co.

Midland, Mich.

COUNCILORS JOSEPH STEWART Esso Research & Eng. P. 0. Box 51 Linden, N. J. NORBERT PLATZER Hydrocarbons & Polymers Division Monsanto Co. Springfield, Mass.


JUNE 14, Morning-SANFORD GORDON, Chairman 14. J. B. Darby, Jr., “The Thermodynamics of Alloys” 15. Stanley Cantor, “Thermodynamic Properties of Molten Salts” 16. P. L. Chueh and J. M. Prausnitz, “Calculation of High Pressure Vapor-Liquid Equilibria” JUNE 14, Afternoon-J. P. O’CONNELL, Chairman 17. Alan S. Myers, “The Adsorption of Gas Mixtures” 18. Frank J. Zeleznik and Sanford Gordon, “Calculation of Complex Chemical Equilibria” 19. L. C. Yen, K. R. Cantwell, and B. L. Giles, “A General-Purpose Physical Data System for Computer Process Calculations” APPLICATION O F OPERATIONAL RESEARCH TO T H E CHEMICAL INDUSTRY

The I&EC Division is cooperating with Dechema (Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Chemisches Apparatewesen) to present a symposium in Frankfurt-am-Main, West Germany, June 2029, 1967. The titles and authors of the 12 papers to be present in this symposium are presented below. Additional information may be obtained from Professor D. J. Wilde, Chem. Eng. Dept. Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. 94305. WEDNESDAY Afternoon, JUNE 21, 1967-F. HORN Presiding 2:00 “Automatic Inventory Control,” D. J. Wilde, Stanford, Calif. 2:30 “Grundlagen und Erfahrungen bei der Anwendung der Netzplantechnik fur die Planung von Chemieanlagen,” W. Kast, Essen, West Germany “Design of an Optimal Branched Storage System,” C. S. Beightler and W. L. Meier, Austin, Tex. U.S.A. 3 :30 “Application of Linear Model-Technique for Chemical Process Design,” S. Komatsu, Tokyo, Japan 4:OO “A Warehouse Location Study in the Chemicals Industry,” B. M. Heath, London, England 4 :30 “Sous-Optimalite en Programmation Dynamique,” L. Thiriet and A. Deledicq, Fontenay-auxRoses, France 3 :00

THURSDAY Afternoon, JUNE 22, 1967-D. J. WILDE Presiding 2:00 “Lernmodelle in der chemischen Technik,” D. Kobelt, Frankfurt (Main)-Hochst, West Germany 2:30 “Experience with Evolutionary Operations,” N. B. Smith, Muscatine, Iowa 3 :00 “Optimierung von Auslegung und Montage von Beschichtungsanlagen,”W. Seliger 3:30 “The Propagation of Disaster through Weakly Connected Systems,” A. Masso and D. F. Rudd, Madison, Wis. 4 :00 “Optimal Replacement and Maintenance Policies for Parts of a Papermachine,” R. P. King, Durban, Natal, South Africa 4:30 “Computer Estimation of Physical Properties by Minimum Error Analysis,” George H. Harris, Cambridge, Mass.


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